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National Weather Service
Professional Development Series
Professional Competency Unit

Interactive Forecast Preparation System (IFPS)

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PCU 4: Collaboration

Producer: Shannon White and Brian Motta

Description of Job Duty Competency to be Achieved

Know how to utilize various tools and techniques to conduct both inter- and intraoffice collaboration.

Description of Need

Forecast weather elements need to be well coordinated both between offices and within an office. Well coordinated forecast elements will be highly important as a seamless gridded database becomes the backbone of the NWS product suite.

Specific Job Task Skills and Knowledge

  1. Understand the difference between coordination and collaboration.
  2. Become knowledgeable of the tools available for collaboration.
  3. Understand how the collaborative process works among the various offices and centers.
  4. Learn when and how to conduct a collaborative session within a cluster of offices.
  5. Understand how to utilize guidance from national centers in the collaborative process.
  6. Know the triggers that would mandate a collaborative session among offices/centers.
  7. Learn the how and why of maintaining meteorological consistency within an office's product suite.
  8. Acquire techniques for conflict resolution which will enhance the collaborative process.

Instructional Components

Instructional Component 4.1: View webcast session on collaboration - "IFPS/GFE TeleTraining: Collaboration in the NDFD Era."

  1. Collaboration in the NDFD Era.
    a. VISITview downloads
    b. Powerpoint Slides

Instructional Component 4.2: Attend a teleconference question-and-answer session based on the collaboration webcast.

Instructional Component 4.3: Complete web-based module(s) on collaboration.

  1. Using 12Planet. This tutorial is on setting up and using 12Planet (one to planet) as a forecast collaboration tool.

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Last Updated or Reviewed on 05/21/03