Virginia Mason Medical Center Eligible For $1.1 Million -- FEMA Funds Earthquake Damage Repairs 

Release Date: February 7, 2002
Release Number: R10-02-25

» 2002 Region X News Releases

Seattle, WA -- The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), has obligated $1.1 million to the Virginia Mason Medical Center, for repair of earthquake damage to the main hospital building located at 925 Seneca in Seattle, Washington.

The February 28, 2001 Nisqually Earthquake caused damage to approximately 800 locations within the hospital building. The funds are being provided to the applicant for the repair of the plaster, stairwells, elevator shafts and seismic separation joints. According to FEMA Regional Director John Pennington, FEMA provides 75 percent of the project’s $1.5 million cost with the remaining 25 percent coming from State and local resources.

"Virginia Mason Medical Center is a leader in the medical field in this community and it’s important to have these facilities repaired and operational," said Pennington. "FEMA funding will provide the resources for the Medical Center to complete these repairs."

Washington Emergency Management Division Director Glen Woodbury agrees. "The state of Washington is pleased to see funds obligated for critical facilities such as Virginia Mason Medical Center," said Woodbury. "In all, the center will have eligible earthquake repair projects totaling more than $3 million."

The funds are made available under the FEMA Public Assistance program. The State of Washington Emergency Management Division (WEMD) administers the program. Under the program, eligible disaster-related costs are reimbursed to government and certain non-profit units providing essential government-like services in the area of emergency protective measures, debris removal and restoration of public facilities.

Last Modified: Wednesday, 27-Aug-2003 17:14:12