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Alternate Work Schedule

Based on employer policy, some employees may arrive and depart at varying times of the day, beyond a pre-set core period/work shift (e.g., 10 am to 3 pm). At management’s discretion, the flexible period may vary from day to day or the choice may become more permanent. To qualify for alternative work hour privileges, employees continue to work the required number of hours per week or per pay period. There are several possible schedules.

Alternative work schedule options include, but are not limited to:

  • Staggered work hours: Workers and/or management choose arrival and departure times, but must report at the same time each day and hours must include a core period to allow some daily inter-action with co-workers. Punctuality is still required.

  • Flexible hours: Each day, workers vary their start and ending times and the length of the lunch break, within management guidelines.

  • Compressed work week includes:
    • 4/10 or 4/40 schedule: Employees work four 10-hour days instead of five 8-hour days.
    • 9/80 schedule: A two-week period in which employees work 80 hours in nine days with one day off, generally Friday or Monday.
    • 4.5-day week: Employees work four nine-hour days and one four-hour day. The half-day off may be scheduled on Friday or any day approved by the supervisor.
Flextime benefits the employees and employers:
  • Personal control over their schedules
  • Opportunity to adjust work schedules to meet personal needs
  • Less traffic congestion and fewer delays
  • Opportunity to work at personal peak times
  • Flexibility to take care of personal business
  • Less stress
  • More job satisfaction

Flextime benefits your employer by:

  • Expanding business hours for local customers
  • Enhancing ability to work with other time zones
  • Offering flexibility to workers who need different schedules
  • Increasing ability to attract new employees
  • Providing additional cost-free benefit
  • Reducing tardiness and absences
  • Decreasing personnel turnover
  • Improving productivity and morale
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  Department of Transportation
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  Trenton, NJ 08625-0600
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  Last Updated:  January 30, 2004