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EPIC Web Utilities -- COVER
Small examples

It's expected that the most common use will be that the script outputs HTML; example:

echo "Content-type: text/html"
echo ""
echo "<H1>This is a tiny forms responder</H1>"
echo "<P><B>Whatever</B> HTML you want...<BR>"
echo "usually dependent upon script arguments..."

Of course, it could output a GIF image:

	echo "Content-type: image/gif"
	echo ""
	cat /webstuff/logo/$1.gif

Or redirect the browser to another file location:

	if ( "$1" == "help" ) then
		echo "Location: help.html"
		echo "Location: gifs/$1.gif"
	echo ""
Note -- The blank line after the header(s) is required by the CGI standard!

If you have any questions about COVER utility please contact: epic@pmel.noaa.gov