National Weather Service
Professional Development Series
Professional Competency Unit

Assimilating Hydrometeorological Data

PCU 3: Produce Hydrometeorological Forecast Fields

Producer: Tim Helble - Hydrologic Services Division
Office of Climate, Water, and Weather Services

Description of Job Duty Competency to be Achieved

Apply an understanding of meteorology and assimilation/forecast tools to produce hydrometeorological forecast fields for use in hydrologic models.

Description of Need

Quality hydrometeorological forecast data are critical inputs to hydrologic modeling at both WFOs and RFCs.

Specific Job Task Skills and Knowledge

1. Interpret available guidance (e.g. HPC, model) and resolve discontinuities as necessary to create hydrometeorological fields.

2. Use available tools to create hydrometeorological forecast fields.

3. Understand impact of hydrometeorological forecast fields as applied to hydrologic models, including how this is accomplished through the FMAP, FMAT, and MAPE preprocessors and the merging of the FMAP time series with MAPs and MAPXs in the OFS.

Instructional Components

Instructional Component 3.1: - Web Module (Proposed): Hydrometeorological Forecast Field Assimilation At RFCs. This module will describe how to produce hydrometeorological forecast fields when performing the RFC HAS function. Included will be use of:

  • current QPF assimilation software (e.g., N-AWIPS mapping program [NMAP])
  • current temperature forecast procedures
  • Instructional Component 3.2: - Documentation (Proposed): QPF Assimilation Software. A section of the documentation for nationally-supported software used for production of gridded forecast fields (e.g., NMAP) will describe the special features of the current software used for QPF assimilation at RFCs. Interim Technique Procedure Bulletins from NCEP on this functionality will be made available on-line.

    Instructional Component 3.3: Web Module (Proposed): QPFs and the Hydrometeorological Prediction Center. This module will describe how forecasters at the NCEP's Hydrometeorological Prediction Center (HPC) develop QPFs. It will explain how HPC forecasters determine confidence levels for their forecasts and under what situations RFC forecasters can improve over HPC QPFs.

    Instructional Component 3.4: - Workshop: RFC HAS Function. A portion of this workshop provides an overview of the software currently used in assimilating QPFs for submission to the operational forecast system. Case study exercises are provided.

    Instructional Component 3.5: - Web Module (Under Development): Assessing Hydrometeorological Inputs to A Hydrologic Modeling System. The first part of this Web-based module will include a description of how input forecast fields (e.g., FMAP, FMAT) are aggregated by NWSRFS preprocessors prior to their use in the hydrologic modeling process. The second part will include a discussion of the sources of error in forecast data fields. The third part will include a discussion on the potential impacts of forecast data fields on the hydrologic modeling process.

    Instructional Component 3.6: - Various Training Mechanisms: PCU #6, Quantitative Precipitation Forecasting PDS: Prepare QPF. This PCU describes how to use computer-aided operational forecasting procedures to integrate local analysis of observational data, guidance, verification feedback, service assessment, and knowledge of climatology to specify into a precipitation forecast.

    Instructional Component 3.7: On-Station Training: Regional/Local HAS Workshops. These workshops may include discussions on use of current regional or local QPF assimilation software.

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    Last Reviewed or Updated on 2/21/01