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Agent Name Niobium
CAS Number 7440-03-1
Formula Nb
Major Category Metals
Synonyms Columbium; Niobium element; Niobium-93; VN 1; [ChemIDplus]
Category Elements, Metallic
Description Shiny, soft, ductile metal that develops a bluish cast after oxidizing in air at room temperature over a long time or after heating to 200 deg C; []
Sources/Uses There are 18 known isotopes. Ores (niobite or columbite, niobite-tantalite, parochlore, and euxenite) are known in Canada, Brazil, Nigeria, Zaire, and Russia. Used in welding rods, jewelry, and superconductive magnets; Was used in the space program for advanced air frame systems; [] Used in superalloys containing up to 5% niobium to make gas turbine components; [Ullmann]
Comments A severe skin irritant; Toxicity by ingestion is low. [Sax]
Exposure Assessment
Explanatory Notes mp = 2468 deg C; [Sax]
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Last updated: September, 2008