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Regional Education Corps (REC)

Museum Regional Educators « Museum Regional Educators
The Regional Education Corps (REC) formally incorporates several Museum Teacher Fellows into the structured national outreach plan of the Education Division within the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

The REC is a trained, flexible, and responsive corps of master teachers drawn from the members of the Museum Teacher Fellowship Program. They assist the Museum in implementing educational programming on a national level. This includes the creation of and participation in workshops, conferences, forums, and traveling exhibitions, as well as coordination of Museum outreach at professional conferences such as the National Council for Social Studies and the National Council of Teachers of English.

REC programming targets audiences that play an important role in teaching, leading, and defending our society, and it is tailored to the unique needs of each audience and venue.

Museum Regional Educators:
National Outreach Geographic Regions
Western Region
Skip Aldrich
Rob Hadley
Marilyn Lubarsky
Jennifer Norton
Bonnie Sussman

Southwestern Region
Pam Blevins
Cathleen Cadigan
Kimberly Klett
Jenny McConnell

Rocky Mts/Plains
Lisa Bauman
Sheila Hansen
Peter Mehlbach
David Nienkamp
Jon Ward

Midwestern Region
Judy Bartel
Lolle Boettcher
David Lindquist
Doug Wadley
Joyce Witt
Aimee Young

Southeastern Region
Renee Kaplan
Sally Levine
Griff Watson

Middle Atlantic Region
Elaine Culbertson
Carol Danks
Colleen Tambuscio

Northeastern Region
Andy Cahn
Judi Freeman
Doug Pelton
Bob Smith

For more information, contact us at:

Regional Education Corps Program
Christina E. Chavarria
Coordinator, Regional Education Corps
Education Division
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, SW
Washington, DC 20024-2126
Tel: (202) 488-0466
Fax: (202) 314-7888