Comptroller of the Currency, Administrator of National Banks Ensuring a Safe and Sound National Banking System for all Americans
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About the OCC:

William B. Ridgely
Comptroller of the Currency, 1901-1908

William B. Ridgely William B. Ridgely engaged in mining, manufacturing, and banking in Illinois before President Theodore Roosevelt named him Comptroller. During his term, Congress passed legislation extending the corporate existence of the national banks for the second time. Ridgely resigned as Comptroller to accept the presidency of a national bank in Missouri, which had failed the previous year and was reorganized under his leadership. In 1909 he returned to private business in the East.

Comptrollers of the Currency







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The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency was created by Congress to charter national banks, to oversee a nationwide system of banking institutions, and to assure that national banks are safe and sound, competitive and profitable, and capable of serving in the best possible manner the banking needs of their customers.

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