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The following online resources represent a cross section of information related to the Holocaust available on the World Wide Web. To ease searching, the Web sites are grouped under topical headings and are annotated with brief descriptions. Resources are in English, unless otherwise noted. The Museum does not officially endorse any particular site or its content. We appreciate your comments and feedback about this page; please e-mail the Library at

Latest update: December 2008

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Churches and the Holocaust
Electronic resources on the role of the churches, clergy, or members of religious orders during the Holocaust.

Hiatt Collection of Holocaust Materials
Web site for the Frances and Jacob Hiatt Collection of Holocaust Materials at the Dinand Library, College of the Holy Cross. Focuses on the role of the Roman Catholic Church and the Jesuit order during the Holocaust. Particularly emphasizes clergy members' resistance activities against the Nazis, and the persecution of the churches, clergy or members of religious orders during the Holocaust. Includes the text of various speeches and essays, digitized images, an online catalog, and links to related sites.
The International Dietrich Bonhoeffer Society
Collects and presents information on Dietrich Bonhoeffer and his work as a theologian and minister during the Nazi period. Free registration provides members with options for creating content and additions to the site.
National Catholic Center for Holocaust Education
Disseminates scholarship on the origins of antisemitism, its relationship to the Holocaust, and the Catholic perspective on the implications of the Holocaust for today's world.
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum: Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Online exhibit and essay on the life and work of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, one of the few German church leaders who stood in opposition to the Nazi state. Written by Victoria Barnett on behalf of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum: Father Jacques
A brief online exhibit by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum on the life and rescue efforts of Father Jacques de Jésus (born Lucien Bunel in 1900), a Carmelite friar and headmaster who made his school a refuge for young men seeking to avoid the Nazis.
Versöhnungskirche Dachau
Web presence of the Versöhnungskirche (“Church of Reconciliation”), erected in 1967 by the Protestant Church in Germany, on the grounds of the former concentration camp at Dachau. Includes a history of the church, description of the architecture, and calendar of upcoming events. [German, with some pages in English, French, and Dutch]