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National Weather Service
Professional Development Series
Professional Competency Unit

Administrative Support Assistant

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PCU 1: Time and Attendance

Producer: Ellen Green, ERH

Description of Job Duty Competency to be Achieved

Ability to prepare and transmit accurate time and attendance reports for National Weather Service (NWS) employees.

Description of Need

Preparing/transmitting accurate time and attendance reports is needed to ensure prompt payment of NWS employees.

Specific Job Task Skills and Knowledge

1. Interpret and apply leave and pay regulations:

  • Premium pay.
  • All leave categories.
  • 2. Administer the Time and Attendance program.

    3. Audit and resolve time and attendance discrepancies.

    Instructional Components

    Instructional Component 1.1: Complete the NOAA course on Time and Attendance for New ASAs. MASC (POC: Susan Cuff) offers this course for MASC employees and will take employees from other regions on a space available basis. [all] (strongly recommended)

    Instructional Component 1.2: Participate in a shadowing/mentoring program where a new ASA is assigned an experienced ASA at another office as close in proximity as possible. [all]

    Instructional Component 1.3: Participate in time and attendance refresher training for existing NWS ASAs and ASAs transferring from other agencies. NOAA (POC: Renita Richardson, NOAA/OFA) provides a 2-day course. This training may also be offered via a condensed 4-hour teletraining session during regional ASA meetings. [primarily 2]

    Instructional Component 1.4: Review or reference the web pages from the following agencies: [all]

  • National Finance Center (USDA/NFC)
  • Office of Personnel Management (OPM)
  • Central Administrative Support Center
  • Eastern Administrative Support Center
  • Mountain Administrative Support Center
  • Western Administrative Support Center
  • Instructional Component 1.5: Review or reference the web pages from your regional Administrative Management Division (AMD). [all]

  • NWS Alaska Region
  • NWS Central Region
  • NWS Eastern Region
  • NWS Pacific Region
  • NWS Southern Region
  • NWS Western Region
  • Instructional Component 1.6: Review or reference time and attendance, premium pay and leave administration manuals available on World Wide Web (WWW). [all]

  • Pay and leave handbooks, FAQs, other information
  • Recent compensation and leave decisions
  • Instructional Component 1.7: Review or reference the on-line regional Administrative Management Guide. [all]

    Return to Administrative Support Assistant PDS page

    Last updated or reviewed on 8/28/03