The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
US EEOC Performance and Accountability Report FY 2006

Strategic Objective 3: Organizational Excellence

Our goal is to ensure that the principles and standards we promote in the workplace are readily apparent in our own operations. We strive to be an organization that sets and implements the highest quality standards for EEO, customer service, internal efficiencies, and fiscal responsibility. Improving our capacity and infrastructure will help us carry out our mission more effectively and efficiently. Sound management of our resources—human, financial, and technological—is critical to this effort.

The President’s Management Agenda (PMA) is integral to the final element of our Five-Point Plan: EEOC as a Model Workplace. The PMA addresses important enhancements to internal agency operations, with an emphasis on customer service. The integration of the Five-Point Plan and other Administration and agency initiatives will help us build a model workplace where we can effectively and efficiently accomplish two broad outcomes in an environment conducive to good employment practices: (1) improving organizational performance and efficiency and (2) instilling a climate of respect, service, and responsiveness.

Organizational Excellence FY 2006 Performance

Total FY 2006 Investment: Allocated Between Strategic Objectives 1 and 2

Measures Targets Met
target met
Targets Partially Met
target partially met
Targets Not Met
target not met
8 5 0 3

EEOC as a Model Workplace

EEOC employees are at the heart of our efforts to become a model workplace and achieve organizational excellence. In FY 2006, we continued to implement strategies, programs, and practices to manage our employees for greater results. 

Several of our performance measures demonstrate the agency’s efforts to be a model for other employers in resolving internal complaints and other disputes quickly and successfully. One example is the agency’s RESOLVE program, a one-stop, informal program for settling all types of workplace disputes within the EEOC. It is an alternative dispute resolution (ADR) process available for equal employment opportunity complaints, as well as grievances and unfair labor practice claims. 

Learning Success

Several Atlanta investigators made presentations and disseminated informational materials as part of Clayton County, Georgia’s Public Schools’ Work-Based Learning Success Seminar. Over 400 high school seniors participated in the seminar which was designed to foster positive values for successful careers. The EEOC’s session was entitled “That's Not Fair.”

Measure 3.1.7 tracks employees’ acceptance of the RESOLVE program by looking at their willingness to use the program again. Employees who completed a mediation or facilitation through RESOLVE are asked to complete a participant satisfaction survey. Of the employees who completed the survey, 100% indicated that they would use the program again, exceeding the FY 2006 target of 92%.

President's Management Agenda: The PMA identifies five areas that require improvement throughout the Federal Government. The five-part agenda is an integrated set of management reforms designed to create a more results-oriented, customer-focused, and market-based government. Since FY 2003, the agency’s Inspector General has rated the agency in all areas. Our ultimate goal is to achieve a green rating in all PMA scorecard categories. Our efforts to get to green are discussed in the following sections.

Strategic Management of Human Capital: The EEOC has engaged in several key steps toward fully implementing the human capital initiative. These steps include developing a human capital plan to guide strategic management of our most valuable resource—our employees; revising the agency's performance management system for executives, managers  and employees—strengthening its alignment with the agency's mission and goals; preparing a workforce planning report and honing our efforts to improve forecasting and management of staffing for the future; addressing succession planning/leadership continuity through our Management Development Institute; adopting benchmarking and monitoring for human resources (HR) procedural systems; and reviewing and improving HR processes and operations. The agency also participated in the 2004 and 2005 Federal Human Capital Survey. Results of the survey will guide the development of action plans in each EEOC office.

Competitive Sourcing:  The agency submitted the 2006 FAIR Act inventory on time: June 30, 2006. The inventory identifies commercial and inherently governmental functions and was adjusted to reflect the decrease in staffing levels over the past 12 months. The agency updates a 5-year competitive sourcing plan from time to time. For FY 2006, the agency initiated planning to undertake a standard competition for the file disclosure function. The scope of the study includes both Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests and Section 83 of the EEOC Compliance Manual Section I information requests. The 1-year competition will be completed in October 2007. During FY 2007, the agency will consider a standard competition for information technology desktop management to cover both the headquarters and field locations since an independent study suggested cost savings could be achieved under a different staffing model.

Benefiting Business

Chicago District Office staff conducted a New Freedom Initiative presentation for the Quincy (Illinois) Area Safety Council. The event was attended by approximately 50 representatives from small business employers. The topic was “The Americans with Disabilities Act – How Can My Business Benefit.”

Improved Financial Management: FY 2006 was marked by an important decision on how and when to replace an obsolete financial system operated the Department of the Interior’s National Business Center (DOI-NBC). After conducting a competition among OMB approved shared service providers, the DOI-NBC was awarded an $11.7 million, 6-year interagency agreement to install and operate the Momentum® suite of financial software as well as provide a range of accounting operations services. Implementation is scheduled for October 1, 2007. In addition to the shared services decision, the agency made progress communicating with the management team through monthly financial reports and briefings. Also, a decision was made to distribute a detailed agency operating plan to all senior managers as evidence of the need for more transparency of financial information within the agency.    

As part of the FY 2006 independent financial audit, the Inspector General contracted for an A-123 Internal Control review of the time and attendance/cost accounting payroll process as well as a review of the State and local program accounts payable process. Overall, the report stated that the internal control structure provides reasonable assurance that the objectives of the agency are being achieved.

Expanded Electronic Government: The EEOC is committed to fulfilling the PMA’s vision of improved service and government efficiency by transforming to electronic government (e-gov). Over the past several years, we have implemented projects that automated internal processes, reduced paperwork burden, integrated data, and provided electronic alternatives for obtaining services and interacting within the agency. Benefits related to these projects include decreasing the burden on businesses and achieving internal cost savings and efficiencies by enabling businesses to update and submit required EEO-1 (private employers), EEO-3 (local referral unions), EEO-4 (State and local governments), and EEO-5 (elementary and secondary education institutions) report data online; enhancing customer service and internal efficiency by providing the ability to register and pay for EEOC seminars and training materials via the Internet; improving public access to information by submitting EEOC civil case information electronically; decreasing the burden on other government agencies through electronic submission and acceptance of annual Federal EEO statistics; and enhancing communication and collaboration with State and local government Fair Employment Practices Agencies (FEPAs) by providing them with secure on-line access to EEOC’s Integrated Mission System.  In addition, the agency has implemented, through the National Contact Center, a new EEOC Assessment System that walks the public through a series of questions to determine whether EEOC is the most appropriate agency to provide them assistance and allows electronic submission of complaint information to the appropriate EEOC field office for follow-up.

Budget and Performance Integration:  During FY 2006, two important activities helped strengthen the integration of budget and performance data. Working with OMB, the agency completed for the first time the Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) process. The results will be released in February 2007. The agency also undertook a review and update of the 6-year Strategic Plan, which now covers FYs 2007 through 2012, including an examination of the performance measures. A number of measures were eliminated while others were improved to focus on broader outcomes. We continue to improve and configure our financial and workload reporting systems to support OMB reporting requirements for financial and performance data.

This page was last modified on December 7, 2006

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