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Red Light Running Automated Enforcement


As communities across the nation seek to address crashes associated with red light running, they are increasingly looking for additional tools to supplement their traditional overburdened enforcement resources. One of the safety tools many communities have employed is a Red Light Running (RLR) Automated Enforcement Program. RLR programs have been installed in municipalities in 24 states across this country. New York City has had a RLR program in place since 1993.

On January 13, 2008, Governor Jon Corzine signed into law, Assembly Bill 4314 (pdf 74k), requiring the Commissioner of Transportation to establish a five-year pilot program to determine the effectiveness of the installation and utilization of traffic control signal monitoring systems in New Jersey. A traffic control signal monitoring system (also known as a RLR system) is an integrated system or device utilizing a camera, or a multiple camera system, and vehicle sensors which work in conjunction with a traffic control signal to produce images of vehicles disregarding a red signal or “running a red light.”

In support of Governor Corzine’s request that the RLR program be implemented in a careful and deliberate manner, and that implementation be undertaken in a staged fashion, the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) has established that up to 12 jurisdictions may be approved for RLR programs during the first year of implementation.

This application process is intended to establish locations throughout New Jersey that have a demonstrated red light running history and that efforts such as engineering, enforcement and education have not shown to be effective in decreasing violations and/or crashes and that a traffic control signal monitoring system may be an effective tool to aid in increasing safety at these locations.

Red Light Running Automated Enforcement Application (rtf 3.5m)

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  Last Updated:  May 29, 2008