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National Weather Service
Professional Development Series
Professional Competency Unit

Integrated Sensor Training

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PCU 5: Using Radar Data and Products

Producer: John Ferree, OSF/WDTB

Description of Job Duty Competency to be Achieved

Effectively operate and fully utilize WSR-88D data for operational weather forecasting.

Description of Need

To improve their efficiency and accuracy when forecasting weather phenomena and issuing warnings for severe weather events, forecasters should know how to maximize the use of WSR-88D data. Understanding the strengths, limitations, and applications of WSR-88D data is an important factor in successfully detecting hazardous weather phenomena. Moreover, optimization of various WSR-88D products can impact radar observations which are critical to operational forecasting and warning decisions.

Specific Job Task Skills and Knowledge (KSAs)

1. Display and manipulate WSR-88D products using the AWIPS workstation.

2. Describe the basic equipment groups (and primary components) of the WSR-88D system and the functions they perform.

3. Describe the processes by which the WSR-88D estimates precipitation and the potential error sources involved in these processes.

4. Describe the processes by which Doppler velocity information is obtained by the WSR-88D.

5. Describe base data generation processes.

6. Identify inherent limitations in pulsed Doppler radar and show how operators can mitigate data ambiguities on associated products.

7. Interpret various large and small-scale Doppler velocity patterns and their corresponding meteorological conditions.

8. Interpret all base and derived products of the WSR-88D including:

  1. Specific characteristics of Base and Derived products
  2. Strengths and limitations of Base and Derived products
  3. Specific operational applications of Base and Derived products

9. Describe basic systems operations, communication aspects, and control of system components (such as the ORPG) of the WSR-88D.

10. Identify the fundamental relationships and physical processes that buoyancy and vertical wind shear have on convective storm structure, type, and evolution.

11. Identify environmental characteristics, conceptual models, and radar signatures associated with the spectrum of convective storms.

12. Identify contributing factors of discrete azimuthal sampling that may distort mesocyclone and TVS signatures.

13. Identify typical 3-D storm-relative velocity signatures associated with stages of mesocyclone core evolution.

14.Choose the appropriate volume scan strategy for any given weather situation.

15. Recognize impacts of vertical sampling resolution on algorithm performance.

16. Identify strengths and limitations of using WSR-88D in winter weather situations.

17. Understand the role of using WSR-88D data in the severe weather warning process (see also Severe Convective Professional Development Series (especially PCU 4,5,6,7, and 8) such as:)

  1. The variables which influence the warning decision
  2. The concept of situational awareness
  3. Aspects of effective decision making

18. Employ effective strategies for optimizing data quality such as using:

  1. Proper settings of Nominal Clutter Area
  2. Proper settings of Clutter Suppression
  3. Proper settings of PRF
  4. Proper settings of adaptable parameters

Instructional Components (with corresponding KSAs addressed)

5.1: Forecasters should complete the training module, Radar Applications Using AWIPS, a Web-based training module that describes basic functionality and characteristics of using radar products, and WarnGen on the AWIPS workstation. (1) (1) [WDTB]

5.2: Forecasters should complete Introduction to the WSR-88D a Web-based training modulethat provides a system description covering the equipment groups (RDA, Wideband Communications, ORPG, and Users) and their primary subcomponents. (2) (2) [WDTB]

5.3: Forecasters should complete Principles of Meteorological Doppler Radar, comprised of a Web-based precursor module and three 3-hour teletraining sessions. Topics covered are Precipitation Estimation, Signal Processing, Base Data Generation, and Mitigation of Data Ambiguities. (3-6)

5.4: Forecasters should attend Velocity Interpretation, a 2-hour teletraining session which focuses on methods for interpreting large and small scale velocity patterns, and horizontal discontinuities (e.g. fronts). (7,8,13) (7,13) [WDTB]

5.5: Forecasters should attend Base and Derived Products, a series of three 3-hour teletraining sessions. This instructional component will present the full suite of Base and Derived Products and their applications. The sessions will also present relevant information on the algorithms that generate the various products and displays. (8)

5.6: Forecasters should complete the training on the ORPG, which includes a CD-ROM and the Electronic Performance Support System (ERSS). The CD-ROM provides a basic familiarization of the ORPG funtions. (9)

5.7: Forecasters should complete teletraining sessions on Convective Storm Structure and Evolution, a training package that includes instruction on understanding fundamental parameters such as buoyancy, vertical wind shear and cold pools, and propagation and evolution of convective storms. (10,11)

5.8: Forecasters must complete one WES simulation with the Training Officer using the Interval Based simulation method. An objective evaluation guide will be used to help the TO/trainee assess areas where additional instruction is needed. (11,13,14,15,17)

5.9: Forecasters will attend a 3 1/2 day residence workshop designed to culminate the WSR-88D Distance Learning Operations Course (DLOC). Topics include:

  1. Identification of severe thunderstorm features using radar and integrated sensor techniques. (13)
  2. Mesocyclone and TVS recognition, radar detection of large hail, sampling considerations, and winter weather applications. (12,13,14,15,16)
  3. Discussion of Warning Decision Making issues, along with student participation in Weather Event Simulator (WES) cases and mini warning decision making exercises. (17)
  4. WSR-88D optimization and future evolution. (18)


Evaluation 5.1: 5 objective-based written exams, covering objectives (KSAs) used in the WSR-88D Distance Learning Operations Course (DLOC), plus an AWIPS Radar Proficiency Exam will be used to evaluate student performance. DLOC completion certificates are issued to students who score a minimum average of 70% for all Exams.

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Last reviewed or updated on 3/15/02