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Frequently Asked Questions


How do I receive a New Jersey birth record for a child adopted from a foreign country?

Please see the details regarding placing an adoption on file .

How can I obtain a copy of my original birth certificate if I have been adopted?

When the adoption is placed on file with the State Bureau of Vital Statistics and Registration, the original birth certificate and all documents related to the adoption are placed under seal. This seal can only be broken by court order.


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Birth Records

How do I make a correction to a birth record?

Please see the details regarding filing a correction.

What is the process to add or delete a father’s name from a birth certificate?

There are a number of factors that can influence this process. Please contact the Record Modification Unit at (609) 292-4087 extension 581 to discuss the specifics of your case.

Where do I request a birth certificate if I was born abroad, with US citizenship at birth?

Contact the State Department in Washington DC at (202) 955-0307.

How do I know if my birth certificate is acceptable for travel out of the country or for proof of age or citizenship?

Your record must be issued by the local office of vital records where the birth occurred or the State Bureau of Vital Statistics and Registration and must contain a raised seal. Some entities require the document to have been issued within the last two years. Complimentary copies issued by a hospital are not valid.

Is a raised seal required to make the birth certificate official?

Yes. The record must contain the raised seal of the issuing authority, either the local office of vital records or the State Bureau of Vital Statistics and Registration.

Can I obtain the time of birth?

Yes. In order to obtain this information you must purchase a certified copy of your record. The time will be included on the birth certificate only if the doctor recorded it. You should indicate on your request that you wish the certified copy to show the time of birth.

Can I request the birth record of a non-family member?

Yes, but you will receive a certification rather than a certified copy. A certification is a non-certified document, which contains limited information and states it is for informational purposes only, not for identification or legal purposes.

How long after a birth occurs is it filed with the State Bureau of Vital Statistics and Registration?

Under our current system, births are filed within three weeks of the completion of the certificate by the hospital.

What is required to file a delayed birth certificate?

In order to request a delayed report of birth, you must first file an application requesting the birth certificate to ensure the record is not on file. If no record is found, you will receive a No Record statement, which must be returned with a letter of request to place a delayed report of birth on file. You will receive a questionnaire to complete so that a more detailed search can be completed. You will also need to provide documentary proof that the birth took place. Documentary proof will be reviewed and a determination made. Please contact the Record Modification unit at (609) 292-4087 extension 581 for further information.

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Civil Union Records

Where do I apply for my civil union license?

The application must be filed in the New Jersey municipality in which either applicant resides. If neither applicant is a New Jersey resident, the application must be filed in the municipality where the ceremony will occur.

If I am in a domestic partnership and want to enter into a civil union with the same partner, do we need to terminate the domestic partnership before applying for a civil union license?

No. Domestic partners who wish to enter into a civil union with the same partner do not need to terminate their domestic partnership.  Once they have entered into the civil union, their domestic partnership automatically terminates if it was originally registered in New Jersey.  If it was registered outside New Jersey, the laws of that state would determine the validity of the domestic partnership following the civil union.

If I was previously registered in a domestic partnership and neglected to legally terminate it when we ended our relationship, must I terminate that domestic partnership before I enter into a civil union with someone else?

Yes.  If the domestic partnership with a different partner was not legally terminated, or was not terminated by the death of the previous partner, you must terminate the domestic partnership before entering into a civil union with someone else.

Is my civil union registered in another state recognized by the State of New Jersey?

If your civil union meets the requirements of the state in which you registered, then it is recognized by the State of New Jersey.

Am I required to enter into a civil union in New Jersey if I am already in a civil union or same-sex marriage in another state or country?

No.  You are not required to enter into a civil union in New Jersey. If your civil union or same-sex marriage meets the requirements of the state or country in which you registered, then it is recognized by the State of New Jersey. However, if you wish, you may also elect to enter into a civil union in New Jersey.  In that case, you would file for a Reaffirmation of Civil Union License in New Jersey.

After filing the civil union application, is there a waiting period before the civil union license can be issued?

Yes.  There is a 72-hour waiting period before the license can be issued. The waiting period begins once the application has been filed by one or both applicants.  A Superior Court judge can waive all or part of the 72-hour waiting period.

After filing a Reaffirmation of Civil Union application, is there a waiting period before the Reaffirmation of Civil Union License can be issued?

No.  For a Reaffirmation of Civil Union License, there is no waiting period, The license can be issued immediately after the complete application has been filed.

Can Internet ministers perform my civil union ceremony?

Yes.  It is recommended you check the Internet website for the particular Internet ministry to verify that their ministers are authorized to perform civil union ceremonies.

Are public officials who are authorized to perform marriages/civil unions required to perform my civil union ceremony?

Public officials who are authorized to perform marriages are authorized to perform civil unions.  Public officials may choose whether or not to exercise this authority.  However, if a public official agrees to perform marriages, he or she must agree to perform civil unions.  If an official elects not to perform civil unions, he or she cannot perform marriages either.

Are members of the clergy required to perform my civil union ceremony?

No.  Members of the clergy are not covered by the Law Against Discrimination and have the right to decline to perform civil unions.

Is the Local Registrar, or Deputy or Alternate Deputy Registrar, required to accept my application for a civil union License?

Yes.  The Registrar is required by law to accept for filing the vital records established by the laws of New Jersey.

Am I eligible to assume my partner’s name or hyphenate our last names following our civil union?

Yes.  However, please note that the federal government does not recognize civil unions.  You may choose to consult an attorney to legally establish a name change.

Do applicants for a civil union license have the right to create their own vows or make changes to existing vows that may be in place with public officials?

Yes.  You can create or edit vows.  In your vows, you may refer to each other using any terms you prefer, including wife, spouse, lover, or life mate, and you may refer to the ceremony as a marriage.  However, when the ceremony is completed, you are legally entered into a civil union and considered a civil union couple.

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What is the procedure to correct information on a birth record?

Please see the Corrections page for detailed information.

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Death Records

If a resident of New Jersey dies in another state or country, is the death certificate on file in New Jersey?

No, you must contact the state or country in which the death occurred.

How do I find a cemetery plot or burial place?

Request a long form copy of the death certificate, which will have the burial location. Then you can contact that entity for more information.

If I am listed as a beneficiary on a life insurance policy but am not related to the deceased individual, can I obtain a certified copy of the death certificate to claim my benefits?

No. You are not eligible to receive a certified copy. However, you can have the life insurance company request it directly from the State Bureau of Vital Statistics and Registration. The request must be made on their agency letter head and list the name and social security number of the deceased. They must also provide Acceptable Forms of Identification and the appropriate Fees.

Can I obtain a certified copy of a death certificate if I am not related to the deceased individual but I have joint ownership of property or stocks/bonds?

No. You are not eligible to receive a certified copy. However, you can have the title company or the stock/bond holder request it directly from the State Bureau of Vital Statistics and Registration. The request must be made on their agency letter head and list the name and social security number of the deceased. They must also provide Acceptable Forms of Identification and the appropriate Fees.

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Domestic Partnership Records

I entered into a domestic partnership before New Jersey’s Civil Union Act took effect.  Is my domestic partnership still valid if we elect not to enter into a civil union?

Yes.  Your domestic partnership is still valid as it was entered into under the law in place at the time.  However, you continue to have only the rights afforded to domestic partners and not the full rights of married couples as are given to civil union couples.

Is my domestic partner able to assume my last name after we register our partnership?

No. There is no basis to recognize the assumption of the partner’s last name. A legal name change must be filed with the courts and the original copy presented to the State Bureau of Vital Statistics and Registration.

Is it true that as of February 19, 2007, when New Jersey’s Civil Union Act took effect, only same-sex or opposite-sex couples 62 years of age or older can register domestic partnerships?

Yes.  As of February 19, 2007, domestic partnerships can only be established by couples 62 years of age or older, regardless of whether they are a same-sex or opposite-sex couple.

If I am in a domestic partnership and want to enter into a civil union with the same partner, do we need to terminate the domestic partnership before applying for our civil union license?

No.  Domestic partners who wish to enter into a civil union with the same person do not need to terminate their domestic partnership.  Once they have entered into the civil union, their domestic partnership will automatically terminate if it was registered in New Jersey.  If it was registered outside New Jersey, the laws of that state would determine the validity of the domestic partnership following the civil union.

If I was previously registered in a domestic partnership and neglected to legally terminate it when we ended our relationship, must I terminate that domestic partnership before entering into a civil union with someone else?

Yes.  If the domestic partnership with a different partner was not legally terminated, or was not terminated by the death of the previous partner, you must terminate the domestic partnership before entering into a civil union with someone else.

Does my employer have to offer my domestic partner health benefits?

Information regarding benefits can be found at the Division of Pensions and Benefits.

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General Information

Can a person eligible to receive a certified copy of a vital record designate someone to collect the certified copies for them?

An individual who has filed a complete application for a copy of a vital record can authorize another person to pick up the record on his or her behalf. To do so, the applicant should sign a notarized letter, stating the name of the person listed on the vital record and the name of the individual who is picking up the record. The individual picking up the record must present this letter along with Acceptable Forms of Identification.

Does an ex-spouse have access to the previous spouse's birth or death certificate?

An ex-spouse can only obtain birth or death records if the records are being obtained on behalf of a minor child that was the product of the marriage. Documentary proof of the minor child and the need for the certificate must be provided.

Do stepparents have the same access to records as parents?

Stepparents can only obtain a certified copy of the birth certificate of a stepchild with the authorization of the biological parent, unless the stepparent has adopted the child or has been granted custody of the child.

Does an attorney have access to vital records?

An attorney can only obtain records on behalf of a client. The attorney must show proof of being the legal representative of the client and may only obtain the same type of copy of a vital record that the client is eligible to receive. An attorney is not granted certified copies of vital records solely on the basis of being an attorney; he or she must meet the requirements of Executive Order 18.

Do foreign governments accept a birth or death record issued by the State Bureau of Vital Statistics and Registration?

Yes. However, if the foreign country is a member of the Hague Treaty, the record must also contain an Apostille Seal. You can contact the consulate of that country to determine if it is a member of the Hague Treaty or obtain other specific requirements.

How do I obtain a record with an Apostille Seal?

You must purchase a copy of your vital record from the State Bureau of Vital Statistics and Registration and indicate on your application that it is needed for Apostille Seal. You will receive a certified copy, which contains the original signature of the State Registrar or Assistant State Registrar. You must forward this certificate to the Department of Treasury requesting an Apostille Seal. Requirements can be found at the following link:

How do I check the status of a request?

For requests submitted to the State Bureau of Vital Statistics and Registration, call (609) 292-4087 extension 582. For requests submitted to a local office of vital records, contact that office directly.

What should I do if I receive a No Match certificate as a result of a request I submitted?

A No Match statement means the information you provided does not exactly match a record on file. Verify the information you provided. Submit a new application for the record with the corrected information. Your new application must include the required identification and fees.

What should I do if I receive a No Record certificate as a result of a request I submitted?

A No Record statement means that there is no record on file that corresponds to the information you provided. Verify the information you provided. If the information you originally gave is correct, you can request to file a delayed report of birth. More information on delayed reports of birth can be found under the Birth Records portion of the FAQ’s.

Can vital records be faxed?

No. Vital records require the raised seal of the local office of vital records or the State Bureau of Vital Statistics and Registration seal to be valid. It is the policy of the State Registrar that records are not faxed for any reason.



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Local Registrar Information

How do I order a vital record from a New Jersey local vital records office?

Contact the Local Registrar's office in the municipality where the event occurred.

What are the fees for local copies?

The fees for copies of vital records vary by municipality. Please contact the municipality where the event took place for more detailed information.

Are local copies of vital records acceptable for all my needs?

Local copies are valid for all purposes except for the following two instances:

  • If the copies are being presented to a foreign country that is part of the Hague Treaty, the copies need an Apostille Seal from the New Jersey Secretary of State. The Apostille Seal can only be applied to certified copies of vital records issued from the State Bureau of Vital Statistics and Registration.
  • If your birth certificate was issued by the Jersey City – Hudson County Vital Records Office, it is not valid for passport application. You must obtain your certified copy from the State Bureau of Vital Statistics and Registration.


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Marriage Records

Is my marriage on file in New Jersey if I was married in another state or country?

No. You must contact the state or country in which you were married.

Who can perform marriages in New Jersey?

Judges of the U. S. Court of Appeals for the Third District, federal court judges, the county clerk, any mayor or the deputy mayor when authorized by the mayor, and ministers of every religion may marry individuals legally permitted to marry.

Can Internet ministers perform my marriage ceremony?

Yes. It is recommended you check the Internet website for the particular Internet ministry to verify that their ministers are authorized to perform marriage ceremonies.

What is required to file a delayed marriage certificate?

In order to request a delayed report of marriage, you must first file an application requesting the marriage certificate to ensure the record is not on file. If the marriage occurred within the last seven years and documentary proof is available a late marriage can be recorded. If the marriage took place more than seven years ago a delayed report must be filed by providing a copy of the marriage license application and documentary proof the marriage occurred. If the marriage license application is not available, then a court order must be obtained directing the State Bureau of Vital Statistics and Registration to place the marriage on file as a delayed record. Please contact the Record Modification unit at (609) 292-4087 extension 581 for further information.


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Ordering Vital Records

What can I do if I do not have all of the necessary information (date of birth, death or marriage, county of birth, death or marriage or mother's maiden name, etc.)?

To find needed information, you may wish to check census records, newspaper archives at the local library, the federal social security death index or hire an investigator.

Is the fee for a New Jersey birth record waived for military personnel?


What is the quickest way to obtain my birth certificate from New Jersey?

Same day service is offered in person at the local registrar’s office where the event took place or at the State Bureau of Vital Statistics and Registration Counter Services in Trenton.

Can I request a New Jersey vital record online?

Requests for copies of vital records can be made online by contacting our third party vendor VitalChek.


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Maintained by the Bureau of Vital Statistics and Registration for information on registering, amending or obtaining copies of vital records please contact (609) 292-4087 or toll-free nationwide at 1-866-649-8726.

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