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Temporary Procedures for Making Federal Government Deposits
(In the Wake of Hurricane Ike)

The Financial Management Service (FMS) is providing temporary procedures for making federal deposits in the state of Texas (in the wake of Hurricane Ike). Federal government agencies that currently make deposits at designated Treasury General Account (TGA) depositaries should follow the procedures listed below until your financial institution returns to normalcy.

If your local Texas TGA depositaries are not open for business, will not be open in the immediate future, or are difficult to get to due to limited hours of operation or environmental limitations resulting from the hurricane, the following procedures should be followed:

1. Agencies should mail check deposits to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas:

  • Via FedEx
    Dallas Federal Reserve Bank
    Attn: Check Department
    2200 North Pearl Street
    Dallas, TX 75201


  • Via USPS
    Dallas Federal Reserve Bank
    Attn: Check Department
    P.O. Box 655906
    Dallas, TX 75265

Agencies must clearly indicate their contact information, including the phone number on the 215 Deposit Form. In case there are any problems with the deposit, the Dallas Federal Reserve Bank will contact the agency to resolve the issue quickly. Agency questions can be directed to the Dallas Federal Reserve Bank Customer Support at 1 (800) 591-8019, Option 1.

2. Or, agencies should mail cash and checks to the U.S. Treasury's Mail-In Treasury General Account Bank (MITGA). The MITGA is managed and operated by U.S. Bank in Cleveland, OH. Agencies must use separate SF 215s for cash and checks, and must send deposits via registered mail to the following address:

  • Mail-In Treasury General Account
    P.O. Box 89455
    Cleveland, OH 44101-6455

If you have any questions for making deposits into the MITGA you may call (202) 261-0788 (Business Hours) or (202) 674-8455 (Business/After Hours).

If you have any questions regarding making TGA deposits, please contact Carolyn Dunston, (202) 874-7491, Mike Zeigler (202) 874-8906, or Ava Singleton (202) 874-9986.

   Last Updated:  Monday September 15, 2008

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