The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
US EEOC Performance and Accountability Report FY 2006

Federal Managers' Financial Integrity Act (FMFIA)

An evaluation of the agency's management controls and financial management systems revealed that EEOC had one material weakness and seven financial nonconformances.

An Office of Inspector General’s audit found a significant deficiency in the agency’s information security program under the Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002 (FISMA), primarily in areas regarding documentation and tracking processes. The Office of Management and Budget guidance (Circular A-123) requires the agency to simultaneously identify a FISMA significant deficiency as a FMFIA material weakness. A corrective action plan has been implemented and we expect to resolve all of the audit findings during FY 2007.

The agency has already corrected six of the seven financial non-conformances. Two of corrected financial nonconformances were first identified in FY 2005. Four of them were identified during FY 2006. Finally, the agency has implemented a corrective action plan to resolve the remaining nonconformance by FY 2007.

Although the agency found one material weakness and identified seven financial nonconformances, it resolved six nonconformances and implemented corrective action plans to resolve the outstanding areas in FY 2007. Taking the agency’s controls environment as a whole, including the corrective actions implemented, and based on a review of comprehensive agency-wide materials, including audit reports, and the assurances of the agency's senior managers, we conclude that our systems of management and financial controls during FY 2006 were effective and that agency resources were used consistent with the agency’s mission—in compliance with laws and regulations, and with minimal potential for waste, fraud, and mismanagement.

This page was last modified on December 7, 2006

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