US Forest Service
Coconino National Forest  



Forest Plan Revision



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Coconino National Forest
1824 S. Thompson St.
Flagstaff, AZ 86001


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Coconino Forest Plan Revision

What Does a Revision Mean?

The current Coconino Plan provides a solid foundation for forest management. Instead of starting over and developing a new plan from scratch, planners will determine what in the existing plan is working. Those parts will be retained. New information will be incorporated. Existing direction that isn't working will be changed.

What is the Forest Plan?

The Forest Plan is a guide to help identify the need for projects, and to help guide planning and implementation of projects. It provides general direction for management of:

  • The entire Forest; and
  • Specific geographic areas, such as Anderson Mesa, Oak Creek Canyon, each Wilderness area, and others.

This direction includes:

1. What the area should look like;
2. What activities may take place and (generally) where;
3. What areas should have special management considerations;
4. What resource areas should be emphasized for the next several years; and
5. What guidelines should be used for projects that are implemented?
The Plan guides but does not propose or approve any project on the ground. It sets the stage for the actual projects that will follow the Plan direction.

The current Plan has been amended numerous times since 1987.

Public Participation Welcome!

Public participation helps promote better decisions and greater understanding of those decisions. We are currently formulating how to work actively with the public during the revision process. Please let us know your ideas of how you would like to interact with our planning team, both now and over the course of the process.




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U.S. Forest Service - Coconino National Forest
Last Modified: Tuesday, 13 January 2009