Last Update: 10/06/2008 Printer Friendly Printer Friendly   Email This Page Email This Page  

NICHD FY 2009 Interim Funding Strategy Under a Continuing Resolution

The NIH is currently operating under a Continuing Resolution (CR); funding guidelines for Fiscal Year 2009 are not yet finalized. The CR applies the terms of the FY 2008 appropriation, excluding the supplemental funding received in FY 2008, for the period covered by the CR (October 1, 2008 – March 6, 2009). The NICHD will begin the fiscal year with conservative paylines for competing awards and follow the NIH guidance for non-competing awards. This site will be updated when the NIH budget is final and throughout the year, as appropriate.

The NICHD distributes its resources among many diverse programs and mechanisms. The Institute is committed to funding the largest number of meritorious projects possible, while allowing the flexibility needed to support selected program priorities and respond to emerging scientific opportunities.

When the President signs the NIH Appropriation, the funds for new and competing renewal research grant applications are allocated for the fiscal year. The Institute establishes general guidelines for funding based on the allocation, allowing for necessary adjustments throughout the year to reflect directives from Congress and the NIH, as well as emerging program priorities.

Until the FY 2009 budget is in place, the following guidance applies:

Adjustments to Requested Budget Levels

The NICHD does not make “across-the-board” budget cuts to grants it intends to fund. However, in the interests of awarding as many grants as possible, adjustments are necessary, in part due to the following factors:

  • A significant increase in the number of applications submitted
  • A significant increase in the size of budget requests
  • A large and growing commitment base for ongoing grants
  • Insufficient growth in the NICHD budget to accommodate the first three factors.

Non-competing Continuation Grants (Type 5)

Pending receipt of a FY 2009 budget, NICHD is following the NIH guidelines. Type 5 awards for Research Project Grants (R01, R03, R15, R21, R34, R37, P01, U01, and U19) are being issued at a level up to 90% of the commitment indicated in the previous Notice of Award. If the final FY 2009 appropriation permits, adjustments may be made up to the original FY 2009 commitment. This is consistent with our practice during the Continuing Resolutions of FY 2006, 2007, and 2008. NIH will consider upward adjustments to these levels after the final appropriation is enacted, but expects institutions to monitor their expenditures carefully during this period.

Fellowship (F), Training (T), and Career Development (K) grants will be awarded at the full 2009 commitment levels.

Other NICHD Funding Considerations

The legislated salary limitation for grants applies to both competing and non-competing grants. The limitations currently in effect were published in January 2008 ( No additional NICHD funds are provided for increases in this limit. Grantees may re-budget within the funds awarded to accommodate the new salary cap.

New Investigators

Applications submitted by new investigators will be given special funding consideration. Special consideration may include a more generous payline for new investigator R01s or partial funding of larger grants to allow preparation and resubmission of revised applications for review. In addition, special funding consideration may be given to research project grant applications submitted by new investigators supported by NICHD Career Development Awards (Ks).