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VA Research & Development » Technology Transfer Program

Please Note: The technology listed below is not available to the public at this time. This technology is in the early stage of research and requires further development before it is ready for the marketplace. The VA is currently in the process of identifying potential companies who may be interested in licensing and/or further developing the technology through Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADA). Through cooperative research initiatives such as these, it is our hope and goal that commercial products will be fully developed and made available to benefit veterans and others.  


Computer-Controlled Power Wheelchair Navigation System


The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is seeking a commercial partner to further develop this technology through a Cooperative Research & Development Agreement (CRADA) in order to expedite bringing it to market.

A significant population of severely disabled people requires mobility assistance in daily living activities beyond what is available in manual or powered wheelchairs. The subject technology is aimed at a segment of that population that is unable to manually guide the movements of powered wheelchairs.  This technology provides them with autonomous navigation capabilities in repetitively used environments such as homes, offices, hospitals, and conceivably in public buildings. The system consists of encoding and video capture devices to provide accurate ongoing estimates of the wheelchair's position and orientation, ultrasonic sensors to detect obstacles, and a computer programmed to the drive-systems of commercially available powered wheelchairs. The computer's software has the function of path and destination learning, recognition of obstacles, and navigation to a selected destination, and is intended to enable independent mobility for severely handicapped persons.

The Computer-Controlled Power Wheelchair Navigation System was created to provide the physically disabled with a means of "on command" navigation over frequently used paths.  The system was designed to operate with minimal rider input consisting only of supervisory commands (purely autonomous operation). Alternatively, the system may be turned off and the chair operated by joystick or other controls. This system utilizes any commercially available motorized wheelchair as its base and is powered by a 12-volt battery.  Navigation is accomplished by the use of an extended Kalman-filter-based estimator with interface software running on an onboard laptop computer. Dual cameras, proximity sensors, microphones, and rotation sensors for the wheels are mounted to the wheelchair. By the use of these electronic components, the specialized software and small visual markers placed on the walls of the rider's home or office, the computer-controlled wheelchair is able to travel autonomously to locations that it has been taught to follow.  The wheelchair is taught paths to its destinations by having an able-bodied person push the chair, with or without the rider, along any desired route of travel while the computer records information from the sensors. Once these destinations have been taught, the rider can then select by voice or switch mode, any of these locations and the navigation system will steer the wheelchair to that place. Paths can be reversed and/or merged to reach a desired location in order to avoid an obstacle. The system will choose the shortest uninterrupted path to its destination.  The technology has been successfully prototyped, demonstrated and evaluated.

The following are the key advantages of this system: 

US application was filed on July 2, 2002 (10/187,989)
International patent application was filed on June 18, 2003 (PCT/US03/18946)
Continuation-In-Part application to to US application (10/187,989) was filed on July 14, 2004 (10/890,411)
US patent issued on January 11, 2005 (6,842,692)

Saleem Sheredos
Program Manager
Technology Transfer Program
Veterans Affairs
Office of Research & Development (12TT)
5th Floor
103 South Gay Street
Baltimore, MD 21202
Fax 410.962.2141

Last Updated - 08/10/06