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National Weather Service
Office of Climate, Water, and Weather Services
Training Division

Forecaster Development Program

decorative red line

Revised February 2007: Click here to see latest updates.

I.   Organizational Structure and Administration


Be knowledgeable of the overall general mission and structure and administrative aspects of the Federal Government, National Weather Service (NWS) and its parent government agency, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

Knowledge and Skills

Instructional Components

  1. Review NWS Instruction 20-103 : Forecaster Development Program
  2. New Employee Orientation Home Page. This site was created to help new employees become familiar with the NWS organizational structure and operations. A key feature of the orientation program is the Buddy Program whereby the new employee is matched up with another employee who can serve as a point of contact to answer questions concerning general office policies and procedures.
  3. Review Personnel and Administration Policies:
    1. Working with your local administrative assistant, management team, and the NOAA Workforce Management Office (WFMO) to discuss the following administrative aspects of government service and how it relates to your position.
  1. Review NOAA policy: Use of Government Computer
  2. Discuss the following electronic communication and reporting systems with your Science Operations Officer (SOO), Information Technology (IT) specialist or Electronic System Analyst (ESA):
  3. Introduction to NOAA and the NWS [NWSTC - NWS Learning Center]
  4. NWS Directives [NWSTC - NWS Learning Center]

II.  Observational Instrumentation, Remote Sensing, Interpretation and Data Management


Identify, operate (as required), and apply various observational data sets to all NWS programs. Be familiar with local data management procedures and participate in data collection processes.

Knowledge and Skills

Instructional Components

  1. Quality Control [NWSTC WBT-001] - This module has been removed and is undergoing a revision review (01/16/09).
  2. ASOS System and Algorithms [ASOS Users Guide, NWSTC web]
  3. SHEF Observations Tutorial [NWSTC - NWS Learning Center]
  4. Skew-T Mastery [COMET - NWS Learning Center]
  5. WSR-88D DLOC [WDTB]
  6. Factors Affecting the Accuracy and Continuity of Climate Observations [OCWWS Climate Services Division – web (Climate PDS, PCU6)]
  7. Rain Gauges: Are They Really Ground Truth? [COMET – NWS Learning Center]
  8. Surface Observation Certificate [as required]
  9. Upper Air Certification [Handbook 10, MicroArts/RRS Training Guide, RRS DVD] (as required)
  10. Cooperative Observing Program [NWSTC RTMs, residence course] (as required)
  11. Satellite Training - SHyMet Intern Course [VISIT - NWS Learning Center]

III.  Forecast Process


Be knowledgeable in the ability to diagnose and analyze the current and future state of the atmosphere to produce products and deliver services to accomplish the mission of the NWS.  

Knowledge and Skills

Instructional Components

  1. The Forecast Process [COMET CD]
  2. Jet Streak Circulations [COMET – NWS Learning Center]
  3. Isentropic Analysis [COMET – NWS Learning Center]
  4. Model Fundamentals [COMET – NWS Learning Center]
  5. Impact of Model Structure and Dynamics [COMET – NWS Learning Center]
  6. How Models Produce Precipitation and Clouds [COMET – NWS Learning Center]
  7. Influence of Model Physics on NWP Forecasts [COMET – NWS Learning Center]
  8. Intelligent Use of Model-Derived Products [COMET – NWS Learning Center]
  9. Understanding Data Assimilation [COMET – NWS Learning Center]
  10. Introduction to Ensemble Prediction [COMET - NWS Learning Center]
  11. Review NWS Directives on national guidance products (as required)
    1. NWSI 10-504 National Public Weather Products – (includes PREEPD, PMDHMD, PMDSPD, PMDEPD, Ultravilot Index, surface progs, surface temps)
    2. NWSI 10-512 National Severe Weather Products (SPC)
    3. NWSI 10-514 National Winter Weather Products (HPC which includes heavy snow and icing discussions and probalistic forecasts)
    4. NWSI 10-601 Tropical Products (TPC)
    5. NWSI 10-516 National Non-Precipitation Products (HPC products which includes day 3-7 heat index text and graphical products)
    6. NWSI 10-518 National Non-Weather Related Emergency [HPC – includes HYSPLIT policy, fallout winds (FOF)]
    7. NWSI 10-930 National Hydrologic Products [HPC which includes excessive rainfall (ERD), 6h QPF (Day 1-3), 24h QPF (Day 1-3), QPF (PFD product)]
  12. Gridded Forecasts Methodology Training using the Graphical Forecast Editor (GFE) [NWSTC - web, local training]
  13. Application of GFE Smart Tools [NWSTC - web, local training]
  14. Collaboration Training [local training]

IV. Forecast Science and Operational Programs


Be knowledgeable of  NOAA’s National Weather Service (NWS) operational programs and the application of meteorological and hydrologic knowledge, skills, and science to the attainment of program goals.

Knowledge and Skills

From the list of NWS programs below, you need to be able to:

NWS Programs

Instructional Components

  1. Severe Weather Warnings
    1. NWSI 10-511 WFO Severe Weather Products
    2. Principles of Convection I: Buoyance and CAPE [COMET – NWS Learning Center]
    3. Principles of Convection II: Using Hodographs [COMET – NWS Learning Center]
    4. Principles of Convection III: Shear and Convective Storms [COMET – NWS Learning Center]
    5. Severe Convection II: Mesoscale Convective Systems [COMET - NWS Learning Center]
    6. Predicting Super Cell Motion Using Hodograph Techniques [COMET - NWS Learning Center]
    7. Lightning Meteorology I [VISITview with audio]
    8. Lightning Meteorology II [VISITview with audio]
    9. Advanced Warning Operations Course (AWOC) [WDTB - web based and instructor led training]
  2. Public
    1. NWSI 10-503 WFO Public Weather Forecast Products (ZFP, AFM, PFM, AFD, SFP, CCF)
    2. NWSI 10-506 Digital Data Products or Services (local digital database, coordination and collaboration, NDFD, digital products and services, etc.)
    3. NWSI 10-515 WFO Non-Precipitation Weather Products (HWO, NPWs)
    4. NWSI 10-517 Multi-purpose Weather Products (NOW, SPS, HWO, LSR, MCD)
  3. Quantitative Precipitation Forecasts (QPF)
    1. Introduction to QPF [COMET – NWS Learning Center]
  4. Aviation
    1. The Impact of Weather on Air Traffic Management [COMET – NWS Learning Center]
    2. TAF module [NWSTC – web]
    3. TWEB module [NWSTC – web]
    4. DLAC 1: Fog Forecasting/Low Stratus for Aviation Operations [COMET – NWS Learning Center]
    5. Aviation Operations [NWSTC – web]
  5. Hydrology [checking with regional hydro FPs to see what training is available and appropriate for interns. This is just a first guess outline]
    1. NWSI 10-921 WFO Hydrologic Operations
    2. NWSI 10-922 WFO Hydrologic Products (FFA, FFW, FFS, FLW, etc.)
    3. Understanding the Hydrologic Cycle [COMET/FDTB - NWS Learning Center]
    4. Unit Hydrograph Theory [COMET/FDTB - NWS Learning Center]
    5. Runoff Processes [COMET/FDTB - NWS Learning Center]
    6. Streamflow Routing [COMET/FDTB - NWS Learning Center]
    7. Hydrologic Services Course [available at local office or regional HQs]
  6. Climate
    1. Climate Data and Services Infrastructure [Climate PDS PCU1 – web]
    2. Navigating the Climate Prediction’s Website [VISITview with audio]
    3. Understanding of Climate Variability…Local Services [Climate PDS PCU2 – web]
    4. EL Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) [COMET – NWS Learning Center]
    5. Should Synopticians Worry About Climate [COMET – webcast]
    6. Madden-Julian Oscillation Life Cycle [COMET - NWS Learning Center]
  7. Winter Weather
    1. NWSI 10-513 WFO Winter Weather Products
    2. AWOC Winter Weather Track [WDTB - NWS Learning Center] (as required)
  8. Hazardous Material Response and Dispersion
    1. NWS Support During Hazardous Materials Emergencies [COMET - NWS Learning Center]
    2. Dispersion Basics [COMET – NWS Learning Center]
    3. CAMEO/HYSPLIT Dispersion Models [COMET - NWS Learning Center]
  9. Space Weather
    1. Space Weather: Welcome SEC [COMET - NWS Learning Center]
    2. Space Weather Basics [COMET - NWS Learning Center]
  10. Verification
    1. NWSI 10-1601 Verification Procedures [this instruction is very large, 73 pages, but it covers what products are looked at and how the verification scores are calculated. Includes definitions and calculations of POD, FAR, CSI, Heidke Skill Score, etc.).
  11. Tropical (as required)
    1. (descriptions of TPC forecast products, hurricane reconnaissance, dropsonde observations)
  12. Fire Weather (as required)
    1. Introduction to Fire Behavior [COMET - NWS Learning Center]
  13. Marine and Oceanography (as required)
    1. Wave Types and Characteristics [COMET - NWS Learning Center]
  14. Tsunamis (as required)
    1. Tsunamis Training (FDTB – NWS Learning Center]
    2. WR and AR both have supplements to NWSI 10-701


V.   Operational Applications, Troubleshooting, and Dissemination


Be familiar with and be able to use all NWS systems and software applications used operationally in a NWS Forecast Office or National Center.. Be able to interpret, disseminate and perform basic trouble shooting techniques for each.

Knowledge and Skills

From the list of NWS systems and operational applications below, you need to be able to:

Operational Applications

Display 2-Dimensional (D2D)
Weather Forecast Office Hydrologic Forecast System (WHFS)
           Hydrologic Data Viewing System (HydroView)
           River Product Formatter (RiverPro)
Warning Generator (WarnGen)
Graphical Headline Generator (GHG)
Graphical Forecast Editor (GFE)
Aviation Forecast Preparation System (AvnFPS)
*System on AWIPS for Forecasting and Evaluation of Seas and Lakes (SAFESEAS)
 Local Storm Report (LSR)
*System for Convection Analysis and Nowcasting (SCAN)
*Flash Flood Monitoring Prediction (FFMP)
Applications used to generate local climate reports
Supplementary Climate Data (SCD)
Console Replacement System (CRS)
Data Archiver
Collaboration Tools
Verification Tools
*Engineering Management Reporting System (EMRS)
*UnScheduled Outage System (USOS)

* as required

Instructional Components

For training on operational applications used in your office, coordinate with SOO or focal point for available training.

  1. AWIPS - D2D Training [AWIPS OneStop page - see software section for latest awips build and user guides]
  2. WarnGen Training [D2D Users Guide, WES scenarios]
  3. VTEC Primer [FDTB - NWS Learning Center]
  4. WarnGen Changes in OB8.1 [FDTB - NWS Learning Center]
  5. WarnGen Training for OB8.2 and 8.2.1 [FDTB - NWS Learning Center]
  6. Graphical Forecast Editor (GFE) - [training material can be found directly in GFE on AWIPS: From GFE, select Help (upper right corner) >>>Online Table of Contents >>>GFE Training Guide]
  7. IFPS Smart Tools Training - [NWSTC - web]
  8. Aviation Forecast Preparation System (AvnFPS) – [AvnFPS Users Guide]
  9. WHFS Training [local training]
  10. All Hazards NOAA Weather Radio (formerly known as CRS) [NOAA Weather Radio User Guide, local training]

VI.   Customer Service and Outreach


Be able to coordinate and communicate effectively with both internal and external customers

Knowledge and Skills

Instructional Components

  1. Coordinate with Warning Coordination Meteorologist (WCM) Watch/Warning procedures and local spotter networks
  2. Discuss with WCM who our customers are and how NWS supports them.
  3. A Social Science Perspective on Flood Events [COMET – web]


VII.   Professional Development

Duty Competency

Establish and promote continuous learning opportunities for growth and development for you and others in your office and the organization.

Knowledge and Skills

Instructional Components

  1. Complete NOAA IT Security Training [web]
  2. Complete NOAA Travel Credit Card Training [as required - web]
  3. Complete NOAA Workplace Safety Training [as required]
  4. Complete "No Fears Act" training. (Training on the Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act) [available at NWS Learning Center]
  5. Review NOAA's NWS Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Diversity Management web site
  6. Consult with MIC/SOO/WCM to establish focal point or program leader duties.
  7. Participate in several outreach activities, for example, school or civic organization talks, career days, and trade show displays.
  8. Conduct a local seminar or research project under the direction of your Science and Operations Officer (SOO).
  9. Give presentations and/or participate in the workshops at professional conferences, regional workshops or local office.
  10. Read current scientific literature, particularly journal articles that have application to operational forecasting to maintain a working knowledge of new meteorological and hydrologic concepts.

Last review or update - January 16, 2009