Division of
Epidemiology, Environmental
& Occupational Health

James A. Brownlee, MPH
Assistant Commissioner
Division of Epidemiology, Environmental & Occupational Health

Communicable Disease Service
(609) 588-7539
Recognition and control of infectious diseases, infectious disease statistics, immunization information and requirements, animal health issues, spay/neuter program, Lyme disease, refugee health. (For information about HIV and AIDS go to the Division of AIDS Prevention and Control)
Occupational Health Service
(609) 984-1863
Public Employees Occupational Safety and Health (PEOSH) Program; occupational disease and injury prevention resources; occupational disease and injury data and reports; Right To Know program survey forms, training, information and hazardous substance fact sheets
Consumer and Environmental Health Services
(609) 588-7864
Includes programs and projects in food and milk safety, hazardous site health evaluation, environmental diseases, indoor air, regulated medical waste, tattoos and permanent makeup, youth camp safety, asbestos and lead training certification, and more.

You can contact us at:

Division of Epidemiology, Environmental and Occupational Health
New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services
PO Box 369
Trenton, NJ 08625-0369