Y2K's Golden Mean 

Don't be Scared, Be Prepared!

Release Date: March 30, 1999
Release Number: R10-99-14

» 1999 Region X News Releases

SEATTLE, Wash. -- Emergency managers, fire marshals, and emergency services officials from throughout the Pacific Northwest met with their federal counterparts in Vancouver, Washington last week to update Y2K threat-assessments, and share strategies to manage potential disruptions caused by software or embedded chip failure. In spite of general agreement that Y2K will NOT trigger widespread failure in electrical, telecommunications, financial, or transportation infrastructures--the message was clear: Americans should still prepare for what could be numerous small disruptions throughout the country. According to Federal Emergency Management Agency regional director David L. de Courcy, the very same precautions which protect families and businesses against natural hazards such as winter storms and earthquakes, provide adequate protection against potential Y2K disruptions.

Traditional emergency kits include food, water and prescription medication for 72-hours, battery operated flashlights and radios, blankets, clothes, and first aid supplies. "There's certainly no need to hoard," said de Courcy. "We just need to inventory our daily support requirements and plan accordingly."

Last Modified: Thursday, 01-Jan-2004 14:28:29