Y2K Rollover Pacific NW Enters 2000 Better Prepared 

Release Date: December 31, 1999
Release Number: R10-99-76

» 1999 Region X News Releases

Seattle, Wash. -- Initial reports from Guam as the first U.S. territory to welcome the New Year indicate a "Y2K Bug-Free" rollover, and while experts caution that some Y2K anomalies may be cumulative and not be expressed immediately, so far emergency management panels are "Green." But according to FEMA regional director David L. de Courcy, as the sun speeds its way westward and the Year 2000 advances towards the continental U.S. and our Pacific Northwest, an uneventful rollover is an event in itself.

"Y2K placed a public spotlight squarely on preparedness and mitigation, at virtually all levels of government, business, academia and community," said de Courcy. "Preparing for possible Y2K disruptions has resonated with the American people like no other disaster, and we enter the new millennium more disaster-resistant, come what may."

On Tuesday, December 28, 1999 FEMA began analyzing and forwarding reports from State emergency management agencies on "high impact" infrastructure and public safety systems ranging from Air Traffic Control to Federal Prisons, and Medicaid to Social Security payments, reporting "red, yellow, or green" conditions. The monitoring process will continue through next week. So far Y2K's color is Green.

Last Modified: Tuesday, 13-Jan-2004 11:17:34