Energy Services Bulletin banner
Vol. 26, No. 11, November 2007

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In this issue
bullet Energy Services Bulletin home page
bullet Community colleges fill need for trained wind technicians
bullet LADWP explores O&M options for utility-owned wind facilities
bullet Western seeks customers for cost-share wind integration study
bullet Topics from the Power Line:
Answering questions about wind power
bullet Web site of the month:
Online wind resources
bullet Calendar of events

Web site of the month: Online wind resources

Wind Powering America logo
Public Renewables Partnership logo
AWEA logo
Utility Wind Integration Group logo

In case you hadn't noticed, the November Energy Services Bulletin is dedicated to wind power—not simply wind projects, but the business issues associated with a growing, mainstream energy resource. That is a lot of material for one Web site to tackle, so this issue will highlight a number of useful, wind-related Web sites.

DOE Wind Program

The U.S. Department of Energy's Wind and Hydropower Technologies program is a good place to get the basics. You'll learn how a wind turbine works, the history of wind power, wind power's advantages and disadvantages, U.S. wind energy potential and current research. Utilities will find the list of Consumer FAQs helpful for answering customer questions and some of their own, as well.

The Wind Powering America Initiative, part of DOE's wind and hydro program, goes beyond education to encourage the dramatic increase of wind energy use in the United States. The site lists state and regional activities, turbine siting information, tribal activities and resources for agricultural development and publicly-owned power providers.

American Wind Energy Association

Continue your wind education with the American Wind Energy Association. AWEA's mission is to promote wind power growth through advocacy, communication and education. Check out the fact sheets, tutorials and comprehensive listings of projects by state. The events section lists AWEA and other industry gatherings where wind newcomers and veterans can meet, network and expand their knowledge about the latest industry developments.

Public Renewables Partnership

Inspired by all the advantages and opportunities wind power offers, your utility is ready to add this renewable resource to its portfolio. To build, buy direct or purchase renewable energy credits, those are the next questions. The Public Renewables Partnership can help you decide which option is right for you. PRP Tools connect visitors with resources to help in the decision-making process. A collection of case studies by individual utilities and on specific technologies offers real-world examples and lessons learned.

True to its name, the PRP facilitates partnerships to help utilities adopt renewable resources. The Partnership Opportunities Program helps consumer-owned utilities team up for projects such as applying for a grant, structuring a peer-match, conducting a workshop or facilitating transmission studies, among other possibilities. 

Utility Wind Interest Group

Your research and networking with the PRP led to the conclusion that building a wind turbine or buying from a nearby facility is a viable choice for your utility. Now comes the challenge of integrating that wind power with your other generation sources, and that is where the Utility Wind Integration Group can help. UWIG brings together utilities, Federal agencies, trade associations and industry research organizations to promote wind power integration into the electrical system.

Visitors can download a variety of operational studies and wind integration studies without joining the group. Member benefits include training opportunities, cost-sharing programs with Federal and private organizations and collaborative research projects on topics related to wind power on utility power systems.

Members also have the chance to research issues in depth by participating in UWIG user groups. Topics the groups cover include operating impacts and integration studies, wind plant modeling and interconnection studies, distributed wind applications, market operation and transmission policy best practices and wind turbine operations and maintenance.

Wind on renewables sites

Like the PRP, organizations promoting renewables in general provide wind power information. The Interstate Renewable Energy Council has a Small Wind Energy program to provide a forum for information exchange on small wind issues. Other IREC programs, such as Workforce Development and Connecting to the Grid address issues that apply to all renewable resources.

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory has a wind research program and operates the National Wind Energy Center. Wind research at NREL is divided into two categories: turbine research and development, and technology applications and testing.

No overview of wind resources on the Internet would be complete without a visit to Western's Energy Services Web site. Visit our Renewable Energy Resources page to learn more about government policy, green power markets, state activities, funding opportunities and more. You will also find links to renewable resource maps and data.

Note: If there is an energy- or utility-related Web site that you find especially useful, let us know. Contact the editor with your suggestion for Web site of the Month.

Please visit our home page at

Vol. 26, No. 11
November 2007

bullet DOE Wind and Hydropower Technologies
bullet DOE wind power basics
bullet DOE wind consumer FAQs
bullet DOE Wind Powering America Initiative
bullet WPA public power resources
bullet American Wind Energy Association
bullet AWEA fact sheets
bullet AWEA wind tutorials
bullet AWEA map of wind projects by state
bullet AWEA events calendar
bullet Public Renewables Partnership
bullet PRP Tools
bullet PRP individual utility case studies
bullet PRP specific technology case studies
bullet PRP Partnership Opportunities Program
bullet Utility Wind Integration Group
bullet UWIG operational studies
bullet UWIG wind integration studies
bullet UWIG membership benefits
bullet UWIG user groups
bullet IREC Small Wind Energy program
bullet IREC Workforce Development program
bullet IREC Connecting to the Grid program
bullet NREL wind research program
bullet National Wind Energy Center
bullet Energy Services renewable energy resources
bullet Energy Services renewable resource maps and data
bullet Energy Services Bulletin editor