Office of Thrift Supervision

Closed for Comment

12/19/02 to 3/19/03

Removal, Suspension, and Debarment of Accountants from Performing Audit Services -- Joint Proposed Rule (No. 2002-58) .


March 10, 2003 - 5:07 PM
Comment Letter 2, Removal, Suspension, Debarment of Accountants NPRM 2002-58, Arnold & Porter (Stephen Sacks), Washington, DC

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March 7, 2003 - 10:42 AM
Comment Letter 1, Removal, Suspension, Debarment of Accountants NPRM 2002-58, America's Community Bankers (Charlotte Bahin), Washington, DC

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March 5, 2003 - 11:04 AM
Nutter McClennen & Fish (Kenneth Ehrlich), Boston, MA

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