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Business Enterprise Program

People around vending machine


Since 1937, the New Jersey Commission for the Blind & Visually Impaired’s Business Enterprise Program (BEP) has worked to help men and women who are legally blind become independent business operators and entrepreneurs.

The BEP, established by the federal Randolph-Sheppard Act of 1936, makes it possible for the operators to demonstrate that being blind does not mean that someone is unable to earn a living.

BEP operators must be 18 and legally blind (20/200 or worse with best corrected vision and certain field of vision limitations). Training classes are conducted at the Joseph Kohn Rehabilitation Center in New Brunswick, followed by on-the-job training at BEP locations throughout the state.

Each day, thousands of customers are competently served at the 60 BEP facilities currently open in New Jersey. These business operations include vending machine locations, newspaper stands, snack bars and full service cafeterias that are all managed by individuals who are legally blind.

Building Partnerships and Creating Opportunities

The Commission for the Blind & Visually Impaired is seeking to form Partnerships for Prosperity in communities all over New Jersey to expand the Business Enterprise Program by establishing new locations where trained and licensed operators will have the opportunity to become gainfully employed.

Having a BEP location in your facility is beneficial to all:

· Customers enjoy convenience and good service at reasonable prices;

· Individuals who are blind are able to be self-sufficient, tax paying entrepreneurs by managing their own business; and

· Communities receive important messages on valuing diversity and the abilities of people once thought of as handicapped.

INDEPENDENCE: Believe & Achieve

The Business Enterprise Program is a true example of the Commission for the Blind & Visually Impaired’s commitment to create and expand employment opportunities for people living in New Jersey who are blind.

You are invited to observe this very successful program in action. We will arrange for a visit to any of our facilities located all over the state.

For further information, please call:

(609) 584-4905
(609) 584-4876
Toll Free




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