State of New Jersey Department of Education
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Divisions of the Department of Education

Special Assistant to the Commissioner
Special Assistant Donna Arons
fax: (609) 777-4099

The Special Assistant to the Commissioner oversees the Office of Controversies and Disputes, Office of School Ethics, Office of Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action, and the Divisions of Finance and Field Services.  The Special Assistant also assists the Commissioner in the development, review and implementation of policies and standards affecting department operations and serves as liaison with the Legislature, Office of Administrative Law, Governor’s Office and other state or local agencies.

Office of Controversies and Disputes

The office assists the Commissioner of Education in fulfilling his/her responsibility to decide, through the contested case process, disputes arising under school law and regulations.  Such disputes include appeals filed by parties alleging violation of school law, questions about the entitlement of students to attend school in the district based on residency, tenure charges brought by local boards of education against school employees, and review of penalties recommended by the School Ethics Commission for violations of the School Ethics Act.  The office also provides general information to the public about state school laws.

Director: Kathleen Duncan
phone: (609) 292-5705
fax: (609) 292-4333

Office of School Ethics Commission

The School Ethics Commission was created under the School Ethics Act, N.J.S.A. 18A:12-21 et seq. effective April 15, 1992.  The Commission is a nine-member body that reviews, investigates and renders decisions on complaints against school officials alleging violations of the School Ethics Act.  Such complaints usually allege some type of conflict of interest of a school official, which the act defines as a school board member or administrator.  If the Commission finds a violation, it is authorized to recommend to the Commissioner of Education that the school official receive a sanction that can range from a reprimand to removal from office.  The Commission also issues advisory opinions to school officials seeking guidance on their conduct. It also oversees the process for the filing of financial and personal disclosure statements by all school officials.  In addition, it enforces the statutory requirement that all new school board members attend new board member training within the first year of their first term on the board.

Executive Director: Joanne Boyle
phone: (609) 984-6941
fax: (609) 633-0279

Office of Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action

The Office of EEO/AA provides management and oversight of the Discrimination Appeals process, along with mediation and conflict resolution. The EEO/AA office advises the Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner on all matters related to compliance with the New Jersey State Policy Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment or Hostile Work Environment.   The office develops the EEO/Workforce Development Plan for the Department of Education, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 11A:7-8. In addition, this office is responsible for providing training as needed to all employees, including Marie Katzenbach School for the Deaf and for developing and implementing affirmative action plans to promote diversity in the workforce.  The EEO/AA Office is responsible for ensuring compliance with the Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.  This office investigates ADA complaints as well.  The EEO/AA officer monitors all hiring policies and practices, including recruitment, selection and retention of employees.
Manager: Mabel A. Williams
phone: (609) 292-5985

Division of Finance
Assistant Commissioner Katherine Attwood
fax: 609-292-6794

The Assistant Commissioner of the Division of Finance oversees the activities of the following offices: Office of Budget Review and Fiscal Monitors, Office of Fiscal Policy and Planning, Office of Grants Management, Office of School Funding, and Office of Transportation.

Office of Budget Review and Fiscal Monitors

The Office of Budget Review and Fiscal Monitors administers the budget review and approval process for at-risk districts, including districts identified under the New Jersey Quality Single Accountability Continuum (NJQSAC) and the currently designated 31 Abbott districts.  The office works closely with the Division of District and School Improvement and the 21 County Offices to review and approve at-risk district budgets to ensure targeting of resources to student needs in the most efficient and effective manner.  The office implements the fiscal oversight responsibilities of the Abbott decisions, as applicable.  The office is also responsible for developing recommendations to the Commissioner for restoration of municipal tax reductions under the defeated budget process, as well as for certification of levies in districts where the municipality fails to act in accordance with New Jersey law.  The office manages the activities of the state monitors appointed by the Commissioner under the School District Fiscal Accountability Act.  

Director: Joan Nesenkar Saylor, Ed.D.
phone: 609-943-4115
fax: 609-292-6794

Office of Fiscal Policy and Planning

The office is responsible for the development and maintenance of fiscal policy for New Jersey’s public school districts and private schools for the disabled.  It is responsible for all finance-related policy development and legislative analysis and planning, including development and maintenance of administrative code.  The office administers the annual school budget process and the defeated school budget process.  It also develops and maintains the audit program, containing all annual audit policies, standards and guidelines consistent with generally accepted governmental auditing standards, as well as state laws and regulations, including the Abbott addendum for school-based budget reporting.  Responsibilities include the development of technical publications, forms, and training programs in budgeting, reporting, and fiscal administration; the development of audit plans and programs to determine compliance by local school districts, private schools for the disabled and other educational agencies with state and federal laws and regulations; and the issuance of guidance and pronouncements on generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).

Director: Beth Brooks
phone:  609-292-7131
fax:  609-292-6794

Office of Grants Management

The Office of Grants Management (OGM) provides assistance to agencies and NJDOE program offices through the establishment and maintenance of systems to plan for, acquire, award and manage grant funds in a fair and equitable manner to support initiatives that enhance the educational experience of children and adult learners, and that promote statewide educational excellence.  The office is responsible for three broad functions in support of an efficient, effective and accountable grants management system: (1) planning -- working collaboratively with program offices to design subgrant programs that are consistent with the department's goals and priorities; (2) subgrant implementation -- supporting the implementation of individual grant projects to promote educational success; and (3) oversight and compliance -- ensuring that the department's grants management system, including the management of subgrant programs, will withstand the tests of audit and public scrutiny.

Director: Anne Corwell
phone: (609) 777-1468
fax: (609) 777-1051

Office of School Funding

The office administers the state aid system for schools in accordance with applicable statutes and provides fiscal oversight of charter schools.  It collects and validates the necessary data and then calculates, disburses and accounts for the various state aid programs pursuant to the Comprehensive Educational Improvement and Financing Act of 1996 (CEIFA), state aid for services to nonpublic school pupils, state aid pursuant to the State Facilities Education Act and other statutory aid programs.  Several important data collections including the ASSA, Charter School Enrollment, Debt Service, Audit Summary, School Register Summary, State Facilities Pupil Count, Nonpublic Schools Reimbursement Data, and FICA Reimbursement data are administered by this office.  The office also conducts research related to school finance issues; performs state aid simulations relative to future school finance trends; prepares several reports including the “Biennial Report on the Cost of Providing a Thorough and Efficient Education,” the annual comparative spending guide, annual federal fiscal data including the Common Core Data (CCD) and other National Public Education Financial Survey (NPEFS) data, annual Certified Public School Tuition Rates; studies and develops the District Factor Grouping report; analyzes proposed legislation; prepares fiscal notes assessing the fiscal impact of legislative initiatives; and responds to a variety of constituents about state aid and the formula used to calculate that aid. 

Director: Yut’se Thomas
phone: (609) 984-4948
fax: (609) 292-6794

Office of Transportation

The office is responsible for developing regulations and procedures for safe and efficient student transportation services.  The office monitors, analyzes and evaluates local districts’ transportation systems and keeps records in order to increase the safety, cost-effectiveness and accountability of transportation operations.  In addition, the office performs a fiscal function by administering the reimbursement program for the purchase and installation of school bus crossing control arms and supplemental nonpublic transportation aid, collects and validates various data necessary to calculate state aid for student transportation, and conducts studies to identify operational trends and efficiencies.  Finally, the office develops training programs, provides guidance and oversight in the consolidation of public and nonpublic school transportation services among districts and other agencies, and oversees the administration of transportation contracts.

Director: Jerry Ford
phone: (609) 984-5757
fax: (609) 633-9790

Division of Field Services
Assistant Commissioner William King
Fax (609) 292-3830

The Division of Field Services provides oversight to the 21 County Offices of Education.  The division is responsible for implementation of state rules and regulations, including NJQSAC and CORE.  Field Services acts as the communication link between DOE offices and districts, via the county offices.

» County Offices

Deputy Commissioner Division
Deputy Commissioner Willa Spicer
fax: 609-633-9553

The following divisions and offices report to the Deputy Commissioner:  Division of Early Childhood Education, Division of Educational Standards and Programs, Division of District and School Improvement, Division of Student Services, and the Office of Research, Evaluation and Assessment.

Office of Research, Evaluation and Assessment

This office is responsible for the development and management of the New Jersey testing program for grades 3-8 and 11.  In addition, the research office will provide those services needed to ensure that educational programs in the state will be properly reviewed, revised and evaluated.  This service includes the design of studies, as well as collection and interpretation of relevant data.

Division of Early Childhood Education
Assistant Commissioner Jacqueline Jones
fax: 609-777-0967

The Assistant Commissioner for Early Childhood Education is responsible for the oversight of the following offices: Office of Preschool Education and Office of K-3 Education.

Office of Preschool Education

The Office of Preschool Education (OPE) is responsible for developing policy and overseeing implementation of preschool programs throughout the state.  OPE has primary responsibility for administering the Abbott Preschool Program, which requires the 31 Abbott school districts to provide full-day, full-year preschool education to all resident three- and four-year-olds.  The Early Launch to Learning Initiative (ELLI), under which 28 school districts offer preschool services for low-income students is operated under the guidance of the OPE. In addition, OPE administers Early Childhood Program Aid (ECPA), under which 102 ECPA school districts are required to provide half-day preschool and full-day kindergarten to eligible children.  The OPE is also engaged in a number of early childhood education program improvement initiatives, including the development and ongoing revision of state program standards and curriculum frameworks, professional development, and assessment and evaluation.

Director: Ellen Wolock
phone: 609-777-2074
fax: 609-777-0967

Office of K-3 Education

The Office of K-3 Education is responsible for developing policy and overseeing implementation of kindergraden through third-grade education programs throughout the state.  The OPE is also engaged in a number of education program improvement initiatives, including the development and ongoing revision of state program standards and curriculum frameworks, professional development, and assessment and evaluation.
Director: Vacant
phone: 609-777-2074

fax: 609-777-0967

Division of Educational Standards and Programs
Assistant Commissioner Jay Doolan
fax: 609-777-4481

The Assistant Commissioner for Educational Standards and Programs has oversight of the following offices: Office of Academic Standards; Office of State Assessments; Office of Math and Science Education; Office of Language Arts Literacy, including Reading First; Office of Professional Standards, Licensing and Higher Education Collaboration; Office of Career and Technical Education; and the Office Charter Schools.

Office of Academic Standards

The Office of Academic Standards and Programs comprises four units: K-12 content standards, Title IIA, NJPEP (New Jersey Professional Education Port Web site), and Recognition Programs.  The standards unit is responsible for the development, dissemination, and implementation of the Core Curriculum Content Standards and their periodic revision.  The Title IIA office is responsible for the Title II Teacher Quality grants for both K-12 and higher education – the approval, implementation and oversight of both the entitlement and discretionary grants associated with this Title.  The New Jersey Professional Education Port (NJPEP) supports the understanding and implementation of the Core Curriculum Content Standards and statewide assessments through the Web site.  The Recognition Programs unit helps to recognize and encourage exemplary programs in the state through various recognitions including Teacher of the Year, Blue Ribbon Schools, Robert C. Byrd Scholars, and the Milken Family Foundation National Educator Awards.

Director: Janis J. Jensen
phone: (609) 984-5322
fax: (609) 292-7276

Office of State Assessments

The office is responsible for administering the statewide educational assessment system, which includes the High School Proficiency Assessment (HSPA), the New Jersey Assessment of Skills and Knowledge, covering grades 3 through 8, and  the Alternate Proficiency Assessment (APA).  Language arts literacy and mathematics are assessed at each grade level, while science is assessed in grades 4 and 8, along with a biology end-of-course assessment at the high school level.  These assessments are used to measure student progress in achieving the Core Curriculum Content Standards (CCCS) and to meet state and federal accountability requirements, particularly those mandated by the No Child Left Behind Act .  All assessments are aligned to the Core Curriculum Content Standards and related student progress indicators.  The Alternate Proficiency Assessment (APA) serves students with severe cognitive disabilities.

Director: Timothy A. Peters
phone: (609) 984-6311
fax: (609) 633-3707

Office of Language Arts Literacy Education including the Office of Reading First

The office oversees the Intensive Early Literacy (IEL) initiative which impacts primary schools in districts and includes special populations, such as bilingual/ESL and special education. Currently, the Office of Language Arts Literacy Education works in districts throughout the state with a focus on the needs of the  lowest-performing schools and districts.  Collaboratively, district and DOE personnel work to examine and interpret data, ascertain the needs of the district, and author a mutually-agreed upon report which then becomes the foundation for a plan developed by the district to improve instruction and, ultimately, student achievement.

In addition, the office oversees the Governor’s Initiative for the Development of Early Achievement in Literacy (IDEAL) in 31 districts to implement eleven core features of the Intensive Early Literacy model.  The office provides professional development, technical assistance and ongoing support in kindergarten through fourth-grade classrooms.

The office also provides support for eighteen districts throughout the state as they implement a LEADS (Literacy is Essential for Adolescent Development and Success) framework in the middle grades.  Goals include ensuring that students are challenged to do proficient and advanced proficient work, that instruction is geared to proficient and advanced proficient work, and that students are engaged in a structured, student-centered approach with scientifically based reading strategies, techniques and interventions.  Literacy Specialists provide professional development, technical assistance and coaching.

The office trains and provides ongoing professional development for district Special Education Literacy Resource coaches who work among general education and special education teachers, ensuring differentiated instruction and targeted interventions for at-risk students.

The office also administers the Even Start Family Literacy Grant.

The Office of Reading First was established in July 2002 when the NJ Department of Education received approval for a six-year $120 million federal Reading First grant.  Currently 20 school districts involving 73 schools with grades K-3 are working with Reading First grants.  The goals of the grant reinforce the Intensive Early Literacy mandates with programs and practices in K-3 classrooms based on scientifically based reading research.  The main goal is to have all students able to read by the end of third grade.

Director, Language Arts Literacy Education: Mary Jane Kurabinski
phone: (609) 633-1726
fax: (609) 943-4752

Director, Reading First: Mary Ann Capetola
phone: (609) 633-6355
fax: (609) 943-4752

Office of Math and Science Education

The Office of Math and Science Education was established to coordinate all math and science initiatives, including professional development. The office plays a leadership role in helping to define best practices in math and science education and working with district and school leaders, teachers, institutes of higher education, as well as other professional development providers to insure that all agents are working toward a common understanding of quality education.  The office approaches this work through several strategies: the first is to expand public awareness and understanding of the importance of math and science to success in the 21st century workplace and to the state’s future economic growth and prosperity; the second is to increase the number of students who take courses and master high-level mathematics and science subjects and ultimately pursue STEM careers; the third is to improve the quality of mathematics and science education by examining teacher recruitment initiatives, preparation programs, and teacher support efforts including professional development that result in a larger number of high-quality teachers. Professional development initiatives initially will emphasize support for the recommendations from the High School Redesign Steering Committee.

Director:  Sandra M. Alberti
Phone: (609)984-5322
Fax:  (609)292-7276

Office of Career And Technical Education

The office is responsible for the implementation of the state’s K-12 career education and counseling system and for career and technical education programs in secondary and postsecondary schools and colleges.  The office is responsible for administering the funding provided under the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act.  The office also administers the GED program and adult secondary education programs.  The staff serves as the department’s liaison for the state’s workforce development system; coordinates efforts to redesign the state system of career and technical education; and ensures compliance with federal and state regulations.  In addition, the office administers Title V of the NCLB Act and the advanced placement initiative to facilitate innovation, equity and educational excellence.

Director: Marie Barry
phone: 609-292-5850
fax: 609-633-9825

Office of Professional Standards, Licensing and Higher Education Collaboration

The Office of Professional Standards, Licensing, and Higher Education Collaboration consists of two major work units, (1) Professional Standards and (2) Licensure and Credentials.

The Professional Standards Unit aims to ensure high-quality teaching and educational leadership throughout the state. The unit works with multiple constituents such as colleges and universities, professional associations and boards, and county and district offices to develop policies and programs to:

In addition, the unit administers federal grants, other funding programs, and special projects in support of the unit’s goals as requested by the Assistant Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner, or Commissioner of Education.

The Licensure and Credentials Unit determines the eligibility of individuals seeking employment in New Jersey public schools; issues licenses to qualified candidates; and approves preparation programs for school personnel offered by New Jersey institutions of higher education.  The unit:

Director: Cathy Pine
phone: (609) 984-6645
fax: (609) 292-3768
Director of Licensing and Credentials: Robert Higgins
phone: (609) 292-3787
fax: (609) 292-3768

Office of Charter Schools

The office is responsible for developing policy and implementing the department’s oversight of charter schools statewide.  The office is also responsible for developing and implementing policies to review, revoke, surrender, renew, develop applications and approval processes and procedures for all charter schools.  In addition, the office administers the federal Charter School Grant program.  A charter school is a public school operated under a charter granted by the Commissioner of Education, that is independent of the district board of education and that is governed by a board of trustees.

Manager, Charter Schools: Kenneth Figgs
phone: (609) 292-5850
fax: (609) 633-9825

Division of District and School Improvement
Assistant Commissioner
fax: 609-777-4538

The Assistant Commissioner of the Division of District and School Improvement oversees three offices: the Office of Abbott Services, the Office of District and School Improvement Services and the Office of Leadership Development.  Division personnel work collaboratively with internal and external partners to ensure that improvement efforts are research-based, innovative data-driven, and focused on the unique needs of targeted schools and districts.

Office of Abbott Services

The Office of Abbott Services focuses on improving student achievement in the 31 school districts which serve the students of New Jersey’s most economically disadvantaged municipalities.  The office works toward the implementation of financial assistance and specific remedies that promote equity for students that are mandated by the Abbott v Burke New Jersey Supreme Court decisions.  The office works collaboratively with other divisions within the department, school and district personnel, parents, and the community to identify areas of concern and to ensure that effective improvement strategies are implemented and sustained.

Director: James McBee
phone: (609) 292-6874
fax: (609) 341-2072

Office of District and School Improvement Services

The Office of District and School Improvement Services designs, develops and implements district and school improvement initiatives to meet the requirements of New Jersey Quality Single Accountability Continuum (NJQSAC).  The office also supports the Collaborative Assessment and Planning for Achievement (CAPA) process and assists with the development of targeted interventions for schools and districts in need of improvement.  The office uses research-based strategies and protocols for planning and continuous improvement based on data, needs and outcomes, and it promotes professional development opportunities.  The office supports systemic change and improvement in schools and districts through creative partnerships with internal and external stakeholders.

Director: Linda L. Morse
phone: (609) 777-1653
fax: (609) 984-5901

Office of Leadership Development

The Office of Leadership Development will serve to ensure that every New Jersey district and school is lead by an outstanding educational leader who has the knowledge, skills, and disposition required to improve teaching and learning.  The office will collaborate with schools, districts, and other divisions/offices within the New Jersey Department of Education and other stakeholders through the use of research, best practices, and innovation to support the development and professional growth of educational leaders.

Director: Elaine P. Davis
phone: (609) 984-4966
fax: (609) 777-4538

Division of Student Services
Assistant Commissioner Barbara Gantwerk
fax: 609-633-1046

The Assistant Commissioner oversees the following offices: Office of Educational Support Services; Office of Special Education Programs; and the Office of Student Achievement and Accountability.  The division also includes oversight of the Marie Katzenbach School for the Deaf.

Office of Educational Support Services

The Office of Educational Support Services supports the positive development of students in grades K-12 by providing policy guidance, professional development and technical assistance to school staff; developing and issuing publications and policy papers. It also develops, implements and evaluates interagency initiatives, grant programs, pilot and demonstration projects and promising practices in the following areas: primary prevention of health, socio-emotional and behavioral problems; student support services; intervention and referral services for student learning, behavior and health problems; student conduct; school safety and security, including law enforcement operations, substance abuse, violence, vandalism, bullying and traumatic loss; health services; HIV; alternative education programs; home or out-of-school instruction for general education students; family literacy; and extra-curricular programs.  The office administers the following federal programs: Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities, 21st Century Community Learning Centers, Character Education, Grant to Improve Management of Drug & Violence Prevention Programs, Cooperative Agreement for School Health Programs and Even Start Family Literacy.  The office coordinates state programs with New Jersey nonpublic schools. The office has established strong collaborative partnerships with the Departments of Health and Senior Services, Human Services, Law and Public Safety, and Corrections, the Juvenile Justice Commission, the Administrative Office of the Courts and the Domestic Security Preparedness Task Force.

Director: Susan Martz
phone: (609) 292-5935
fax: (609) 633-9655

Office of Special Education Programs

The office implements state and federal laws and regulations governing special education to ensure that pupils with disabilities in New Jersey receive full educational opportunities. It provides statewide leadership through the development of policy and implementation documents and provides guidance to school districts and parents regarding the implementation of special education programs and services. The office is responsible for administering all federal funds received by the state for educating pupils with disabilities ages 3 through 21. It also monitors the delivery of special education programs operated under state authority, provides mediation services to parents and school districts, processes hearings with the Office of Administrative Law, and conducts complaint investigations requested by the public. In addition, the office funds four learning resource centers (LRCs) that provide schools and parents with information services, materials circulation, technical assistance, consultation services and production services. The office also plans and implements program and personnel development activities in areas such as implementing the least restrictive environment provision, planning the transition of students with disabilities from school to adulthood, planning programs and services for preschool children with disabilities, developing Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) and accessing individual rights and entitlements.

Director: Roberta Wohle
phone: (609) 292-0147
fax: (609) 984-8422

Office of Student Achievement and Accountability

The office coordinates the implementation of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) policies, procedures, monitoring, appeals and complaints.  The office also oversees the administration of federal Title I programs under NCLB that provide federal funds to school districts to boost student achievement. The office is responsible for the distribution of Title I and Title III grant funds, development of program guidance, the collection and dissemination of program data, the calculation of state assessment data for adequate yearly progress (AYP) determinations, the implementation of supplemental educational services, and the provision of school improvement support services (CAPA) to low-performing schools. The office also develops policy for planning and administering both federal and state programs designed to serve diverse student populations with unique needs. These include the following programs: limited English proficient (LEP) education, immigrant education, migrant education, rural education, American Indian education, programs for homeless children, and programs for neglected and delinquent children.

Director: Suzanne Ochse
phone: (609) 943-4283
fax: (609) 292-4319

Marie H. Katzenbach School for the Deaf

The school provides educational and vocational services to deaf and multiply disabled deaf and hard-of-hearing children from birth through age 21. Residential services are provided to about half of the school’s student population on a four-night-a-week basis. Special programs to broaden the population served by the school include pre-school-age deaf, emotionally disturbed and deaf-blind students.

Superintendent: Dennis Russell
phone: (609) 530-3112
fax: (609) 530-5791

Office of the Chief of Staff
Chief of Staff John J. Hart
fax: 609-633-9553

The Office of the Chief of Staff assists the Commissioner of Education with the strategic direction and program implementation of the department and helps coordinate with the Governor’s Office and the Legislature on key constituent issues.  It is also responsible for management and oversight of the following offices:  Office of Fiscal Accountability and Compliance, Office of Administration and Human Resources; Office of Educational and Information Technology; Office of Legislative Services; Office of Public Information; Office of School Facilities; Office of the State Board; and Office of State Budget and Accounting.

Office of Fiscal Accountability and Compliance

The Office of Fiscal Accountability and Compliance (OFAC), formerly the Office of Compliance Investigation, acts on the Commissioner’s behalf in the receipt, exchange, review and investigation of information relevant to the efficient supervision of all schools of the state receiving support or aid from federal and state appropriations in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:4-23.  The office is responsible for all investigative and many auditing functions conducted by the department, as well as criminal background checks of applicants for positions in New Jersey schools.

Director: Robert Cicchino
Phone: (609) 984-5593
Fax: (609) 396-2032

Office of Administration and Human Resources

The Office of Administration and Human Resources provides general administrative support services to the entire Department of Education in the areas of human resources management, labor relations, facilities operations and management services.  It plans, executes, monitors and evaluates the administrative affairs of the department in a manner consistent with state and federal law and regulations.

Director: David Corso
phone: (609) 292-7671
fax: (609) 292-7278

Office of Educational and Information Technology

The office oversees all of the department’s educational technology initiatives in support of the Strategic Plan to assure that school districts have the necessary technology resources to enable all students to achieve the Core Curriculum Content Standards.  Initiatives include directing the administration of Distance Learning Network Aid, the Educational Technology Training Centers, No Child Left Behind, and New Jersey’s annual technology survey.

The office also develops and maintains the department’s systems for collecting and analyzing information for decision-making purposes and for collecting information from school districts to satisfy state and federal reporting requirements.  In addition, it develops and maintains the department’s office technology systems to assure that all staff members have the technology resources that will enable them to perform their functions effectively and efficiently.

Director: Jack W. Longworth
phone: (609) 633-9773
fax: (609) 633-9865

Office of Legislative Services

The Office of Legislative Services monitors and reviews state and federal legislation.  This office is responsible for department interaction with the state Legislature and the U.S. Congress and interfaces with educational constituency groups and policy makers around the implementation of departmental initiatives.  The Office of Legislative Services also works in collaboration with each office within the divisions to provide comments on bills pending before the Legislature.

Director: Jessica Gorton de Koninck
phone: (609) 292-6038
fax: (609) 777-2077

Office of Public Information

The Office of Public Information responds to requests for information from governmental entities, the media, and the general public.  It also provides information to the media and public through press releases and by coordinating activities such as press conferences and interviews.  Department–wide documents are published and distributed by the Public Information Office and disseminated over listservs to those who are subscribed.  It also oversees the development and quality control of the department’s Web site.  The annual New Jersey School Report Card is produced under this office.  The Commissioner’s correspondence is processed by this office, as well.

Director: Kathryn Forsyth
phone: (609) 292-1126
fax: (609) 984-6756

Office of State Budget and Accounting

The Office of State Budget and Accounting is responsible for the following functions:  Planning, organizing, and directing the department’s annual budget request; monitoring department accounts to ensure that there are sufficient funds; collecting federal and other revenues; preparing required state and federal financial reports; and overseeing the accounting and purchasing activities of the department.  The director functions as the department’s Chief Fiscal Officer.

Director: Robert K. Goertz
phone: (609) 984-4900
fax: (609) 633-7496

Office of School Facilities

The Office of Facilities is responsible for developing and maintaining the educational adequacy and efficiency standards for school facilities financing, as well as approving educational specifications, schematic plans and determining the preliminary eligible costs for school facilities projects.  The office manages the development of long-range facilities plans for all schools, and administers all school facilities regulations.  In addition, it reviews lease purchase financing for school facility acquisition and construction to assure efficiency, as well as compliance with law and regulation.

Director, Bernard E. Piaia, Jr.
phone: (609) 984-5351
fax: (609) 777-4340

Offices of the State Board of Education

Erika Leak, Assistant to the Commissioner for the State Board
phone: (609) 984-6024
fax: (609) 633-0267

Office of the State Board

The office serves as a liaison between the Commissioner and the State Board of Education and between the state board and the public.  It provides support services to the state board by coordinating the board's meetings and public testimony sessions.  It also coordinates the board's special projects and committees.  In addition, the office is responsible for the administrative code review process and the equivalency and waiver process.  For state board-related activities, it provides administrative services, and it also prepares and conducts orientation for new board members and senior staff.

Acting Director: Kim Belin
phone: (609) 984-6024 and 292-0739 (voice mail)
fax: (609) 633-0267

Office of State Board Appeals

The State Board Appeals Office assists the State Board of Education in fulfilling its responsibility to decide controversies arising under the education laws and regulations.  The office processes appeals from determinations made by the Commissioner, the State Board of Examiners, and the School Ethics Commission.  It is also responsible for case management, including establishing the agenda of cases to be considered by the board and its legal committee.

phone: (609) 292-8361
fax: (609) 633-0267

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