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Does the internship provide housing and/or travel arrangements?

No, interns must arrange housing and travel to and from Atlanta on their own – however, information about summer housing in Atlanta can be found in the Housing and Transportation section of this website. Although travel from interns’ residences to the Chamblee Campus location is the intern’s responsibility, information will be provided about public transportation and carpool/vanpool options. In the past, interns have carpooled to and from campus together, since most interns chose to live in the same place. The internship stipend is intended to offset housing and travel expenses.

Photo of three interns at the Georgia AquariumI am not an environmental studies or environmental science major. Can I still apply?

Yes. We welcome environmental studies and science majors as well as majors in other areas such as ecology, biology, chemistry, health, conservation, and engineering. Applicants are not limited to these areas. We are specifically looking for individuals with a demonstrated interest in the environment, whether that is through academics, extracurricular activities, or both.

What type of project will I be participating in?

The 2009 projects have not yet been chosen. However, you can visit the Intern Project Page for a list of the projects that previous interns have participated in.

Will I be able to have any personal days off during the internship period?

Yes. We realize that interns may have important events to attend over the summer and may also need to take off at some point for personal reasons. We will allow a two day absence during the duration of the internship. If missed days exceed two, the intern must make up the hours they missed before the internship ends.

I am a graduating senior. Can I still apply?

No. While we appreciate all of the interest that is generated for this internship, we are only accepting rising juniors and seniors who are currently enrolled in a college or university.

Can I receive school credit for this internship?

Yes, you can receive credit for this internship depending on the guidelines your institution has set forth for receiving academic credit. This will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

Do I need lab experience to be eligible for this internship?

No, this internship does not require lab experience and is not a lab based experience. While there are many laboratories within CDC, NCEH/ATSDR has a wide range of programs that do not incorporate lab work into their activities. Our program does not place interns in laboratories.

I am on the quarter system and will not be out of school for the beginning of the internship. Is there still a way that I can make the internship work?

Yes. While it may be difficult, it is possible for students on the quarter system to participate in this internship. Previous interns have had to finish their school finals while in the CLEH program. You cannot, however, miss the orientation for this internship which takes place during the first three days of the program.

Interns at outdoor air monitoring stationWhen will I find out if I was accepted for this internship?

We will notify those who have been accepted for the internship by Wednesday, March 18, 2009.

Is it okay to contact you with questions regarding the application process or my application?

Yes, we encourage you to contact us with questions. Please contact Cory Moore at to ask questions pertaining to the application process or to see if your own application is complete in our files.

I have been accepted for the internship, but I don’t know what my project is. What if I don’t like it when I get there?

We have done our best to assure that there are a few other available options for interns, should they not be happy with their project. If your project does not work out for you once you are here, we may be able to work out a new arrangement.

What type of attire is required while participating in this internship?

Because CDC is a professional participating environment, we do require that our interns dress in business casual attire. Men should plan on wearing trousers and polo shirts, or button down tops. Women should wear dresses, skirts, trousers, or blouses. All interns should refrain from wearing shorts, flip-flops, tank tops, or jeans. On some Friday activities, more casual attire will be appropriate.

On which CDC campus will the internship be based?

The internship will be based on CDC's Chamblee Campus located at

4770 Buford Highway NE
Atlanta, Georgia 30341

What will my status at CDC be as a student intern?

As a student intern, you will be considered a “guest researcher” at CDC. This means that you will be allowed to attend all open-enrollment seminars and lectures, as well as use CDC facilities such as the gym. Once you receive your badge (should occur during the first week) and car stickers, you will have access to CDC buildings and will have computer access in your office.


This page last updated on November 24, 2008