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About the Peace Corps

What are the Benefits?
Educational Benefits / Fellows/USA / Benefits

Work and Network with Enthusiastic Community Partners

Although the Fellows/USA programs vary by institution, degree programs usually take two years to complete and include a combination of course work and an internship with a community partner. Sometimes courses must be taken prior to the internship; sometimes they are taken concurrently or even afterward. Lengths of the internships also vary. They range from six months to two years. Some programs also require the returned Volunteer to commit to working in the community for a period of time after graduation. No matter how the program is structured, Fellows/USA allows you to form personal and professional relationships. Many Fellows' internships lead to permanent positions. Typically, community partners are enthusiastic about Fellows and the qualities they bring to the workplace. They often ask the Fellows/USA staff to, "Send us more Fellows."

Transfer Your Skills to an International Career

For returned Volunteers who are interested in working overseas again someday, many of the Fellows/USA programs teach concepts that are applicable to both domestic and international careers. Universities value returned Volunteers for their global awareness, which brings new perspectives to the classroom and the institution. In return, Fellows benefit from combining the knowledge they acquired overseas with lessons learned through work in domestic settings. After Fellows/USA, they can then choose to apply this knowledge anywhere in the world.

Receive an Affordable Education

Besides gaining valuable on-the-job training and networking opportunities, Fellows receive scholarships, reduced tuition, paid employment, health benefits, housing, or living allowances, depending on the program. Therefore, Fellows/USA enables returned Volunteers to earn degrees, establish their careers, and pay less than students who have not served in the Peace Corps. Funding is provided by the partner universities, foundations, government agencies, corporations, and individual donors. The generous support of these benefactors enables Peace Corps Fellows/USA to exist.


Questions? Contact the Fellows/USA coordinator at:

Peace Corps Fellows/USA Paul D. Coverdell Peace Corps Headquarters 1111 20th Street NW Washington, DC 20526

Phone: 800.424.8580 ext. 1440


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