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National Weather Service
Professional Development Series
Professional Competency Unit

Interactive Forecast Preparation System (IFPS)

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PCU 2: Operator Interface

Producer: Scott Reynolds and Bob Hamilton

Description of Job Duty Competency to be Achieved

Develop knowledge and skills to operate of all components of the Interactive Forecast Preparation System (IFPS) to create forecast products.

Description of Need

As the NWS moves toward a gridded forecast database, forecasters need to have a solid working knowledge of all components of the IFPS. In order to effectively and efficiently produce forecasts via IFPS (both gridded and legacy forecast products), forecasters need to have a solid, working knowledge of all components of the IFPS.

Specific Job Task Skills and Knowledge

  1. Understand how the model data is transformed into the gridded data, and then how that gridded data is transformed into the various components of the NWS Information Suite.
  2. Apply IFPS system knowledge to best determine which grid editor component or components will most effectively create or modify a given forecast grid.
  3. Utilize all available capabilities within the various grid editors.
  4. Customize IFPS to meet the needs of the individual forecaster, and/or specific forecast operations.

Instructional Components

Instructional Component 2.1: Forecast Data Transmission

Each of the data transformations available within IFPS will be described via currently available and future web resources.

Instructional Component 2.2: Digital Data Editing Techniques

This module will present many of the editing techniques available within the various components of IFPS. Web-based training modules are already available from the NWS Training Center (NWSTC), Forecast Systems Laboratory (FSL) and the Meteorological Development Laboratory (MDL) for each component of IFPS. Those modules include descriptions of all elements in each component and detailed "how-to" training information. FSL also maintains a web-based document discussing essential GFE grid editing techniques.


GFE grid editing techniques
Build 5.1.2 Users Guide Build 5.1.2 GFE Suite Training Guide

Build 5.1.2 GFE Suite

Build 10 Users Guide Build 10 GFE Suite Training Guide

Build 10 GFE Suite

Build 11 Users Guide Build 11 GFE Suite Training Guide

Build 11 GFE Suite

Build 12 Users Guide Build 12 GFE Suite Training Guide

Build 12 GFE Suite

Description and training information will be also developed for all new IFPS components.

This IC should be utilized extensively in conjunction with PCU 3 (Forecast Methodology).

Instructional Component 2.3: How to Utilize Smart Tools and Procedures.

This component will examine how Smart Tools work and how to determine optimal usage of Smart Tools. IC 2.3 will also be accomplished in conjunction with the Smart Tool ICs within PCU 4 (Local Applications).

Smart Tools and Forecaster Needs.
Build 5.1.2 Smart Tools Training Guide Build 11 Smart Tools Training Guide
Build 10 Smart Tools Training Guide Build 12 Smart Tools Training Guide

Instructional Component 2.4: Individual Customization.

This component will examine how individuals can customize the GFE component of IFPS. This includes software configuration (i.e. map backgrounds, sample points, procedures, etc.). FSL's web-based GFE customization documentation already addresses this information need.

Build 5.1.2GFESuite Configuration Guides Build 11 GFE Suite Configuration Guides
Build 10 GFE Suite Configuration Guides Build 12 GFE Suite Configuration Guides

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Last Updated or Reviewed on 10/30/02