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ITS Peer-to-Peer Program 

The ITS Peer-to-Peer (P2P) program offers short-term assistance to public agencies that will help them better address the ITS planning, implementation and/or operations issues they are facing. Assistance is provided by a number of knowledgeable and energetic volunteers, who have been selected based on their extensive expertise and experience with specific ITS technologies and applications. These public and private sector professionals have planned, implemented, and managed ITS projects and programs in urban, suburban and rural areas around the country.
The program, which is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT) in partnership with the Intelligent Transportation Society of America (ITS America), is provided at no cost to requesting agencies. Applications for P2P assistance are reviewed by U.S. DOT and are approved based on merit and availability of funds. Based on your agency’s need, a P2P program coordinator will provide a recommended list of experts to choose from—or you can nominate an expert of your choosing.
How the Program Works
Our P2P program volunteers can provide short-term assistance on ITS-related issues you are currently facing. Depending on the nature of the issue, a peer may visit your agency in person, consult with your agency by e-mail or telephone, or recommend technical references and publications. To be considered for P2P assistance, you’ll need to fill out and submit an application form. After that, we’ll work to get you connected with the most appropriate expert(s) and to come up with the most effective and efficient way to transfer their expertise to you.
Through the P2P program, your agency can access free, expert assistance in solving your ITS problems. Since the P2P program covers travel, communication, and other associated expenses needed for an expert consultation, your agency will incur little or no direct costs. In most cases, the program does not require purchase orders or administrative actions on your part.
Moreover, you can be assured that any information pertaining to our P2P assistance will be held in strict confidence. Any publicity or use of information related to our contacts (e.g., program newsletters, articles, case studies, training, etc.) will require your authorization.
P2P experts can help with a variety of ITS programs, such as:
  • Amber alert
  • Electronic payment options
  • Emergency management services
  • Fleet operations and maintenance
  • In-vehicle technology for passenger and heavy vehicles
  • ITS standards
  • Modeling and simulation
  • Procurement, resources, and financial issues
  • Public safety and security
  • System design, architecture, and integration
  • Traffic signal control systems
  • Training
  • Transit management systems
  • Travel information services
  • Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII)
Accessing ITS Peer-to-Peer Services
E-mail us at or fill out the online application if you would like to apply for peer assistance.
To volunteers as an ITS Peer-to-Peer Expert, fill out this form.
Contact an ITS P2P Represenative
Call us at 1-800-374-8472, ext. 4228. A Peer-to-Peer representative is ready to discuss your ITS needs and determine the best protocol for reaching a solution. The service is free to you.

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