../plan.css"> The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Compilation of GPRA Measures in FY2002 Budget/Annual Performance Plan

Enforce Federal Civil Rights Employment Laws Through a Comprehensive Enforcement Program.

Strategic Objective 1.1.
Improve the effectiveness of the private sector enforcement program, including the use of charge prioritization, mediation and, where necessary, litigation, by utilizing a comprehensive enforcement strategy that focuses on National Enforcement Plan priorities.
STATEMENT 1999 2000 2001 2002
NO. Target Results Target Results Target Target
1.1.1. Percent of resolved private sector charges benefitting victims of discrimination. X X 20% 21.3% 20% 22%
1.1.2. Percent of newly filed, administratively processed private sector charges resolved within 180 calendar days. X X X X 60% 60%
1.1.3. Percent of sampled district office charge files with information supporting the categorization of the charges as "A," "B," or "C" and any necessary attorney involvement. X X X X 90% 90%
1.1.4. Percent of "A-1" charges received in the fiscal year with on-site investigations. X X X X At least 70% At least 70%
1.1.5. Percent of "A" charges where attorneys are available to advise investigators. X X X X 100% 100%
1.1.6. Percent of the cases filed in court involving multiple aggrieved parties (MAPs) or discriminatory policies. 32% 28.5% 32% 36% 36% 36%
1.1.7. Percent of cases litigated during the fiscal year with investigators assigned. X X X X no less than 5% no less than 5%

Enforce Federal Civil Rights Employment Laws Through a Comprehensive Enforcement Program.

Strategic Objective 1.2.
Enhance the effectiveness of the federal sector program by utilizing a comprehensive enforcement strategy.
STATEMENT 1999 2000 2001 2002
NO. Target Results Target Results Target Target
1.2.1. Percent of closed Hearings cases over 180 days old. X X 5% reduction of cases over 180 days old at beginning of FY2000. 6.8% reduction. 20% of closures are 360-days old and older. 20% of closures are 360-days old and older.
1.2.2. Percent of Hearings cases resolved within 180 days. X X X X 20% of cases received in FY2001. 20% of cases received in FY2002.
1.2.3. Percent of closed Appeals cases 500-days old or older. X X 20% 33% 30% 30%
1.2.4. Percent of Appeals cases resolved within 180 days. X X 10% of cases received in FY2000. 21.9% 20% of cases received in FY2001. 20% of cases received in FY2002.
1.2.5. Percent of Appeals resolved within 180 days involving breach of settlement agreements filed within the first 3 quarters of the fiscal year. X X X X 50% 50%
1.2.6. Percent of Appeals resolved within 180 days alleging non-compliance with an agency's final action or final decision filed within the first 3 quarters of the fiscal year. X X X X 50% 50%

Enforce Federal Civil Rights Employment Laws Through a Comprehensive Enforcement Program.

Strategic Objective 1.3.
Strengthen partnerships with State and Local Fair Employment Practices Agencies (FEPAs) and Native American Tribal Employment Rights Organizations (TEROs) to enhance effective implementation of laws addressing employment discrimination.
STATEMENT 1999 2000 2001 2002
NO. Target Results Target Results Target Target
1.3.1. Train FEPAs and Tribal Employment Rights Organizations (TEROs). Train 30 FEPAs. 49 FEPAs trained. Train FEPAs / TEROs. Provide training materials on at least 2 employment discrimination subjects. 93 FEPAs & 61 TEROs trained. Materials on 2 subjects distributed. Train FEPAs / TEROs. Train FEPAs / TEROs.
1.3.2. The number of contracted dual-filed charges resolved by FEPAs. X X approx. 53,000 53,683 approx. 55,000 approx. 55,000
1.3.3. The number of joint outreach programs conducted with FEPAs to educate and assist small businesses covered by EEOC enforced statutes and under-served communities and groups. X X X X 20 20

Promote Equal Opportunity in Employment Through Education and Technical Assistance.

Strategic Objective 2.1.
Encourage and facilitate voluntary compliance with equal employment opportunity laws among employers and employer groups in the private and federal sectors.
STATEMENT 1999 2000 2001 2002
NO. Target Results Target Results Target Target
2.1.1. The number of consultations with employer stakeholders on operational and legal issues. 500 1,232 1,200 1,213 1,200 1,200
2.1.2. The number of representatives of private sector and federal sector employers attending technical assistance activities, other than Revolving Fund activities. 10,000 46,500 At least 46,500 49,766 50,000 50,000
2.1.3. The number of outreach events provided to employers to encourage participation in EEOC's mediation program. X X X X 250 250
2.1.4. The number of small employers with approximately 15-99 employees provided EEOC's education and information materials, as part of a special outreach initiative. X X X X 5,000 5,000
2.1.5. The number of Revolving Fund activities conducted for private sector and federal sector employers. 75 292 175 296 275 275
2.1.6. Develop and implement an outreach plan for fiscal years 2000-2002 to provide education and technical assistance and to proactively distribute EEOC's education and information materials to small private sector employers and to federal sector employers. Develop plan. Plan developed Implement plan activities for FY2000. Implemented FY2000 activities. Implement plan activities for FY2001. Implement plan activities for FY2002.
2.1.7. The number of outreach, education, or other technical assistance activities conducted to assist federal agencies make EEO program improvements, including establishing alternative dispute resolution (ADR) programs throughout the EEO process. X X X X At least 120 At least 120
2.1.8. The number of on-site evaluations of federal agency EEO programs conducted. X X 14 20 20 20

Promote Equal Opportunity in Employment Through Education and Technical Assistance.

Strategic Objective 2.2.
Increase knowledge about individual rights under equal employment opportunity laws among the public and employee groups.
STATEMENT 1999 2000 2001 2002
NO. Target Results Target Results Target Target
2.2.1. The number of consultations with employee stakeholders on operational and legal issues. 500 1,533 1,200 3,918 3,900 3,900
2.2.2. The number of employees and employee representatives provided EEOC's education and information materials, including representatives from under-served groups or communities. X X X X 30,000 30,000
2.2.3. Develop and implement an outreach plan for fiscal years 2000-2002 to inform under-served constituencies of their rights, and to proactively distribute EEOC's educational and informational materials to employee stakeholders. Develop plan. Plan developed. Implement plan activities for FY2000. Implemented FY2000 activities. Implement plan activities for FY2001. Implement plan activities for FY2002.
2.2.4. The number of additional EEOC publications most frequently requested in an alternate format and translated and available in 7 alternate languages (Spanish, Haitian/Creole, Vietnamese, Russian, Korean, Arabic and Chinese). X X X X Initiate efforts to make 15 publications available by the end of FY2002. Make 15 publications available by the end of FY2002.
2.2.5. Make information about employment discrimination and the federal EEO procedures available for the approximately 2 million federal employees, using the EEOC's web site and other innovative means. X X X X Make information available. Make information available.
2.2.6. Provide EEOC informational materials to federal sector employees and major employee groups identified in the prior fiscal year(s) and give appropriate follow-up assistance when contacted. X X X X Materials and assistance provided for those identified in FY2000. Materials and assistance provided for those identified in FY2000 and FY2001.

Enhance Agency Effectiveness to Achieve our Mission and Strategic Goals by Providing Executive Direction and Support and Building Institutional Knowledge.

Strategic Objective 3.1.
Enhance staff capabilities and substantive knowledge to improve work processes and job functions through training, partnership, team-based approaches, and customer-based principles.
STATEMENT 1999 2000 2001 2002
NO. Target Results Target Results Target Target
3.1.1. Train EEOC employees. Train all employees. Trained virtually all employees. Train employees implem. the Comp. Enf. Program (CEP). Trained 82% of employees implem. CEP. Identify critical skill gaps and conduct training to address them. Continue training in identified areas of critical skill gaps.
3.1.2. The number of training prototypes developed from approaches identified for technology-based learning. X X X X Identify tech-based learning approaches. Develop at least one prototype.
3.1.3. The number of training videos prepared on recently adopted Commission guidance and distributed for EEOC employees. X X X X 2 2
3.1.4. The number of EEOC offices piloting and implementing the Quality Peer Review Program for the outreach and initial contact phases of the private sector enforcement process. X X X X Pilot in 3 field offices.
Prepare to implement in FY2002.
Implement in 5 field offices.
Develop an additional peer review module for investigations.
3.1.5. The percent of participants rating each Technical Assistance Program Seminar (TAPS) overall quality as acceptable or better. X X X X 90% 90%

Enhance Agency Effectiveness to Achieve our Mission and Strategic Goals by Providing Executive Direction and Support and Building Institutional Knowledge.

Strategic Objective 3.2.
Provide policy direction and guidance to achieve all Strategic Goals.
STATEMENT 1999 2000 2001 2002
NO. Target Results Target Results Target Target
3.2.1. Prepare Question and Answer documents in a simplified format to accompany all Commission approved policy. X X X X Prepare Q & As. Prepare Q & As.
3.2.2. Prepare for the Chairwoman's consideration by October 1 the proposed fiscal year regulatory agenda. X X X X Prepare agenda. Prepare agenda.
3.2.3. Address the regulatory agenda by preparing for the Chairwoman's consideration final regulations or notices of proposed regulations, or recommendations that regulatory matters be postponed or not completed and removed from the agenda. X X X X Address regulatory agenda. Address regulatory agenda.
3.2.4. Percent reduction in the average number of days to process internal EEO complaints from the previous fiscal year. X X 15%
Use innovative approaches including ADR
Implemented ADR program & other innovative approaches
15% 15%
3.2.5. Develop and deliver diversity training to EEOC supervisors and managers. X X X X X Develop and deliver training.

Enhance Agency Effectiveness to Achieve our Mission and Strategic Goals by Providing Executive Direction and Support and Building Institutional Knowledge.

Strategic Objective 3.3.
Instill a knowledge base by attaining and maintaining a robust technological competency and through research, analysis and evaluation of organizational components, procedures and processes.
STATEMENT 1999 2000 2001 2002
NO. Target Results Target Results Target Target
3.3.1. Percent or number of streamlined, updated, or eliminated internal directives in effect as of September 30, 1998. 10% 5% 10% 16% 17 directives. 8 directives.
3.3.2. Implement a new integrated financial management system. Implement system. System implem. X X Complete transition plans for implementation. Implement Core Accounting and Budget Modules.
3.3.3. Continue development, test and pilot a number of subsystems of the EEOC's Integrated Mission System (IMS). X X Continue to develop IMS. IMS development continued. Test 4 subsystems: private sector, federal sector, litigation and outreach. Pilot the 4 subsystems in field offices.
3.3.4. Implement a new human resources and payroll system. X X X X Complete 2-year transition and implementation of system.
3.3.5. Develop and implement a new, standardized federal EEO Complaint Collection and Reporting System to improve the collection of data from federal agencies and provide more efficient reporting of federal EEO complaints. X X Initiate development of federal EEO data system. Identified requirements for a new data system and initiated contractor selection. Complete 2-year system development and implementation in 5 pilot federal agencies during FY2002.
3.3.6. Conduct an OMB Circular A-76 review of the IT Systems Design, Development and Programming activity. X X X X X Complete review in FY2002.
3.3.7. Percent of properly completed travel vouchers paid within 15 business days after receipt in headquarters. X X X X 80% 90%
3.3.8. Percent of full and open procurement actions for $25,000 or more posted on, and provided the opportunity for submitting electronic bids through, the government-wide Website for procurement activity. X X X X X 100%
3.3.9. Percent of procurement actions for less than $25,000 awarded within 25 business days after acceptance of the request. X X X X 90% 90%
3.3.10. Average number of business days to reduce to, and maintain, for awarding properly prepared procurement actions of $25,000 or more. X X X X 105 105
3.3.11. Number of calendar weeks, on average, to deliver a list of qualified candidates (a certificate) to the requestor after the request to post a vacancy announcement, assuming the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) maintains open investigator announcements and classifies, posts and issues certificates for complex positions. X X X X Within 8 Within 6
3.3.12. Number of calendar days to complete each non-routine personnel action requested. (These actions include establishment/classification of positions, reasonable accommodation requests, and some separation actions, i.e., involuntary separations and transfers to other government agencies.) X X X X 90 90
3.3.13. Number of calendar days to accurately complete routine personnel actions received. (These actions include non-competitive reassignments and promotions, changes in benefits and accessions.) X X X X 10 10

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