National Weather Service
Professional Development Series
Professional Competency Unit

Quantitative Precipitation Forecasting

PCU 6: Prepare QPF

Producer: TBD

Description of Job Duty Competency to be Achieved

Integrate local analysis of observational data, guidance, verification feedback, user needs, and knowledge of climatology to specify a precipitation forecast.

Description of Need

Forecasters must be able to integrate all available information to produce a final QPF. The product must be packaged in a format that customers can use. The forecast should be consistent with other forecast products.

Specific Job Task Skills and Knowledge

1.Knowledge of various user needs, significant precipitation thresholds and desired forecast format: (e.g., probabilistic/deterministic, spatially averaged/point, etc.)

2.Use computer-aided operational forecasting procedures to produce QPF

3.Apply knowledge of climatology to quality assure QPF amounts.

4.Ability to incorporate verification information and service validation to improve the precipitation forecast process.

5.Ability to monitor QPE and update QPF as needed.

Instructional Components

Instructional Component 6.1: QPF Residence Courses: Importance of Understanding Customer Needs.Various COMET QPF residence courses and related Webcasts will address the issue of the need for local forecasters to develop an awareness of various customers= needs and how they drive the final QPF format.

Instructional Component 6.2: Station-led Training: Local offices could provide examples of cases illustrating various internal and external customer QPF requirements.

Instructional Component 6.3: Station-led Training: Regional/Local QPF Issues.�� Geographically/topographically-similar groups of field offices could hold teletraining sessions highlighting customer needs and forecasting methods unique to their region.

Instructional Component 6.4: Mechanism TBD: QPF Forecast Methodology. Training on the use of computer-aided operational forecasting procedures to produce QPF.

Instructional Component 6.5: Residence Course: RFC/HPC Hydrometeorology Course.This course will include training in the judgmental processes of PQPF.

Instructional Component 6.6: Mechanism TBD: Verification and Service Validation.Training will be developed on how to interpret and use verification information and user feedback to improve skill.

Instructional Component 6.7: Precipitation Climatology Database: Local Climatological Guidance.The local climatological database (see IC 1.1) can be used to quality assure precipitation forecasts.

Instructional Component 6.8: Residence Courses: COMAP Symposia on Heavy Precipitation and Flash Flooding and RFC/HPC Hydrometeorology Course.Lectures and labs in these courses will address the complete forecast process, which includes preparing the forecast, packaging it for users, and forecasting QPF.

Instructional Component 6.9: Bibliography: An on-line bibliography/glossary of various precipitation-related reports could be provided.

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Last Reviewed or Updated on 09/26/01