National Fire Prevention Week 

Washington State Promotes Fire Drills, Preparedness

Release Date: October 5, 1999
Release Number: R10-99-63

» 1999 Region X News Releases

Olympia, Wash. -- This week (October 3-9) is National Fire Prevention Week, and the United States Fire Administration (USFA), a directorate of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, is asking all Americans to mark this week by planning and practicing "Great Escape" home fire drills. According to FEMA regional director David L. de Courcy, while selfless heroism in the face of life threatening fires tends to grab the headlines, it's the actions taken before fire erupts that really saves lives and property.

"Time and again, the lesson driven home from devastating disaster is that there is no substitute for pre-disaster mitigation and pre-disaster planning," said de Courcy. "Observances like National Fire Prevention Week allow all of us to take a 'time out' from our daily preoccupations to focus on those critical actions necessary to save our loved ones from injury and death."

Washington State Fire Marshal Mary L. Corso agrees. "Our year-round message to Washingtonians is: install smoke detectors on every floor, develop home escape plans, and build defensible perimeters around homes and structures," said Corso. "National Fire Prevention Week is a time to replace smoke alarm batteries, rehearse fire drills, and clear brush away from homes."

Contact your local fire department to learn more about making your home safer from fire.

Last Modified: Tuesday, 13-Jan-2004 10:26:07