Washington State Releases New Y2K Report 

Unique Consumer Information Source

Release Date: July 27, 1999
Release Number: R10-99-44

» 1999 Region X News Releases

Vancouver, Wash. -- The Washington State Year 2000 Office will today release their latest Year 2000 Readiness Report at the Port of Vancouver's Terminal 4 waterfront area, during a joint activity which includes the U.S. Coast Guard, the Columbia Credit Union and the Bonneville Power Administration.

This report is the second in a series of promised Y2K readiness reports, and details current readiness postures for service sectors ranging from health care, social services and government benefit programs, to land-based and marine transportation, power, telecommunications and public safety.

According to Gov. Gary Locke's technology advisor and Washington State Year 2000 Office director Chris Hedrick, the Port's waterfront is appropriate because of extensive Y2K preparations by the public ports in the nation's most trade-oriented state. Washington has the largest locally controlled port system in the world, with 76 public port districts in 33 of the 39 counties.

"This second Washington State Year 2000 Readiness Report is an important part of our state's strategy for being prepared, and helping our citizens prepare, for a smooth technology transition," said Hedrick. "Not only is state government committed to keeping its critical systems and vital services operating without interruption, but we're going the extra mile to get timely information into the hands of Washington residents so they can make good decisions of their own."

Detailed information on state government readiness and Y2K technology issues (Year 2000 and You) is available on the World Wide Web: http://access.wa.gov/2000/.

Last Modified: Friday, 09-Jan-2004 15:36:04