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National Weather Service
Professional Development Series

Severe Convection Forecasting and Warnings

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Executive Producer: Ed Mahoney, Warning Decision Training Branch (WDTB)

The goals of this PDS are two-fold. First, to outline the scientific process and provide suggested job tasks or methodologies that should be employed in the forecasting of severe convection. Second, to provide a guide to current convective-related training material which addresses specific job skills needed to issue severe warnings for convective weather. This PDS was modified by a team of NWS SOOs, NSSL researchers, and NWS training representatives in March, 2002.

Professional Competency Units

This Professional Development Series (PDS) includes the Professional Competency Units (PCUs) listed below. Click on a unit to see details.

  • PCU 1: Optimizing Office Strategies
  • PCU 2: Assessing Climatology
  • PCU 3: Assessing the Synoptic-Scale Environment
  • PCU 4: Assessing the Mesoscale Environment
  • PCU 5: Analyzing the Structure of Convective Storms
  • PCU 6: The Warning Decision
  • PCU 7: Composing and Disseminating
  • PCU 8: Monitoring
  • PCU 9: Post-Event Assessment

  • Return to the Master NWS PDS Page

    Last Updated 02/21/2003