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Grants Search

The Office of Partnerships and Grants Services (OPGS) provides the Grants Information Data System (GIDS) – a database of current city, federal and foundation grant opportunities available to DC-area nonprofits and community-based organizations. Users may view all grant listings or perform searches based on one of the following: grant title, grantor type, issue area, or grant ID.

Grant Title Search: If you want to find all grants with a particular word(s) in the grant title, select Grant Title as the Search Type, then enter the word(s) in the Search Word field. Grantor Type Search: If you want to find all grants by type of grantor, select Grantor Type as the Search Type, then select DC Government, Federal Government or Foundation from the dropdown menu.
Issue Area Search: If you want to find all grants related to a certain issue, such as health or social services, select Issue Area as the Search Type, then select the appropriate category from the dropdown menu. Grant ID Search: All grants in this system are assigned a unique identifier called Grant ID number. If you know the number of the grant you are looking for, select Grant ID as the Search Type, then enter the Grant ID number (starting with letters "GD") in the Search Word field.

To begin searching for grants, choose a search type. 
Search Type: Grant Title Grantor Type Issue Area Grant ID
Search Word:
Type of Grantor:
Issue Area: