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Cancer Prevention and Control

State Cancer Facts

Pennsylvania vs. United States* Comparisons

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New Cancer Case (Incidence) Rates  |  Death Rates
  Death Rates — Pennsylvania vs. United States,* 2004, Male and Female
Pennsylvania vs. United States Rates: 2004, Male and Female

Age-adjusted Rates per 100,000
 Site Pennsylvania U.S. *†
1Lung & Bronchus
Data by Race & Ethnicity
53.2 53.3 
2Female Breast
Data by Race & Ethnicity
27.3 24.4 
Data by Race & Ethnicity
24.2 25.4 
4Colon & Rectum
Data by Race & Ethnicity
19.3 17.9 
Data by Race & Ethnicity
11.2 10.6 
Data by Race & Ethnicity
8.9 8.8 
7Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
Data by Race & Ethnicity
7.7 7.0 
Data by Race & Ethnicity
7.5 7.2 
Data by Race & Ethnicity
5.0 4.4 
10Corpus & Uterus, NOS
Data by Race & Ethnicity
4.8 4.1 

Example: For every 100,000 men and women in Pennsylvania, on average, approximately 53.2 died from lung and bronchus cancer. For every 100,000 men and women in the United States, on average, approximately 53.3 died from lung and bronchus cancer.

Visit United States Cancer Statistics for more information on top cancer sites by geographic area, race, and gender.



* Data are from the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS).

† Rates are age-adjusted to the 2000 U.S. standard population (19 age groups — Census P25–1130). See Table for 95% confidence intervals for rates. Rates are suppressed and not ranked if case counts are fewer than 16 or if the population of the specific category (area, sex) is less than 50,000.

Notes: ONS — Other Nervous System; NOS — Not Otherwise Specified; IBD — Intrahepatic Bile Duct.

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