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EPIC Web Utilities -- COVER
Why you should use COVER
  • It reduces the likelihood of encountering the dreaded 500 Server Error.
    • Common mistakes in script implementation are easier to diagnose
    • For a demonstration of this, try cover tests.
  • It redirects stderr to stdout for the script, so you see any error messages your script causes.
    • You usually can't see the error messages!
  • It parses the forms input and passes it to your script as ordinary arguments. ***(future) and envrionment variables ***
    • An existing script can easily be modified to become a forms-responder.
    • Certain shells (such as csh) can't properly read the forms data, or don't have enough string processing capability to deal with it.
    • COVER also quotes or deletes special characters in the arguments, to reduce the likelihood of your script being abused to execute unauthorized commands.
  • It handles both GET and POST forms
    • And can also be used via a link (HREF) of a URL with a query string

If you have any questions about COVER utility please contact: epic@pmel.noaa.gov or Mark Renton (the author).