National Weather Service Training Center

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Data Acquisition

Course Descriptions

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  • Cooperative Network Operation (CPM01)
  • Data Acquisition Ops (DATAC)
  • CSSA {WBT}
  • For a complete listing of related training see :

  • NWSTRN HydroMetTech
  • NWSTRN Meteorologist
  • NWSTRN Hydrologist


    Cooperative Network Operations

    Course Number: CPM01

    Type of Course: Residence

    Course Length: 8 working days ( Click for class schedule ) Additional information will be provided to participants in an electronic Welcome Packet about 1 month prior to the course

    Intended Audience: NWS personnel assigned to maintain and manage the WFO Cooperative Observing Program. Note: This is not an appropriate course for Meteorological Interns working on the FDP learning path unless they are assigned to the WFO COOP Observing Program.

    Course Goal: To provide the knowledge and skills needed to maintain and manage the Cooperative Observing Program and its associated equipment.

    Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:

  • Describe cooperative network requirements, purposes, and objectives.
  • Recruit and train observers.
  • Install and maintain cooperative network equipment.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in administrative duties associated with the CPM program.
  • Describe the role of NCDC and other agencies in the cooperative program.
  • Perform quality control on cooperative network data.
  • Maintain operational programs associated with the Coop Observer Networks.
  • Course Content: This course contains a mixture of cooperative program information and equipment repair lessons. There is a strong emphasis on hands-on for the equipment repair and computer database segments of the course. The course covers topics such as quality assurance and quality control, station visitation, site mapping, CSSA usage, equipment preventive maintenance and repair, and snow measurement procedures.

    Pre-Requisites: The following pre-requisites must be completed prior to attending this course. The exercises may be downloaded by selecting the " RTM " number.

    1. RTM 600 : Cooperative Program Operations using NWS Directive System 10-13, Instructions 10-1302, 10-1307, 10-1310.
    2. RTM 610: Cooperative Station Observations using NWS Directive System 10-13, Instruction 10-1315 This directive replaces NWS Observing Handbook No. 2.
    3. Shef Code Tutorial

    Note: The pre-requisites are "OPEN BOOK" exercises.

    ACE Accreditation: The American Council on Education has not reviewed this course for recommendation of college credit.

    Course Manager - Sondra "Sky" Young-Wick:

    Data Acquisition Course (DATAC)

    Course Number: DATAC

    Type of Course: Residence

    Course Length: 3.0 days Click here for Class Schedule Additional information will be provided to participants in an electronic Welcome Packet about 1 month prior to the course

    Intended Audience: Individuals at NWS Weather Forecast Offices (WFOs) who are involved with the data acquisition program. This includes individuals who help establish and/or inspect aviation observation stations, perform quality control of data, and/or are involved with the upper air program. Individuals can be a meteorologist, or hydro-meteorologist technician.

    Pre-requisite: Complete an on-line exam prior to coming to class. The exam covers policies and procedures associated with the Surface Observing Program and Climate Program.

    Prerequisite details and on-line exam

    Course Goal: To provide knowledge and skills for Data Acquisition within a National Weather Service Weather Forecast Office.

    Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    Course Content: The course covers a NWS policies, procedures, and responsibilities involving aviation surface observing stations, supplementary climate data, marine observations, and NWS upper air program. The course includes hands-on exercises that emphasize the learning objectives.

    Additional training on data acquisition involving cooperative and hydrologic data is taught in other NWSTC courses.

    Course Manager - Jerry Griffin:

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    TITLE: Web Based CSSA

    Description: Provides training that focuses on data entry, field by field, in the 2001 release of the web-based CSSA. It is intended for those somewhat familiar in the preparation of B44 Station Documentation for Cooperative Weather Stations.

    Start: Cooperative Station Service Accountability (WBT)

    Lesson requires use of Internet Explorer browser.

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    NWSTC - Updated 04/15/2009
