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Record Group: Department of Defense
Subseries: Adjutant General’s Office (Civil War)
Series: Photographs of Soldiers [Cartes de Visite], ca. 1861-1890s
Accession #: 1968.002, various
Series #:  SDEA4010
Guide Date: 4/1995 (JK); rev. 1/2003 (VM)
Volume: 1.25 c.f. [4 boxes]

Institutional History | Contents

Content Note

Most of the photographs in this series are original “carte de visites” of Civil War soldiers collected by the New Jersey Adjutant General’s Office under the direction of Adjutant General Robert F. Stockton, Jr. (served 1858-1867) and his successor, Adjutant General William S. Stryker (served 1867-1900).  The collection was probably part of the general accession of Civil War records transferred to the State Archives by the former Department of Defense in 1968.  Nearly all of the 350+ soldiers pictured here held an officer’s rank during the war.

Most of the photographs were labeled by Carlos E. Godfrey, who (prior to his 1920 appointment as head of the Public Record Office) served as archivist/historian for the Adjutant General’s Office.  In addition to the soldier’s name, rank, and unit of service, Godfrey’s labeling often also included details on other ranks held and units of service, battles fought in, the date of death (if killed in action), etc.

For purposes of basic identification, the Contents list following includes only the name of the soldier, the highest rank attained and regiment of service, the photographer’s name, and occasional explanatory remarks.  The photographs are standard carte-de-visite size (2.5”x4”) unless otherwise noted; larger photographs are stored in Box 2.  All places mentioned below are in New Jersey unless otherwise specified.  Accession numbers for recent additions to the collection have been noted under Remarks.  Several unidentified photographs are included at the end of the series.


 A  |  B  |  C  |  D  |  E  |  F  |  G  |  H  |  I  |  J  |  K  |  L  |  M  |  N  |  O  |  P  | Q |  R  |  S  |  T  | U |  V  |  W  | X |  Y  | Z 

Click on the soldier's name below to view the image.

Soldier’s Name Rank, Regiment Photographer Remarks
ABBOTT, Joseph, Jr. Capt., 7th NJ Vols. J. Good, Trenton, NJ  
ACKERMAN, Andrew H. Capt., 11th NJ Vols. [not shown]  
ACTON, Edward A. Capt., 5th NJ Vols. Taylor & Brown, Philadelphia, PA  
ANDRUSS, E. Van Arsdale Capt., 1st US Art. Goodrich & Hough, New York, NY  
ANGEL, Ashbel W. Col., 5th NJ Vols. Good & Stokes, Trenton, NJ  
ANGEL, Charles A. Capt., 35th NJ Vols. Good & Stokes, Trenton, NJ  
APPLEGATE, Thomas 2nd Lt., 28th NJ Vols. Cox & Gulick, Princeton, NJ  
AREY, John H. Major, 13th NJ Vols. [not shown]  
ARMINGTON, Philip M. 1st Lt., 12th NJ Vols. [not shown]  
ARNOLD, Richard Capt., US Army [not shown] Filed under FRANKLIN, William B.
AXTELL, William E. Lt., 11th NJ Vols. Bowdoin, Taylor & Co., Alexandria, VA  
BABBITT, William M. Major/Paymaster, US Army Brady, New York, NY  
BAKER, [?] Capt., US Vols. [not shown] Filed under FRANKLIN, William B.
BAKER, [Edward D.] Col., PA "First California" Regt. L. Prang & Co., Boston, MA Acc. #1993.083; lithograph
BALDWIN, J. Condit [not shown] G. W. De Camp, Newark, NJ  
BALDWIN, Thomas J. Sgt., 8th NJ Vols. Kennedy & Schenck, Newark, NJ Acc. #1993.083
[BALDWIN, Thomas J.] Sgt., 8th NJ Vols. S. Stokes, Trenton, NJ Acc. #1993.083
[BALDWIN, Thomas J.] Sgt., 8th NJ Vols. S. Stokes, Trenton, NJ Acc. #1993.083
BARLOW, John S. Lt. Col., 37th NJ Vols. [not shown]  
BARNARD, Levi G. 1st Lt., 2nd NJ Cav. Bolles & Frisbie, New London, CT  
BARRY, [William F.] Chief of Artillery, US Army [not shown] Filed under FRANKLIN, William B.
BARTLETT, Henry C. Capt., 7th NJ Vols. C. H. Williamson’s, Brooklyn, NY  
BARTOFF, J.J. Gen., 16th NY Vols. [not shown] Filed under FRANKLIN, William B.
BEACH, Alexander, Jr. [not shown] J. Kirk, Newark, NJ  
BEAHEN, M. 1st Lt., 8th NJ Vols. J. Kirk, Newark, NJ Acc. #1993.083
BEARDSLEY, George A. Major, 13th NJ Vols. J. Kirk, Newark, NJ  
BENNETT, Sedgwick R. 1st Lt., 39th NJ Vols. I. G. Owen, Newton, NJ  
BERTHOUD, Alexander P. Col., 31st NJ Vols. E. & H. T. Anthony, New York, NY  
BISHOP, Edwin Capt., 2nd NJ Vols. [not shown]  
BLANCHET, Augustus D. Major, 27th NJ Vols. [not shown]  
BLENKOW, David Capt., 25th NJ Vols. J. H. Bostwick, Bristol, PA  
BLYTHE, Smith G. Capt., 1st NJ Vols. Moses, Trenton, NJ  
BOEMAN, Lambert Maj., 15th NJ Vols. O’Neil, [?] Filed under PENROSE, William H.
BRANNIN, Samuel E. 1st Lt., 23rd NJ Vols. J. A. Keenan, Philadelphia, PA  
BRANNIN, Samuel E. Lt., 22nd NJ Vols. S. Stokes, Trenton, NJ  
BRAY, Nathaniel K. Major, 33rd NJ Vols. I. G. Owen, Newton, NJ  
BROOKS, Newton M. Capt., 12th NJ Vols. James Cremer’s, Philadelphia, PA  
BROWN, A. Benson Capt., 9th NJ Vols. Randall, Detroit, MI  
BROWN, A. Benson Capt., 9th NJ Vols. [not shown]  
BROWN, Bailey B. Capt., 1st NJ Vols. R. Newells, Philadelphia, PA  
BROWN, Charles P. Capt., 12th NJ Vols. J. Good, Trenton, NJ  
BROWN, Edward G. 1st Lt., 1st NJ Vols. McGregor’s, New York, NY  
BROWN, Edward G. 1st Lt., 1st NJ Vols. McGregor’s, New York, NY  
BROWN, Henry W. Col., 3rd NJ Vols. G. W. Freeman, Charlestown, MA  
BROWN, J. Frank Lt./Q.M., 12th NJ Vols. Stokes & Co., Trenton, NJ  
BROWN, James M. Maj., 15th NJ Vols. O’Neil, [?] Filed under PENROSE, William H.
BROWNING, Abraham M. Capt., 38th NJ Vols. [not shown] Photocopy
BRYAN, William E. Major, 3rd NJ Vols. J. Gurney & Son, New York, NY  
BRYANT, George L. 1st Lt., 9th NJ Vols. L. S. Griffing’s, Jersey City, NJ  
BUCKELEW, F. Lemuel Adj., 14th NJ Vols. [not shown]  
BUCKLEY, John F. Capt., 11th NJ Vols. J. B. Jenks, Paterson, NJ  
BUCKLISH, William 1st Lt., 13th NJ Vols. Stoutenburgh & Co., Newark, NJ  
BUDD, E.G. 1st Sgt., 15th NJ Vols. [not shown] Filed under WYKCOFF, A.V.
BULLOCK, James J. Capt., 15th NJ Vols. M. M. Mallon, Flemington, NJ  
BURLING, George C. Capt., 4th NJ Vols. [not shown] Removed from former Civil War, box 143; OV
CAMMAN, Walter Maj., 30th NJ Vols. Whitehurst Gallery, Washington, DC Filed under CLADEK, John J.
CAMPBELL, [?] Lt. Col., 15th NJ Vols. O’Neil, [?] Filed under PENROSE, William H.
CAMPBELL, Edward L. Col., 4th NJ Vols. Wm. B. Gaston, Trenton, NJ  
CAMPBELL, Garret M. 1st Lt., 22nd Reg. Bogardus, New York, NY  
CANFIELD, Charles H. 1st Lt., 13th NJ Vols. J. Kirk, [Newark, NJ]  
CARMAN, Ira C. Jr. Capt., 35th NJ Vols. Good & Stokes, Trenton, NJ  
CARMAN, James L. Capt., 13th NJ Vols. J. Kirk, Newark, NJ  
CARROLL, Henry 2nd Lt., 3rd US Cav. J. S. McAllister, Washington, DC Acc. #1993.083
CARTER, James Lt., 23rd NJ Vols. [not shown] Acc. #1994.008; 4”x5” repros.; OV
CATTELL, Adon W. 1st Lt., 3rd NJ Vols. Rehn & Sons, Philadelphia, PA  
CHAMBRE, A. St. John Chaplain, 8th NJ Vols. Francis Capen, Boston, MA  
CHAMBRE, A. St. John Chaplain, 8th NJ Vols. Frank H. Price, Elizabeth, NJ  
CHEESEMAN, Peter S. 10th NJ Vols. J. Brown, Maunch Chunk, PA Acc. #1994.046; repro.
CHEW, Henry F. Lt. Co., 12th NJ Vols. F. Gutekunst, Philadelphia, PA  
CLADEK, John J. Col., 30th NJ Vols. Whitehurst Gallery, Washington With Walter CAMMAN
CLARK, Henry R. 2nd Lt., 5th NJ Vols. Moses, Trenton, NJ  
CLOSE, James H. Lt. Col., 39th NJ Vols. [not shown]  
COLLET, Mark W. Col., 1st NJ Vols. [not shown]  
COMINGS, J.H. 1st Sgt., 15th NJ Vols. [not shown] Filed under WYKCOFF, A.V.
CONDIT, William H. H. 1st Lt., 7th NJ Vols. Blauvelt Bros., Brooklyn, NY  
CONNETT, Andrew T. 2nd Lt., 31st NJ Vols. M. M. Mallon, Flemington, NJ  
CONNOLLY, William 2nd Lt., 14th NJ Vols. [not shown] Acc. #1994.046; 4”x5” repros.; OV
CONOVER, William W. Capt., 14th NJ Vols. Thos. Heney, New York, NY  
COON, John C. 1st Lt., 31st NJ Vols. I. Edwards & Sons, Newton, NJ  
COOPER, Frederick Brevet Col., US [not shown]  
COOPER, Henry C. Capt., 7th NJ Vols. [not shown]  
COREY, Ira W. 11th NJ Vols. [not shown]  
[CORIELL, A.?] [not shown] Anson, New York, NY  
COURSEN, Henry A. Capt., 23rd NJ Vols. F. H. Simpson, Scranton, PA  
 COURTOIS, Charles Capt., 33rd NJ Vols. De Camp, Newark, NJ  
COWART, Enoch L. Q.M., 14th NJ Vols. [not shown]  
CRAFT, William M. 1st Lt., 38th NJ Vols. Moses, Trenton, NJ  
CRANE, Aaron D. 1st Lt., 2nd NJ Vols. Anson’s, New York, NY  
CRANE, John F. W. 1st Lt., 2nd NJ Vols. [-?-] Galleries, Philadelphia, PA  
CRATER, Henry S. 1st Lt., 15th NJ Vols. M. M. Mallon, Flemington, NJ  
CROWELL, David 2nd Lt., 35th NJ Vols. C. D. Fredricks & Co., New York, NY  
CULVER, LaFayette 1st Lt., 8th NJ Vols. Francis Capen, Boston, MA Acc. #1993.083
[CUMMINGS, Alex] Capt., 11th NJ Vols. [not shown] Identified by John W. Kuhl
CUMMINGS, Alexander M. Maj., 1st NJ Cav. S. Stokes, Trenton, NJ  
CUNNINGHAM, Thomas Capt., 38th NJ Vols. S. Stokes, Trenton, NJ  
CURTIS, William B. Lt. Col., 9th NJ Vols. F. Gutekunst, Philadelphia, PA  
DALLY, George W. 2nd Lt., 5th NJ Vols. Stoutenburgh & Rolfs’, Newark, NJ  
DALRYMPLE, Jesse 2nd Lt., 30th NJ Vols. Chas. B. Higgins, Frenchtown, NJ  
DANFORTH, John Maj., 37th NJ Vols. Frank H. Price, Elizabeth, NJ  
DAVIS, [?] Maj., 15th NJ Vols. O’Neil, [?] Filed under PENROSE, William H.
DAYSON, George E. Capt., 35th NJ Vols. [not shown]  
DAYTON, Ferdinand V. Surgeon, 2nd NJ Cav. S. Stokes, Trenton, NJ  
DECKER, John P. 2nd Lt., 13th NJ Vols. [not shown]  
De HART, Uriah Capt., 9th NJ Vols. J. Good, Trenton, NJ  
DOANE, Charles R. Capt., 1st NJ Art. [not shown]  
DOBBINS, Matthias C. Capt., 26th NJ Vols. J. Kirk, Newark, NJ  
DOD, Albert B. Capt., 15th US Inf. Moses, Trenton, NJ  
DODD, Samuel U. Capt., 26th NJ Vols. [not shown]  
DONOVAN, Joseph 1st Lt., 2nd NJ Vols. Frank H. Price, Elizabeth, NJ  
DOUGHERTY, Alexander M. Surgeon, 4th NJ Vols. Henry Ulke, Washington, DC 1865
DOUGHERTY, Theodore 1st Lt., 26th NJ Vols. [not shown]  
DOUGLASS, George W. Asst. Surgeon, 39th N.J. Vols. Julius Brill, New York, NY Acc. #1999.025
DRAKE, Corra Q.M., 39 NJ Vols. [not shown] Acc. #1999.025
DRAKE, Elias J. Capt., 9th NJ Vols. K. W. Beniczky, New York, NY  
DUBOIS, Samuel T. Capt., 3rd NJ Vols. [not shown]  
DUNN, Lewis A. Q.M., 6th & 8th NJ Vols. G. Thorn, Plainfield, NJ  
DUSENBURY, Augustus Capt., 3rd NJ Vols. Stoutenburgh & Co., Newark, NJ  
EDELSTEIN, John Capt., 40th NJ Vols. [not shown]  
EGAN, William H. 1st Lt., 11th NJ Vols. J. C. Reeve, Lambertville, NJ  
EVANS, Amos H. Capt., 9th NJ Vols. L. R. Cheeseman & Co., Trenton, NJ  
FARRIER, George H. Capt., 21st NJ Vols. City Hall Gallery, Jersey City, NJ  
FAUSSETT, John B. 1st Lt., 11th NJ Vols. Stauffer, Trenton, NJ  
FAUSSETT, [John B.] Capt. Morris Moses, Trenton, NJ  
FAUSSETT, Orrin B. [not shown] Morris Moses, Trenton, NJ  
FELGER, Frederick 1st Lt., 9th NJ Vols. E. P. Spahn’s, Newark, NJ  
FOGG, John M. 1st Lt., 12th NJ Vols. [not shown]  
FORD, D. M. Sgt., 8th NJ Vols. Stoutenburgh & Rolf, Newark, NJ Acc. #1993.083
FORD, D. M. Capt., 8th NJ Vols. Kennedy & Schenk, Newark, NJ Acc. #1993.083
FORD, Edward G. 1st Lt., 2nd NJ Vols. [not shown]  
FOSTER, Richard Capt., 1st NJ Vols. Wm. L. Teush, Boonton, NJ  
FOSTER, William H. Adjt., 14th NJ Vols. John Roth, Freehold, NJ  
FOWLER, Samuel Col., 15th NJ Vols. I. G. Owen, Newton, NJ  
FOWLER, Samuel Col., 15th NJ Vols. [not shown]  
FOWLER, Samuel Col., 15th NJ Vols. O’Neil, [?] Filed under PENROSE, William H.
FRANKLIN, William B. Maj. Gen., US Army [not shown] Oct. 1861; 1912 Reprint; OV
FRAZEE, John H. Chaplain, 3rd NJ Cav. Sims’, Camden, NJ  
FREESE, Jacob R. Capt. & A.A.G., A.G. Dept. Gaston, Trenton, NJ  
FREMONT, J. C. [Gen.] [not shown] Acc. #1993.083; lithograph; “A. P. Hill” on reverse
FRITSCHY, John J., Jr. 2nd Lt., 7th NJ Vols. P. F. Cooper, Philadelphia, PA  
FRITSCHY, John J., Sr. Capt., 7th NJ Vols. R. W. Addis, Washington, DC  
FRY, Thomas W. G. Capt. Brady, New York, NY Filed under SICKLES, Daniel E.
GALBRAITH, Benjamin 2nd Lt., 1st NJ Art. Stoutenburgh & Co., Newark, NJ  
GAUL, Samuel M. Capt., 4th NJ Vols. S. Stokes, Trenton, NJ 2 copies
GIBSON, James T. 1st Lt., 33rd NJ Vols. J. Reid, Paterson, NJ  
GILLIN, James Capt., 8th NJ Vols. [not shown] Acc. #1993.083
GILLIN, James 1st Lt./Adj. Kenneday & Schenck, Newark, NJ Acc. #1993.083
GILSON, Jonas F. 2nd Lt., 34th NJ Vols. Hilliard’s, Philadelphia, PA  
GLOVER, Frank [not shown] Ulke Bros., Washington, DC Nephew of Gov. Parker
GOOD, Edwin R. Lt., 11th NJ Vols. Morris Moses, Trenton, NJ  
GOODEN, Lewis N. Pvt., 3rd NJ Cav. Bryant, La Porte, IN Acc. #1980.036; 4.25”x6.5”; OV
GRAY, William W. Capt., 1st NJ Cav. Wolff, Alezandria, VA  
GREEN, Thoedore J. 1st Lt., 14th NJ Vols. Keely, Philadelphia, PA  
GRIFFITH, W. Carr 1st Lt., 3rd NJ Vols. Henry Ulke, Washington, DC  
GROBLER, Augustus W. Capt., 23rd NJ Vols. Good & Stokes, Trenton, NJ  
GRUBB, Parker 1st Lt./Adj., 37th NJ Vols. J. Cremer & Co., Philadelphia, PA  
GRUETT, F. Capt., 70th NY, Excelsior Brig. Kennedy & Schenck, Newark, NJ Acc. #1993.083
GUINDON, Eugene W. 1st Lt., Co. H, 2nd NJ [not shown] "Chas..."
HAINES, Martin L. Capt., 34th NJ Vols. [not shown]  
HAINES, Thomas R. Capt., 1st NJ Cav. Brady, New York, NY  
HALSEY, Edmund D. Adj., 15th NJ Vols. Kurtz, New York, NY  
HALSEY, William H. Capt., 26th NJ Vols. [not shown]  
HALSTED, Frank William Acting ensign, US Navy Appleton & Co., New York, NY  
HALSTED, George B. Bvt. Maj., US Army Blauvelt, Port Hudson, LA  
HALSTED/HATFIELD, Norris Gen., Gov. Olden’s Staff [not shown]  
HALSTED, William Col., 1st NJ Cav. Anson, New York, NY  
HAMILTON, Alexander D. 1st Lt., 2nd NJ Cav. Black, Natchez, MS  
HAMILTON, Ellis Capt., 1st NJ Vols. [not shown]  
HANCOCK, Winfield Scott Maj. Gen., US Army [not shown]  
HAND, William 2nd Lt., 11th NJ Vols. Thorn, Plainfield, NJ  
HARPER, William Lt. Col., 1st NJ Cav. Good & Stokes, Trenton, NJ  
HARRIS, Chauncey Capt., 14th NJ Vols. Price, Elizabeth, NJ  
HART, Daniel 7th NJ Vols. [not shown] Photocopy
HART, James H. Major, 1st NJ Cav. R. J. Hillier, Philadelphia, PA Identified by John W. Kuhl
HART, Orson H. Lt. Col. Brady, New York, NY Filed under SICKLES, Daniel E.
HARTFORD, Henry Lt. Col., 8th NJ Vols. [not shown] Acc. #1994.065; 8”x10” repro.; OV
HARTFORD, Henry Lt. Col., 8th NJ Vols. H. L. Moore, Rahway, NJ Acc. #1994.100; 4.5”x7” photocopy; OV
HARTFORD, Henry Lt. Col., 8th NJ Vols. Kennedy & Schenck, Newark, NJ Acc. #1994.100; photocopy
HARTFORD, William 1st Lt., 8th NJ Vols. Fernando Dessaur, New York Acc. #1994.100; photocopy
HATFIELD, David Maj., 1st NJ Vols. Price, Elizabeth, NJ  
HATFIELD, Norris Gen., Gov. Olden’s Staff [not shown] Filed under HALSTED
HEILIG, J. J. Lt. Reimer, Philadelphia, PA  
HEINTZELMAN Gen. Brady, New York, NY Acc. #1993.083
HELMER, Louis Capt., 35th NJ Vols. Rolfs, Newark, NJ  
HEMSING, W. H. Capt., 6th NJ Vols. Moses, Trenton, NJ  
HERBERT, Jacob Maj./Paymaster, US Army Taylor, [New York, NY?]  
HERITAGE, John D. Asst. Surg., [11th NJ Vols.] Reimer, Philadelphia, PA  
HERRING, Richard N. 2nd Lt., 10th NJ Vols. Groom, Philadelphia, PA  
HETZELL, David G. Asst. Surg., 34th NJ Vols. Keeler, Philadelphia, PA  
HOFF, Jack Lt., 1st NJ Battery [not shown] Filed under FRANKLIN, William B.
HOFFMAN, John B. 2nd Lt., 10th NJ Vols. Westcott, Bridgeton, NJ  
HOOKER, Joseph Maj. Gen., Army of the Potomac [not shown] Removed from former Civil War box 143; June 1863; OV
HOPKINSON, Charles B. Capt., 9th NJ Vols. [not shown] Identified by John W. Kuhl
HOWARD, William H. [prob. Priv., 8th NJ Vols.] Stauffer, Asbury Park, NJ Acc. #1994.065; taken ca. 1890s while Capt., NJNG
HOWEY, Benjamin F. Capt., 31st NJ Vols. Brady, New York, NY  
HOWLAND, Joseph Capt., 16th NY Vols. [not shown] Filed under FRANKLIN, William B.
HUBBARD, James F. Capt., 30th NJ Vols. Lewis, New York, NY  
HUFTY, Baldwin Lt. Col., 4th NJ Vols. Good & Stokes, Trenton, NJ  
HUFTY, [Samuel?] [Col.?] [not shown]  
HUTCHINSON, Alfred B. 2nd Lt., 5th NJ Vols. Moses, Trenton, NJ  
INSLEE, Isaac Jr. Capt., 28th NJ Vols. Stacy, Rahway, NJ  
JACKSON, Huntington W. 1st Lt., 4th NJ Vols. Warren, Cambridgeport, MA  
JACKSON, Joseph C. Capt., A.d.C., US Vols. [not shown] Filed under FRANKLIN, William B.
[JACKSON, Stonewall] [Gen.] [not shown] Acc. #1993.083
JENKINS, [?] 1st Lt., Co. C, 39th NJ Vols. Stoutenburgh & Rose, Newark, NJ Acc. #1999.025
JOBES, Samuel B. Capt., 12th NJ Vols. Friedlaender & Horwitz, New York, NY  
JOHNSON, W. Qr. Mr. Sgt., 15th NJ Vols. [not shown] Filed under WYKCOFF, A.V.
JOHNSTON, Thomas P. Q.M., 7th NJ Vols. Packer, Trenton, NJ  
KEARNEY, Philip J. Gen. [not shown] Full view with backdrop
KEARNEY, Philip J. Gen. [not shown] Chest-up
KEARNY, Philip J. Col., 11th NJ Vols. Gurney, NY Sitting
KEARNY, Philip J. Col., 11th NJ Vols. Moses, Trenton, NJ Chest-up
KEISLER, Rufus 2nd Lt., 8th NJ Vols. Stoutenburgh & Rose, Newark, NJ Acc. #1993.083
KENDRICK, Edward E. Adj., 10th NJ Vols. [not shown]  
KENNEDY, Edward T. Capt., 11th NJ Vols. [not shown]  
KERNER, Frederick W. Capt., 14th NJ Vols. Roth, Freehold  
KESTER, John W. Col., 1st NJ Cav. McClees, Philadelphia, PA  
KILLE, David Capt., 9th NJ Vols. Good & Stokes, Trenton, NJ  
KING, Howard Capt., 4th NJ Vols. Applegate, Philadelphia, PA  
KITCHEL, J. Warren 1st Lt., 33rd NJ Vols. Judson, Newark, NJ  
KLINE, M. Sgt. Drum Corps, 15th NJ Vols. [not shown] Filed under WYKCOFF, A.V.
KLINE, Manuel 2nd Lt., 15th NJ Vols. Gaston, Trenton, NJ  
KUHL, Paul 1st Sgt., 15th NJ Vols. [not shown] Filed under WYKCOFF, A.V.
LACKEY, William 1st Lt., 8th NJ Vols. [not shown]  
LALOR, De Klyn 1st Lt., 5th NJ Vols. Good, Trenton  
LAMBERT, [Leonard M.] [Sgt., 8th NJ Vols.] Kennedy & Schenck, Newark, NJ Acc. #1993.083
LAMBERT, William H. Capt., 33rd NJ Vols. Kirk, Newark, NJ  
LANGSTON, [?] [not shown] Stokes, Trenton, NJ  
LEONARD, Sargent E. 1st Lt., 2nd NJ Vols. Kertson, Newark, NJ  
LILLIS, Griffon P. Lt., 4th NJ Vols. Wood, Chatham, NY  
LINCOLN, Abraham Comm. in Chief Richard Walzl Acc. #1993.083; half-tone
LINCOLN, Abraham Comm. in Chief [not shown] Acc. #1994.065; with family; repro. of charcoal sketch
LINDER, August 1st Lt., 2nd NJ Vols. [not shown]  
LINESS, Joseph 1st Lt., 3rd NJ Vols. [not shown]  
LIPPINCOTT, Charles D. Capt., 12th NJ Vols. Cremer & Dillon, Philadelphia, PA  
LITTELL, William B. 2nd Lt., 13th NJ Vols. Huff, Newark, NJ  
[LONGSTREET, James] [Confederate Gen.] [not shown]  Acc. #1993.083
LOYD, William H. Capt., 11th NJ Vols. Spieler, Philadelphia, PA  
LUTZ, Stephen M. 1st Lt., 35th NJ Vols. Good & Stokes, Trenton, NJ  
MADIGAN, John 1st Lt., 2nd NJ Cav. Fredricks & Co., New York, NY  
MANDEVILLE, Andrew J. Maj., 40th NJ Vols. Moses, Trenton, NJ  
MANNING, James C. Capt., Co. C, NJ Militia Clark, New Brunswick, NJ Acc. #1994.010; 4”x5” repro.; OV
MARGERUM, John H. Capt., 22nd NJ Vols. [not shown]  
MARSH, [?] 2nd Lt., Co. C, NJ Vols. Stoutenburgh & Rose, Newark, NJ Acc. #1999.025
MASON, William B. Capt., 8th NJ Vols. Bogardus, New York, NY Acc. #1993.083
MASON, William B. Capt., 8th NJ Vols. [not shown] Acc. #1993.083
MATTISON, William E. Asst. Surg., 3rd NJ Vols. Boggs, New Brunswick, NJ  
McALLISTER, Robert Col., 11th NJ Vols. Wenderoth & Taylor, Philadelphia, PA  
McCALL, William C. Capt., 14th US Inf. Stokes, Trenton, NJ  
McCAULY, J.R. Actg. Comg. Sgt., 15th NJ Vols. [not shown] Filed under WYCKOFF, A.V.
McCHESNEY, Joseph M. 9th NJ Vols./Col., NC Union Clarke, New York, NY  
McCORMICK, William H. Chaplain, 1st NJ Vols. Doremus, Paterson, NJ  
McDANOLDS, [?] [Lt.?], 15th NJ Vols. I.G. Owen, Newton, NJ  
McKELWAY, Alexander J. Surg., 8th NJ Vols. Moses, Trenton, NJ  
[McTREVIS?] Capt. J. W. Black, Newport, RI Naval Academy
MEEKER, Carnot B. 1st Lt., 2nd NJ Cav. Alexander & Stevens, Morristown, NJ  
MERRILL, H.R. 1st Sgt., 15th NJ Vols. [not shown] Filed under WYKCOFF, A.V.
MILLER, George H. 2nd Lt., 1st NJ Vols. Alexander & Stevens, Morristown, NJ  
[MITCHELL?] [Lt., 2nd NJ Cav.?] Gutekunst, Philadelphia, PA  
MONROE, Martin B. 2nd Lt., 2nd NJ Vols. [not shown]  
MOORE, [?] Lt. Col Clark, New Brunswick, NJ  
MOORE, Alexander Capt. Brady, New York, NY Filed under SICKLES, Daniel E.
MOORE, Samuel T. Chaplain, 8th NJ Vols. Brady, New York, NY Acc. #1993.083
MOREHOUSE, Benjamin F. 1st Lt., 11th NJ Vols. [not shown]  
MORRIS, James B. 1st Lt., 1st NJ Art. Pach, Long Branch, NJ  
MORRIS, Thomas P. [not shown] Wenderoth & Taylor, Philadelphia, PA  
MOTT, Gershom Gen., Union Army Brady, New York, NY Acc. #1993.083
MOUNT, William J. [not shown] Mrs. Moore, New York, NY  
MULVEY, Francis S. 2nd Lt., 5th NJ Vols. Kennedy & Schenck, Newark, NJ  
MURPHY, Benjamin Capt., 8th NJ Vols. Whitehurst, Washington, DC Acc. #1993.083; ident. by GiIbert Riddle
NEWBERRY, [Edward E.S.] Capt. Moses, Trenton, NJ  
NEWBOLD, Reading Capt., 23rd NJ Vols. Gutekunst, Philadelphia, PA  
NEWTON, John [Maj. Gen.], US Vols. [not shown] Filed under FRANKLIN, William B.
NICHOLAS, E.B. 1st Sgt., 15th NJ Vols. [not shown] Filed under WYKCOFF, A.V.
NORTHRUP, John P. Capt., 2nd NJ Vols. Owen, Newton, NJ  
OLDERSHAW, John Capt., 11th NJ Vols. Bogardus, New York, NY  
OSBORNE, Joseph D. Surg., 4th NJ Vols. Weitfle & Wright, 1st Div., 6th Corps.  
PARMENTIER, William J. Maj., 23rd NJ Vols. Barcalow, New York, NY  
PATTERSON, Austin H. Capt., 14th NJ Vols. Moses, Trenton, NJ  
PATTERSON, Frank E. Brig. Gen., 3rd Corps [not shown] Acc. #1993.083; half-tone
PATTERSON, George W. 1st Lt., 14th NJ Vols. Roth, Freehold, NJ  
PATTERSON, John C. Col., 14th NJ Vols. Roth, Freehold, NJ  
PAXSON, James Capt., [NY?] Stokes, Trenton, NJ  
PELOUBET, David A. Maj., 33rd NJ Vols. Rolf, Newark, NJ  
PENNINGTON, Samuel H., Jr. Capt., 35th NJ Vols. Kirk, Newark, NJ  
PENROSE, William H. Gen., 15th NJ Vols. O’Neil, [?] Removed from former Civil War box 143; OV
PERRINE, Henry A. Maj., 10th NJ Vols. Addis, Washington, DC  
PERRINE, Lewis A. Q.M. Gen. [not shown] Metal frame, removed from former Civil War box 143; OV; identified by John W. Kuhl
PHILLIPS, Frederick S. 2nd Lt., 13th NJ Vols. [not shown]  
PLUME, Joseph W. Adj., 2nd NJ Vols. Bogardus, New York, NY  
POTTER, William E. Capt., 12th NJ Vols. Stokes, Trenton, NJ  
POWERS, William H. 2nd Lt., 7th NJ Vols. Alexander & Stevens, Morristown, NJ  
PRICE, Francis Col., 7th NJ Vols. Good & Stokes, Trenton, NJ Acc. #1993.083
PROCTOR, Joseph A. 2nd Lt., 27th NJ Vols. [not shown]  
PROVOST, [?] Lt. Clark, New Brunswick, NJ Sitting
PROVOST, [?] Lt. Clark, New Brunswick, NJ Neck-up
PURDY, E.S. Major, Cal. US Vols. [not shown] Filed under FRANKLIN, William B.
READ, Samuel Q.M., 1st NJ Vols. Swaim, Mount Holly, NJ  
REED, Henry P. Maj., 34th NJ Vols. Lee, Mount Holly, NJ  
REUTER, Hermann Capt., 39th NJ Vols. Lord, New York, NY  
REYNOLDS, Henry Lt., Co. G, 39th NJ Vols. Stoutenburgh & Rose, Newark, NJ Acc. #1999.025
RIBBLE, G. [not shown] Marriner, Belvidere, NJ  
RIDGWAY, Barzilla Lt. Col., 4th NJ Vols. [not shown]  
ROBBINS, Walter R. Lt. Col., 1st NJ Cav. Good & Stokes, Trenton, NJ  
ROBERTSON, William B. Col., 24th NJ Vols. Gutekunst, Philadelphia, PA  
RODENBOUGH, William L. 1st Lt., 31st NJ Vols. Angle, Clinton, NJ  
ROSE, Julius D. Chap., 7th NJ Vols. Cuypers, Newark, NJ  
ROSSITER, Cypriam H. Capt., 11th NJ Vols. [not shown]  
RUBADOU, S. Color Sgt., 15th NJ Vols. [not shown] Filed under WYKCOFF, A.V.
RUMPF, Frederick Capt., 9th NJ Vols. Judson, Newark, NJ  
RUSLING, James F. Q.M., 5th NJ Vols. Stokes & Co., Trenton, NJ  
RUSLING, William J. 1st Lt., 5th NJ Vols. Percival, Hackettstown, NJ  
RYAN, John [not shown] Gutekunst, Philadelphia, PA  
RYAN, John R. T. 2nd Lt., 10th NJ Vols. Good, Trenton, NJ  
RYERSON, David A. Maj., 13th NJ Vols. Huff, Newark, NJ  
SAFFORD, M. D.282 8th NJ Vols. R. A. Lewis, New York, NY Acc. #1993.083
SANDERSON, Leavitt 1st Lt., 31st NJ Vols. M. M. Mallon, Flemington, NJ  
SANDFORD, James R. Capt., 33rd NJ Vols. Decamp & Crane, Newark, NJ  
SANDT, George Q.M., 5th NJ Vols. Gaston, Trenton, NJ  
SAWYER, Henry W. Major, 1st NJ Cav. Wenderoth & Taylor, Philadelphia, PA  
SCHNETZER, Joseph Lt., 9th NJ Vols. Moses, Trenton, NJ  
SCHOFIELD, Edward W. 2nd Lt., 27th NJ Vols. [not shown]  
SCHUMO, Eugene Asst. Surg., 2nd NJ Vols. [not shown] Sitting
SCHUMO, Eugene Asst. Surg., 2nd NJ Vols. N. W. Deacon, Mount Holly, NJ Neck-up
SCHWARTZ, John 1st Lt., 34th NJ Vols. [not shown]  
SCUDDER, William V. Capt., 2nd NJ Cav. Good & Stokes, Trenton, NJ  
SEAMAN, Charles 34th NJ Vols. Morris Moses, Trenton, NJ  
SENDERLING, P. M. Surgeon, 8th NJ Vols. J. Loeffler, Tompkinsville, NY Acc. #1993.083
SEWELL, William Brig. Gen. [not shown] Photocopy
SHAFFLE, John Capt., 21st NJ Vols. Victor Piard, Jersey City, NJ  
SHAFFLE, Michael 1st Lt., 21st NJ Vols. Victor Piard, Jersey City, NJ  
SHIPPE, John 2nd Lt., 39th NJ Vols. G. W. De Camp, Newark, NJ  
[SICKLES, Daniel E.] Gen. Brady, New York, NY Acc. #1993.065; with staff
[SICKLES, Daniel E.] Gen. Brady, New York, NY Acc. #1993.083
SLATER, Thomas O. Capt., 12th NJ Vols. F. Gutekunst, Philadelphia, PA  
SLATER, William H. Capt., 15th NJ Vols. Addis, Washington, DC  
SLOCUM, H.W. Maj.Gen., US Army [not shown] Filed under FRANKLIN, William B.
SMITH, Edwin G. 5th/38th NJ Vols. [not shown] Photocopy
SMITH, J. Kearny Capt./Adj., 27th NJ Vols. Bogardus, New York, NY  
SMITH, [John] H. 2nd Lt., [11th Reg.] Whitehurst, Washington, DC  
SMITH, Thomas B. Adj., 13th NJ Vols. J. Kirk, Newark, NJ  
SOWTER, John Capt., 11th NJ Vols. K. W. Beniczky, New York, NY  
SPADER, Jeremiah V. Capt., 29th NJ Vols. [--ssett], Chicago, IL  
SPEELER, Henry A. Capt., 35th NJ Vols. J. Good, Trenton, NJ  
[STANTON, Edwin M.] Secretary of War Barcalow, New York, NY Acc. #1993.083
STELLE, George M. [Capt., 8th NJ Vols.] D. Clark, New Brunswick, NJ Acc. #1993.083
STELLE, George M. Capt., 8th NJ Vols. D. Clark, New Brunswick, NJ  
STEWART, Alexander 2nd Lt., 1st NJ Cav. Hopkins, Annapolis, MD Acc. #1994.046; repro.
STEWART, Ezra Capt., 40th NJ Vols. J. Kirk, Newark, NJ  
STICKNEY, Charles W. Asst. Surg., 33rd NJ Vols. [not shown]  
STIGER, J. Henry Asst. Surg., 33rd NJ Vols. Stoutenburgh & Co., Newark, NJ  
STILES, William H. 1st Lt., 40th NJ Vols. James Dungan, Burlington, NJ  
STOCKTON, Robert F., Jr. Brig. Gen./Adj. Gen. S. Stokes, Trenton, NJ  
STOVER, George Capt., 28th NJ Vols. John L. La Forge, Perth Amboy, NJ  
STRONG, Jacob W. 1st Lt., 3rd NJ Cav. [not shown]  
STUDDIFORD, Josiah S. Adj., 4th NJ Vols. [not shown]  
STULL, M.B. Sgt., 15th NJ Vols. [not shown] Filed under WYKCOFF, A.V.
STULTS, Marcus A. 1st Lt., 14th NJ Vols. R. M. Boggs, New Brunswick, NJ  
SULLIVAN, George R. Surg., 39th NJ Vols. [not shown]  
SWAIN, Robert D. Capt., 9th NJ Vols. F. Gutekunst, Philadelphia, PA  
SWORDS, Robert S. Col., 13th NJ Vols. Stoutenburgh & Co., Newark, NJ  
TALLON, James H. 1st Lt., 6th NJ Vols. Alex. Gardner, Washington, DC  
TAYLOR, George W. Gen. Brady, Washington, DC  
THOMAS, [Edward] C. Capt., [PA Vols.?] Jones & Bro., Philadelphia, PA  
THOMPSON, Richard S. Maj./Lt. Col., 12th NJ Vols. J. Q. A. Tresize, Springfield, IL  
THOMPSON, W. G. [2nd Lt., 8th NJ Vols.] Broadbent & Co., Philadelphia, PA Acc. #1993.083; 1/15/1864
THOMPSON, William 1st Lt., 7th NJ Vols. [not shown] Acc. #1993.082; repro.
TILTON, Henry C. Lt., 11th NJ Vols. R. Knecht, Easton, PA  
TODD, Harry H. Capt., 8th NJ Vols. [not shown] Acc. #1993.083
TOFFEY, John J. 1st Lt., 33rd NJ Vols. Bogardus, New York, NY  
TREMAIN, Henry E. Maj. Brady, New York, NY Filed under SICKLES, Daniel E.
TRIMMER, W.E. 1st Sgt., 15th NJ Vols. [not shown] Filed under WYKCOFF, A.V.
TROUTMAN, Charles E. Lt., 12th NJ Vols. Bell & Brother, Washington, DC 5/25/1863
TRUAX, William S. Bvt. Brig. Gen. John Roth, Freehold, NJ  
TUCKER, Isaac H. Col., 2nd NJ Vols. E.P. Spahn, [?] OV
TUERK, Julius G. Q.M., 114th U.S. Col. Trp. S. Friedlaender, New York, NY  
TYLER, Frank Capt., 21st NJ Vols. Victo Piard, Jersey City, NJ  
VAN ANTWERP, J. 1st Sgt., 15th NJ Vols. [not shown] Filed under WYKCOFF, A.V.
VAN GELDER, M.C. 1st Sgt., 15th NJ Vols. [not shown] Filed under WYKCOFF, A.V.
VAN HOUTEN, J. 1st Sgt., 15th NJ Vols. [not shown] Filed under WYKCOFF, A.V.
VAN NESS, Henry A. Lt., 1st US Hassars (3rd NJ Cav.) Park Gallery, Newark, NJ Acc. #1993.083
VAN WAGONER, Cornelius 2nd Lt., 25th NJ Vols. J. Reid, Paterson, NJ, NJ, NJ, NJ  
VOLK, [?] [not shown] S. Stokes, Trenton  
VREDENBURGH, Peter, Jr. Maj., 14th NJ Vols. [not shown]  
VREELAND, John Capt., 21st NJ Vols. Jordan & Co., [New York, NY?]  
VREELAND, Joseph P. Capt., 22nd NJ Vols. J. D. Terhune, Hackensack  
WALBENSTADT, James Capt., 1st NJ Vols. Dr. J. W. Ewing, Harrisburg, PA Acc. #1994.046; repro.
WANSER, Jarvis Capt., 14th NJ Vols. D. Clark, New Brunswick  
WARBASSE, Samuel 2nd Lt., 1st NJ Cav. I. G. Owen, Newton, NJ  
WARD, William Lt. Col., 8th NJ Vols. Kennedy & Schenck, Newark, NJ  
WARD, William J. 2nd Lt., 25th NJ Vols. John P. Doremus, Paterson, NJ  
WATERS, Henry H. 1st Lt., 37th NJ Vols. J. Kirk, Newark, NJ  
WATSON, Beriah A. Surg., 4th NJ Vols. Moses, Trenton, NJ  
WAY, Alexander M. Maj./Col., 1st NJ Vols. D. Clark, New Brunswick, NJ  
WEART, James M. 2nd Lt., 21st NJ Vols. Schreck & Barnett, Des Moines, IA  
WELLING, Edward L. Surg., 11th NJ Vols. J. Good, Trenton, NJ  
WELLS, Israel Q.M., 31st/38th NJ Vols. Whitehurst, Washington, DC  
WEST, Joseph R. Capt., 6th NJ Vols. Pollock  
WHITE, Alasco Lt., Co. D, 39th NJ Vols. [not shown] Acc. #1999.025
WHITE, Edward 1st Lt., 11th NJ Vols. D. Clark, New Brunswick, NJ  
WHITE, James Hosp. Chap., U.S.A. Frank’s, Philadelphia, PA 11/8/1867
WHITEHEAD, John T. 1st Lt., 2nd NJ Vols. [not shown]  
WILLETS, Henry Y. 1st Lt., 25th NJ Vols. N. Bechlar, Philadelphia, PA Small photo in oval matte
WILLETS, Henry Y. 1st Lt., 25th NJ Vols. Philadelphia, PA Standing
WILLETT, James O. 1st Lt., 28th NJ Vols. Rhoads, Philadelphia, PA Waste-up, sitting
WILLETT, James O. 1st Lt., 28th NJ Vols. Rhoads, Philadelphia, PA Shoulders-up, same pose as above
WILLIAMS, John R. 1st Lt., 13th NJ Vols. Becket, Savannah, GA  
WILLIS, [?] Capt. Packer & Willis, Trenton, NJ  
WILSON, William, Jr. Capt., 33rd NJ Vols. Morse, Nashville, TN  
WINFIELD, Daniel H. 1st Lt., 2nd NJ Vols. Doremus, Paterson, NJ  
WOERNER, Christian Capt., 1st NJ Art. C. F. May, Hoboken, NJ  
WOODHULL, Addison W. Surg., 9th NJ Vols. [not shown]  
WOODWARD, Tenadore 2nd Lt., 14th NJ Vols. J. Good, Trenton, NJ  
WOOLSEY, Henry H. Capt., 5th NJ Vols. Moses, Trenton, NJ  
WRIGHT, Edward H. Col./A.d.C. to McClellan Brady, New York, NY  
WYCKOFF, A.V. Sgt. Maj., 15th NJ Vols. [not shown] Acc. #1997.022; 11x17 repro.; OV; original photograph owned by John W. Kuhl
YARD, [Robert B.] Chap., 1st NJ Vols. Brady, New York, NY  
YARD, Alexander A. Capt., 3rd NJ Cav. Ellisson, New York, NY  
UNIDENTIFIED #1 [not shown] R. Stevenson, Leavenworth, KS Acc. #1993.083
UNIDENTIFIED #2 [not shown] K. W. Beniczky, New York, NY Acc. #1993.083 [amputee]
UNIDENTIFIED #3 [not shown] S. Mason, Niagara Falls, NY Acc. #1993.083 [Niagara Falls]
UNIDENTIFIED #4 [not shown] Clarke, New York, NY Acc. #1993.083
UNIDENTIFIED #6 [not shown] C. Tolan Acc. #1993.083
UNIDENTIFIED #10 [not shown] Kenneday & Schenck, Newark, NJ Acc. #1993.083
UNIDENTIFIED #12 [not shown] Stoutenburgh & Rose, Newark, NJ Acc. #1993.083
UNIDENTIFIED #14 [not shown] Wood, New York, NY Acc. #1993.083
UNIDENTIFIED #18 [not shown] L. V. Newell  
UNIDENTIFIED #19 [not shown] McAdams & Gorman, Alexandria, VA  
UNIDENTIFIED #20 [not shown] [not shown]  
UNIDENTIFIED #21 [not shown] Good & Stokes, Trenton, NJ  
UNIDENTIFIED #22 [not shown] E. M. Douglass, Brooklyn, NY  
UNIDENTIFIED #23 [not shown] S. Stokes, Trenton, NJ  
UNIDENTIFIED #25 [not shown] Moses, Trenton, NJ Possibly husband and wife
UNIDENTIFIED #26 [not shown] [Good & Stokes, Trenton, NJ?] Photocopy
UNIDENTIFIED #27 [not shown] Good & Stokes, Trenton, NJ Photocopy
UNIDENTIFIED #28 [not shown] [Samuel] Broadbent, Philadelphia, PA Photocopy
UNIDENTIFIED #29 [not shown] David Astle, Vineland, NJ Photocopy
UNIDENTIFIED #31 [not shown] G.W. Pach, New York, NY and Long Branch, NJ Group photo; OV
UNIDENTIFIED #32 Capt., [1st. Dist. Cil.], US Vols. [not shown] Filed under FRANKLIN, William B

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Created September 2003

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