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The following online resources represent a cross section of information related to the Holocaust available on the World Wide Web. To ease searching, the Web sites are grouped under topical headings and are annotated with brief descriptions. Resources are in English, unless otherwise noted. The Museum does not officially endorse any particular site or its content. We appreciate your comments and feedback about this page; please e-mail the Library at

Latest update: December 2008

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Online resources regarding armed and unarmed resistance by Jews and others.

Daring to Resist: Three Women Face the Holocaust
Companion Web site to the filmed portrait of three teenage girls who fought against the Nazis: Faye Schulman, a photographer and partisan fighter in the forests of Poland; Barbara Rodbell, a ballerina in Amsterdam who secured food and transportation for Jews in hiding; and Shulamit Lack, who acquired false papers for Jews escaping from Hungary. Presents biographical information about each young woman, an historical timeline, and links to related resources. Also provides a teacher's guide to the film that includes the film's transcript, a glossary, a bibliography, and study questions.
La Fondation de la Resistance
Informational Web site of the Foundation of the Resistance, a memorial and research organization established to honor those who resisted the Nazi occupation of France. Provides information about Foundation activities, informative newsletters and excerpts from resistance-related publications, as well as numerous Web links to other research centers across Europe. [French]
Gedenkstatte Deutscher Widerstand
Informational Web site of the German Resistance Memorial Center located in the former headquarters of the Army High Command in Berlin. Provides an overview of the history of Center's building, information about exhibitions on site, educational programs, political studies, research projects, upcoming events, and institutional publications. Also offers a virtual tour of the Center's permanent exhibition, along with bibliographies and biographies that correspond to topics covered in the exhibition. [German and English]
»Ich habe den Krieg verhindern wollen« Georg Elser und das Attentat vom 8. November 1939
Web site dedicated to the life and legacy of Georg Elser, whose attempted assassination of Adolf Hitler in 1939 failed. Includes a detailed history of the attack, accompanied by photographs, a bibliography, and Web links. Also offers electronic scans of primary source documentation including maps, newspapers, and Gestapo transcripts. [German]
Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation
Aims to provide educational resources and background information on the history of armed Jewish resistance and partisans during the Holocaust. Includes numerous images of partisans and stories of resistance activities. Describes the foundation's projects-in-development, including a documentary, interviews with former resistance fighters, and the expansion of the Web site.
Kulturreferat der Landeshauptstadt München: Widerstand, Verweigerung und Protest gegen das NS-Regime in München
Documents the history of the Nazi movement and the resistance movement in Munich. Includes articles on various resistance groups, including bibliographies, biographies of resistance workers, posters, and photographs. [German]
Die Münchner ISK-Gruppe
An online virtual exhibit about the members of the Munich International Socialist Combat League (Internationale Sozialistische Kampfbund) during World War II. Includes transcripts of interviews with members and member biographies, bibliographies, and the history of the League, accompanied by photographs, Web links, and videos. [German]
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum:
The Miles Lerman Center for the Study of Jewish Resistance
Informational Web page about the Miles Lerman Center's activities and programs related to the study of Jewish resistance, such as publications and books, scholarly programs, and fellowships.
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum:
Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
A collection of online resources about the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising that are available on the Museum's Web site. Includes historical photographs, eyewitness testimony in streaming video, bibliographies, and links to additional resources. Produced in conjunction with the NBC miniseries Uprising which aired in November 2001.
Warsaw Rising Museum
Online presence of the Warsaw-based museum dedicated to honor those who fought in the Warsaw Uprising of August, 1944. Features a Virtual Memory Wall with over 6,000 names of participants in the uprising as well as information about the museum's exhibits and oral history project. [Polish and English]
Weisse Rose Stiftung
Clusters resources and information about the White Rose group to preserve the memory of German resistance to Hitler. Presents articles, current news, and events and activity announcements. Based at the Ludwig-Maximilians Universität in Munich, Germany. [German]