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Electricity Markets and Policy > Renewable Energy Publications > Case Studies

Case Studies of State Support for Renewable Energy

About the Case Study Series

A number of U.S. states have recently established clean energy funds to support renewable electricity. The 15 states that have established these funds to date are expected to collect $3.5 billion between 1998 and 2012 for renewable energy investments. This represents a new trend towards aggressive state support for renewable energy, but few efforts have been made to report and share the early experiences of these funds.

Berkeley Lab, in collaboration with the Clean Energy Group, has initiated a case study series that will report on the use of these clean energy funds. The primary purpose of this series is to briefly report on the innovative programs and administrative practices of state (and some international) clean energy funds, to highlight additional sources of information and to identify contacts. Our hope is that these case studies will be useful for administrators of clean energy funds and other stakeholders that are interested in learning about the pioneering renewable energy efforts of newly established clean energy funds. We expect to produce several new case studies each year.

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Large-Scale Renewables Cases

The Impact of State Clean Energy Fund Support for Utility-Scale Renewable Energy Projects
May 2006
Report, 357 KB PDF
Excel database, 640 KB XLS
A Survey of State Support for Community Wind Power Development
March 2004
148 KB PDF
Production Incentive Auctions to Support Large-Scale Projects in California and Pennsylvania
September 2002
324 KB PDF
The U.K. NFFO and Ireland AER Competitive Bidding Systems
September 2002
300 KB PDF
An Open-Ended Renewables RFP in Minnesota Funds Biomass and Innovative Wind Applications
September 2002
288 KB PDF
Use of Low-Interest, Subordinated Debt to Finance a Wind Project in Pennsylvania
September 2002
284 KB PDF

Distributed Generation Cases

Property Tax Assessments as a Finance Vehicle for Residential PV Installations: Opportunities and Potential Limitations
February 2008
110 KB PDF
Exploring the Economic Value of EPAct 2005's PV Tax Credits
February 2007
Designing PV Incentive Programs to Promote Performance: A Review of Current Practice
Barbose, G., R. Wiser, and M. Bolinger. LBNL-61643. October 2006
616 KB PDF
Supporting Photovoltaics in Market-Rate Residential New Construction: A Summary of Programmatic Experience to Date and Lessons Learned
February 2006
776 KB PDF
A Comparative Summary of State and Utility PV Buy Down Programs
February 2005
528 KB XLS
The Use of Capital- and Performance-Based Buy-Down Programs for PV in California, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts
September 2002
360 KB PDF
Support for PV in Japan and Germany
September 2002
304 KB PDF
Using Bulk Purchase Commitments to Foster Sustained Orderly Development and Commercialization of PV
September 2002
328 KB PDF
A Multi-Faceted Approach to Supporting PV in New York
September 2002
312 KB PDF
A Targeted Approach to Support PV and Small Wind in Montana
September 2002
272 KB PDF
PV (and Small Wind) Pricing Programs that Link Supply with Demand
September 2002
300 KB PDF
Quality Assurance for Photovoltaic Systems
September 2002
300 KB PDF
Two Different Approaches to Funding Farm-Based Biogas Projects in Wisconsin and California
September 2002
304 KB PDF

Other Program Cases

A Survey of State Clean Energy Fund Support for Research and Development Projects
October 2004
436 KB PDF
A Survey of State Clean Energy Fund Support for Biomass
August 2004
486 KB PDF
Low-Income Renewable Energy Programs: A Survey of State Clean Energy Funds
June 2004
100 KB PDF
Northern Exposure: An Overview of Canadian Clean Energy Funds
June 2004
128 KB PDF
The Experience of State Clean Energy Funds with Tradable Renewable Certificates
November 2003
120 KB PDF
Green Buildings: The Expanding Role of State Clean Energy Funds
September 2003
152 KB PDF
Using Customer Credits to Stimulate Green Power Sales in California, Rhode Island, and New York
September 2002
308 KB PDF
Information, Training, Education, Project Facilitation, and Technical Assistance in Wisconsin
September 2002
264 KB PDF
Renewable Energy Loan Programs
September 2002
336 KB PDF
Massachusetts' Green Buildings Program
September 2002
320 KB PDF

Administrative Cases

Massachusetts' Solar-To-Market Initiative: Using a Collaborative Approach to Create PV Programs
September 2002
288 KB PDF
Wisconsin's Use of Program Evaluation
September 2002
280 KB PDF
Public Education, Marketing, and Consumer Action: The Multi-Party Programs of Connecticut and Pennsylvania
September 2002
304 KB PDF
Organizational Structure: The Sustainable Development Fund of Southeastern Pennsylvania
September 2002
284 KB PDF
Competitive Solicitations and Unsolicited Proposals: Examples from Several State Funds on How to Balance and Refine the Process
September 2002
300 KB PDF

Other Reports Specifically Related to State Renewable Energy Policies

Learning by Doing: The Evolution of State Support for Photovoltaics
June 2003
210 KB PDF
Innovation, Renewable Energy, and State Investment: Case Studies of Leading Clean Energy Funds
September 2002
704 KB PDF
Analyzing the Interaction Between State Tax Incentives and the Federal Production Tax Credit for Wind Power
September 2002
Customer-Sited PV: A Survey of Clean Energy Fund Support
May 2002
160 KB PDF
Utility-Scale Renewable Energy Projects: A Survey of Clean Energy Fund Support
May 2002
108 KB PDF
The Renewables Portfolio Standard in Texas: An Early Assessment
November 2001
Clean Energy Funds: An Overview of State Support for Renewable Energy
April 2001
464 KB PDF
Financing Investments in Renewable Energy: The Role of Policy Design and Restructuring
March 1997
344 KB PDF

Other Renewable Energy Analysis Reports

Members of the Electricity Market Studies group have written extensively on renewable energy economic, market, and policy analysis. Click here for a complete listing of these renewable energy publications.  
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