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Voices on Antisemitism features a broad range of perspectives about antisemitism and hatred today. Subscribe to Voices on Antisemitism as a podcast or listen to individual programs online. The opinions expressed in these interviews do not necessarily represent those of the Museum.

The series is made possible by generous support from the Oliver and Elizabeth Stanton Foundation.

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21 to 30 of 57
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March 27, 2008
Alexandra Zapruder
Alexandra Zapruder, editor, Salvaged Pages: Young Writers' Diaries of the Holocaust
In 1992, Alexandra Zapruder began to collect diaries written by children during the Holocaust. These diaries speak eloquently of both hope and despair.
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March 13, 2008
Michael Chabon
Michael Chabon, author
In his 2007 novel The Yiddish Policemen's Union, Michael Chabon tries to imagine a way out of the Holocaust.
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February 28, 2008
Alain Finkielkraut
Alain Finkielkraut, Professor of the History of Ideas, École Polytechnique
Essayist and philosopher Alain Finkielkraut has become wary of contemporary antisemitism that casts Jews in the role of oppressor.
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February 14, 2008
Dan Bar-On
Dan Bar-On, Professor of Psychology, Ben Gurion University, and Matthew Family Fellow at the Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies
Fifty years after World War II, Israeli psychologist Dan Bar-On began bringing together children of Holocaust survivors with children of Nazi perpetrators for dialogue and reflection.
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January 31, 2008
James Carroll
James Carroll, author and Boston Globe columnist
Though he left the priesthood more than thirty years ago, James Carroll has continued to wrestle with the Church's two thousand year history of anti-Judaism.
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January 17, 2008
Ruth Gruber
Ruth Gruber, photojournalist
In her 96 years, Ruth Gruber has been a witness to history, fighting injustice with her words and her photographs.
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January 3, 2008
Reza Aslan
Reza Aslan, author and scholar of religions
Reza Aslan is disturbed by what he calls the "global cosmic conflict" between the West and radical Islamism.
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December 20, 2007
Alan Dershowitz
Alan Dershowitz, Professor of Law, Harvard University
Alan Dershowitz is concerned over what he views as a rising tide of antisemitic speech on American college campuses.
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December 6, 2007
Michael Posner
Michael Posner, President, Human Rights First
Michael Posner has been at the center of the struggle for international human rights for thirty years. Today, Posner is pressuring governments to monitor hate crimes and enact legislation to protect vulnerable minorities.
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November 22, 2007
Susannah Heschel
Susannah Heschel, Professor of Religion, Dartmouth College
Susannah Heschel is inspired by the lasting friendship between her father, Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, and Martin Luther King. Heschel's own scholarly writings examine the way religious doctrine has been twisted to achieve ideological ends.
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Join us in the coming weeks to hear reflections on antisemitism from Nechama Tec, Professor Emerita of Sociology, University of Connecticut, Stamford; Alexander Verkhovsky, Director, SOVA Center for Information and Analysis, Moscow, Russia; and many others.

  • Credits
  • Copyright
  • Antisemitism
    (Holocaust Encyclopedia article)
  • History of Antisemitism
    (Library bibliography)
  • Antisemitism: Protocols of the Elders of Zion
    (Holocaust Encyclopedia article)
  • Nazi Propaganda
    (Holocaust Encyclopedia article)
  • Racism
    (Holocaust Encyclopedia article)
  • Anti-Jewish Legislation in Prewar Germany
    (Holocaust Encyclopedia article)
  • Christian Persecution of Jews over the Centuries
    (Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, Committee on Church Relations and the Holocaust)
  • Antisemitism: Special Two-Part Presentation
    (Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, Scholarly Presentation, December 18, 2003)
  • "Past Revisited? Historical Reflections on Contemporary Antisemitism"
    (Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, January 2003 Shapiro lecture by Steven Zipperstein)