Working Together 

Release Date: January 4, 2007
Release Number: 1671-019

» More Information on Washington Severe Storms, Flooding, Landslides, and Mudslides

» 2007 Region X News Releases

LACEY, Wash. -- Worry for their safety prompted a retired couple to go to the Disaster Recovery Center in Packwood looking for help. Their manufactured home was damaged in the November flooding when a log crashed through two walls. Temporary repairs were made, but the couple became worried about the stability of the home should there be further flooding.

After the couple sat down at the recovery center with a FEMA worker, their registration information was quickly passed on to a representative with FEMA's Special Needs Unit. The Special Needs Unit can pick up the phone and contact their partners in disaster relief...people who can immediately approve funds for temporary housing and food.

Once it was identified that the couple was in a dangerous situation, things moved rapidly. The FEMA Special Needs Unit went to the liaison for voluntary agencies, who contacted the Mt. Rainier Chapter of the American Red Cross. The Red Cross made arrangements to pay for a hotel room and food for the couple.

Within hours of the couple arriving at the Disaster Recovery Center , they were offered everything they needed to secure their safety. They now have safe and dry housing, thanks to the cooperative efforts of the recovery teams.

FEMA manages federal response and recovery efforts following any national incident, initiates mitigation activities and manages the National Flood Insurance Program. FEMA works closely with State and local emergency managers, law enforcement personnel, firefighters, and other first responders. FEMA became part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security on March 1, 2003.

Last Modified: Thursday, 04-Jan-2007 14:09:09