One Week to Y2K? 

FEMA Advises Final Tweaking of Preparedness Kits

Release Date: December 23, 1999
Release Number: R10-99-75

» 1999 Region X News Releases

Seattle, Wash. -- The transition to the Year 2000 is not expected to bring major problems with the nation's infrastructure, but temporary local interruptions of service may occur. The silver lining of the Y2K cloud has been increased awareness of general emergency preparedness planning from local governments, businesses and individuals, and according to FEMA regional director David L. de Courcy, that's just what's needed.

"While we don't want anyone to over react, we do want every family and every community to take action to minimize the inconvenience of any temporary break in services. People should prepare for Y2K (and it's not too late) just like they would for the winter storms or floods that traditionally threaten the Pacific Northwest this time of year," said de Courcy. "Y2K puts the spotlight on preparedness and mitigation, and helps America enter the Year 2000 better prepared for nature's surprises."

Last Modified: Tuesday, 13-Jan-2004 11:15:53