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NJ State Employee CERT Recruitment Campaign
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Be part of an organized
trained to protect
yourself, your family and your community

>> See our brochure (337k PDF)

CERT Teams have been utilized for:

  • Search for lost or kidnapped children
  • Staff Emergency Operations Centers and monitor events
    Secure Emergency Operations Centers
  • Assist in providing minor first aid
  • Manage "spontaneous/convergent" volunteers
  • Assist Red Cross and other relief organizations on mass care

The Driving Force

The event that occurred on September 11, 2001 will never be forgotten; also not for-gotten is how the spirit of America was awakened that day and citizens came forth to volunteer their services. President George W. Bush harnessed this spirit of volunteerism with the Citizen Corps program. CERT is a part of the Citizen Corps Program.

Under the continued leadership of Governor Jon Corzine, this administration is dedicated to the safety and security of the citizens and the State of New Jersey, and proudly supports the Citizen Corps initiative. As a part of this effort, he is calling upon New Jersey State Employees to be prepared in times of emergency by becoming a CERT member.

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