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Agents, reporting, Agents
Alternative methods of withholding, 9. Alternative Methods for Figuring Withholding
Annuity payments, 8. Pensions and Annuities
Awards, employee, Employee Achievement Awards


Back pay, Back Pay
Below-market rate loans, Interest-Free and Below-Market-Interest-Rate Loans


Comments on publication, Comments and suggestions.
Common paymaster, Common Paymaster
Common-law employees, Common-Law Employees
Common-law rules, Common-Law Rules
Corporate officers, Common-Law Employees


Deferred compensation plans, nonqualified, Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plans
Direct sellers, Direct sellers.
Director of corporation, Common-Law Employees


Electronic Form W-2, Reminders
Employee achievement awards, Employee Achievement Awards
Employee or contractor:
Attorney, Attorney
Automobile industry, Automobile Industry
Building industry, Building and Construction Industry
Computer industry, Computer Industry
Salesperson, Salesperson
Taxicab driver, Taxicab Driver
Trucking industry, Trucking Industry
Employee's taxes paid by employer, Electronic filing of Forms 940, 941, and 944.
Employees defined, 1. Who Are Employees?
Employees misclassification, Misclassification of Employees
Common-law rules, Common-Law Rules
Industry examples, Industry Examples
Statutory, Statutory Employees
Excessive termination payments (golden parachutes), Golden Parachute Payments
Exempt organizations, 3. Employees of Exempt Organizations


Fellowship payments, Scholarship and Fellowship Payments
Form W-2, electronic filing, Reminders


Golden parachutes, Golden Parachute Payments


Leased employees, Leased employees.
Leave sharing plans, Leave Sharing Plans
Loans, interest-free or below-market rate, Interest-Free and Below-Market-Interest-Rate Loans


Ministers, Ministers.
Misclassification of employees, Misclassification of Employees


Officer of corporation, Common-Law Employees
Outplacement services, Outplacement Services


Pension payments, 8. Pensions and Annuities


Real estate agents, Licensed real estate agents.
Religious exemptions, 4. Religious Exemptions
Reporting agents, Agents


Scholarship payments, Scholarship and Fellowship Payments
Sick pay, 6. Sick Pay Reporting
SIMPLE retirement plans, SIMPLE Retirement Plans
Simplified employee pension, Contributions to a Simplified Employee Pension (SEP)
Special rules for paying taxes, 7. Special Rules for Paying Taxes
Statutory employees, Statutory Employees
Statutory nonemployees, Statutory Nonemployees
Suggestions for publication, Comments and suggestions.
Supplemental unemployment benefits, Supplemental Unemployment Benefits


Tax-exempt organizations, 3. Employees of Exempt Organizations
Tax-sheltered annuities, Tax-Sheltered Annuities
Technical service specialists, Technical service specialists.
Third-party sick pay, 6. Sick Pay Reporting

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