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Children's Tile Wall
Children's Tile Wall
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

The Children's Tile Wall (also known as the Wall of Remembrance) is located on the Museum's lower level. Dedicated by the Remember the Children Committee in April 1993, the Children's Tile Wall memorializes the children murdered in the Holocaust. A quotation from Yitzhak Katzenelson appears above the tiles: "The first to perish were the children...From these a new dawn might have risen." American schoolchildren painted the more than 3,000 tiles, many of which call for peace, hope, remembrance, and freedom.

Children's Tile Wall Detail
Children's Tile Wall Detail
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Children's Tile Wall Detail

The Visitor's Guide and Permanent Exhibition Guide may be helpful to you in planning your visit to the Museum. On the day of your visit, please also check at the Information Desk, in the center of the Hall of Witness on the First Floor, for a listing of daily program offerings.

100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, SW
Washington, DC 20024–2126
Main telephone: (202) 488–0400
TTY: (202) 488–0406

Visitor's Guide
Permanent Exhibition Guide
available as pdf file
get Adobe Acrobat
Permanent Exhibition Guide
Visitor's Guide
available as pdf file
get Adobe Acrobat

Museum Policies
  • Eating, drinking, and smoking are not permitted.
  • On entry, all visitors must pass through metal detectors and have their belongings scanned.
  • Video/audio recording are not permitted.
  • Photography is not permitted in the exhibitions.
  • Flash photography is not permitted in the Hall of Remembrance.
  • Private use of Museum classrooms, theaters and meeting spaces by outside groups or organizations is prohibited.
  • The Museum cannot guarantee entry to groups that arrive more than 30 minutes late of their scheduled group reservation time.