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Older Americans Act

Part 1328 Regulations - Grants for Supportive and Nutritional Services to Older Hawaiian Natives

[Based on 1988 Amendments; does not reflect 2000 Amendments]

[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 45, Volume 4, Parts 1200 to End]
[Revised as of October 1, 2000]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 45CFR1328]

Title 45--Public Welfare
Chapter Xiii--Office Of Human Development Services, Department Of Health and Human Services
Part 1328--Grants For Supportive And Nutritional Services To Older Hawaiian Natives

1328.1 Basis and purpose of this part.
1328.3 Definitions.
1328.5 Applicability of other regulations.
1328.7 Confidentiality and disclosure of information.
1328.9 Contributions.
1328.11 Prohibition against supplantation.
1328.13 Supportive services.
1328.15 Nutrition services.
1328.17 Access to information.
1328.19 Application requirements.
1328.21 Application approval.
1328.23 Hearing procedures.

Authority: 42 U.S.C. 3001; Title VI Part B of the Older Americans Act.

Source: 53 FR 33777, Aug. 31, 1988, unless otherwise noted.

Sec. 1328.1 Basis and purpose of this part.

This program was established to meet the unique needs and circumstances of Older Hawaiian Natives. This part implements title VI (part B) of the Older Americans Act, as amended, by establishing the requirements that a public or nonprofit private organization shall meet in order to receive a grant to promote the delivery of services for older Hawaiian Natives that are comparable to services provided under title III. This part also prescribes application and hearing requirements and procedures for these agrants.

Sec. 1328.3 Definitions.

Acquiring, as used in section 307(a)(14) of the Act, means obtaining ownership of an existing facility in fee simple or by lease of 10 years or more for use as a multipurpose senior center.

Act, means the Older Americans Act of 1965, as amended.

Altering or renovating, as used in section 307(a)(14) of the Act with respect to multipurpose senior centers, means making modifications to or in connection with an existing facility which are necessary for its effective use as a center. These may include renovation, repair, or expansion which is not in excess of double the square footage of the original facility and all physical improvements.

Budgeting period, as used in Sec. 1328.19 of this part, means the intervals of time into which a period of assistance (project period) is divided for budgetary and funding purposes.

Constructing, as used in section 307(a)(14) of the Act with respect to multipurpose senior centers, means building a new facility, including the costs of land acquisition and architectural and engineering fees, or making modificaitons to or in connection with an existing facility which are in excess of double the square footage of the original facility and all physical improvements.

Department, means the Department of Health and Human Services.

Eligible organization, means a public or nonprofit private organization having the capacity to provide services under this part for older Hawaiian Natives.

Grantee, as used in this part, means an eligible organization that has received funds to provide services to older Hawaiians.

Hawaiian Native, as used in this part, means any individual any of whose ancestors were native of the area which consists of the Hawaiian Islands prior to 1778.

Means test, as used in the provision of services, means the use of an older Hawaiian Native's income or resources to deny or limit that person receipt of services under this part.

Older Hawaiian, means any individual, age 60 or over, who is an Hawaiian Native.

Project period, as used in Sec. 1328.19 of this part, means the total time for which a project is approved for support, including any extensions.

Service area, as used in Sec. 1328.9(b) and elsewhere in this part, means that geographic area approved by the Commissioner in which the grantee provides supportive and nutritional services to older Hawaiian Natives residing there.

Sec. 1328.5 Applicability of other regulations.

The following regulations in title 45 of the Code of Federal Regulations apply to all activities under this part:

  1. Part 16-Procedures of the Departmental Grant Appeals Board;
  2. Part 74-Administration of Grants;
  3. Part 75-Informal Grant Appeals Procedures;
  4. Part 80-Nondiscrimination Under Programs Receiving Federal Assistance through the Department of Health and Human Services: Effectuation of title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964;
  5. Part 81-Practice and procedures for hearings under part 80;
  6. Part 84-Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Handicap in Programs and Activities Receiving Benefits from Federal Financing Participation; and
  7. Part 91-Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Age in Programs or Activities Receiving Federal Financial Assistance from HHS.

Sec. 1328.7 Confidentiality and disclosure of information.

A grantee shall have confidentiality and disclosure procedures as follows:

  1. The grantee shall have procedures to ensure that no information about an older Hawaiian Native or obtained from an older Hawaiian Native is disclosed in a form that identifies the person without the informed consent of the person or of his or her legal representative, unless the disclosure is required by court order, or for program monitoring by authorized Federal monitoring agencies.
  2. A grantee is not required to disclose those types of information or documents that are exempt from disclosure by a Federal agency under the Federal Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. 552.

Sec. 1328.9 Contributions.

  1. Each grantee shall:
    1. Provide each older Hawaiian Native with a free and voluntary opportunity to contribute to the cost of the service;
    2. Protect the privacy of each older Hawaiian Native with respect to his or her contribution;
    3. Establish appropriate procedures to safeguard and account for all contributions;
    4. Use all supportive services contributions to expand the services provided under this part; and
    5. Use all nutrition services contributions only to expand services as provided under section 307(a)(13)(c)(ii) of the Act.
  2. Each grantee may develop a suggested contribution schedule for services provided under this part. In developing a contribution schedule, the grantee shall consider the income ranges of older Hawaiian Natives in the service area and the grantee's other sources of income. However, means tests may not be used.
  3. A grantee may not deny any older Hawaiian a service because the older Hawaiian will not or cannot contribute to the cost of the service.

Sec. 1328.11 Prohibition against supplantation.

A grantee shall ensure that the activities provided under a grant under this part will be in addition to, and not in substitution for, comparable activities provided without Federal assistance.

Sec. 1328.13 Supportive services.

  1. A grantee may provide any of the supportive services specified under title III of the Older Americans Act and any other supportive services, approved in the grantee's application, that are necessary for the general welfare of older Hawaiian Natives.
  2. If a grantee elects to provide multipurpose senior center activities or uses any of the funds under this part for acquiring, altering or renovating a multipurpose senior center facility, it shall comply with the following requirements:
    1. The grantee shall comply with all applicable local health, fire, safety, building, zoning and sanitation laws, ordinances or codes.
    2. The grantee shall assure the technical adequacy of any proposed alteration or renovation of a multipurpose senior center assisted under this part. The grantee shall assure technical adequacy by requiring that any alteration or renovation of a multipurpose senior center that affects the load bearing members of the facility is structurally sound and complies with all applicable local or State ordinances, laws, or building codes.
  3. If a grantee elects to provide legal services, it shall substantially comply with the requirements in Sec. 1321.71 and legal services providers shall comply fully with the requirements in Secs. 1321.71(c) through 1321.71(p).

Sec. 1328.15 Nutrition services.

  1. In addition to providing nutrition services to older Hawaiian Natives, a grantee may:
    1. Provide nutrition services to the spouses of older Hawaiian Natives; (2) Provide nutrition services to non-elderly handicapped or disabled Hawaiian Natives who reside in housing facilities occupied primarily by the elderly, at which congregate nutrition services are provided;
    2. Offer a meal, on the same basis as meals are provided to older Hawaiian Natives, to individuals providing volunteer services during meal hours; and
    3. Provide a meal to individuals with disabilities who reside in a non-institutional household with and accompany a person eligible for congregate meals under that part.
  2. Each grantee may receive cash payments in lieu of donated foods for all or any portion of its funding available under section 311(a)(4) of the Act. To receive cash or commodities, the grantee shall have an agreement with the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) to be a distributing agency.
  3. Where applicable, the grantee shall work with agencies responsible for administering other programs to facilitate participation of older Hawaiian Natives.

Sec. 1328.17 Access to information.

A grantee shall:

  1. Establish or have a list of all services that are available to older Hawaiian Natives in the service area;
  2. Maintain a list of services needed or requested by the older Hawaiians; and
  3. Provide assistance to older Hawaiian Natives to help them take advantage of available services.

Sec. 1328.19 Application requirements.

To receive funds under this part, an eligible organization shall submit an application as prescribed in section 623 of the Act and in accordance with the Commissioner's instructions for the specified project and budget periods. The application shall provide for:

  1. Program objectives, as set forth in section 623(a)(6) of the Act, and any objectives established by the Commissioner;
  2. A description of the geographic boundaries of the service area proposed by the eligible organization;
  3. Documentation of the organization's ability to serve older Hawaiian Natives;
  4. Assurances as prescribed by the Commissioner that:
    1. The eligible organization represents at least 50 older Hawaiian Natives who have attained 60 years of age or older;
    2. The eligible organization shall conduct all activities on behalf of older Hawaiian natives in close coordination with the State agency and Area Agency on Aging:
    3. The eligible organization shall comply with all applicable State and local license and safety requirements for the provision of those services;
    4. The eligible organization shall ensure that all services under this part are provided without use of any means tests;
    5. The eligible organization shall comply with all requirements set forth in Secs. 1328.7 through 1328.17; and
    6. The services provided under this part will be coordinated, where applicable, with services provided under title III of the Act.
  5. Signature by the principal official of the eligible organization.

Sec. 1328.21 Application approval.

  1. Approval of any application under section 623(d) of the Act, shall not commit the Commissioner in any way to make additional, supplemental, continuation, or other awards with respect to any approved application or portion thereof.
  2. The Commissioner may give first priority in awarding grants to eligible applicant organizations that have prior experience in serving Hawaiian Natives, particularly older Hawaiian Natives.

Sec. 1328.23 Hearing procedures.

In accordance with section 623(c)(3) of the Act, if the Commissioner disapproves an application from an eligible organization, the organization may file a written request for a hearing with the Commissioner.

  1. The request shall be postmarked or delivered in person within 30 days of the date of the disapproval notice. If it requests a hearing, the organization shall submit to the Commissioner, as part of the request, a full written response to each objection specified in the notice of disapproval, including the pertinent facts and reasons in support of its response, and any and all documentation to support its position. Service of the request shall also be made on the individual(s) designated by the Commissioner to represent him or her.
  2. The Administration on Aging shall have the opportunity to respond within 30 days to the merits of the organization's request.
  3. The Commissioner notifies the organization in writing of the date, time and place for the hearing.
  4. The hearing procedures include the right of the organization to:
    • A hearing before the Commissioner or an official designated by the Commissioner;
    • Be heard in person or to be represented by counsel, at no expense to the Administration on Aging;
    • Present written evidence prior to and at the hearing, and present oral evidence at the hearing if the Commissioner or the Commissioner's designee decides that oral evidence is necessary for the proper resolution of the issues involved, and
    • Have the staff directly responsible for reviewing the application either present at the hearing, or have a deposition from the staff, whichever the Commissioner or the Commissioner's designee decides.
  5. The Commissioner or the Commissioner's designee conducts a fair and impartial hearing, takes all necessary action to avoid delay and to maintain order and has all powers necessary to these ends.
  6. Formal rules of evidence do not apply to the hearings.
  7. The official hearing transcript together with all papers documents, exhibits, and requests filed in the proceedings, including rulings, constitutes the record for decision.
  8. After consideration of the record, the Commissioner or the Commissioner's designee issues a written decision, based on the record, which sets forth the reasons for the decision and the evidence on which it was based. The decision is issued within 60 days of the date of the hearing, constitutes the final administrative action on the matter and is promptly mailed to the organization.
  9. Either the organization or the staff of the Administration on Aging may request, for good cause, an extension of any of the time limits specified in this section.
Additional Topics
* The Center for Social Gerontology (TCSG) Unofficial Compilation of the OAA as amended in 2000 [Off site]
* Full Text of the Older Americans Act from Cornell University's web site [Off site]
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